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To: Sunshine55
Sounds like they have their heads screwed on straight over there.
To: Sunshine55
Thanks for posting this. I've been frantically searching for info on the matter!
To: Sunshine55
'Bout time they do something right.
To: Sunshine55
This is most odd. I wonder if Chinese intelligence knows something specific.
To: Sunshine55
Exactly what the US should do.
To: Sunshine55
USA catches a break.
7 posted on
10/13/2001 5:35:38 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
Sounds like China's quasi-marshal law has some dividends.
8 posted on
10/13/2001 5:36:23 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
"We were told not to sell tickets to Muslim passengers mainly for routes going to North America . . ." How utterly disgraceful. China is doing more to prevent further terrorist attacks in the United States than the United States is.
To: Sunshine55
It will be interesting to see if the anti-everything crowd will have cajones to challenge the ChiComms on this. I personally doubt it.
An obvious case of racial profiling ... LOL!
10 posted on
10/13/2001 5:42:14 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
If someone is a memeber of a religion that promotes the killing of Americans, then every member of that religion who is not an American Citizen should be immediately deported. The Religion itself is Anti-American. It preaches hatred of Christians and Jews as clearly as did Hitler. We don't allow Nazis to emigrate to the US. Why do we allow Muslims? What is the difference?
What the Hell is wrong with America? Why do we put up with these people?
To: Sunshine55
This is so ironic to me. During the Florida vote-creating fiasco, I kept e-mailing Singapore Yank telling him I was on my way whenever it looked bad for W. Last week SY mentioned that there are Muslims in Singapore, so I had to come up with a new place to emigrate to (btw, I work a few blocks from the WTC, otherwise I don't think I'd be so paranoid). I came up with Hong Kong and bemoaned this choice to co-workers: "Who would have thought that I would want to flee to a *communist* country in order to feel safe?"
Seems I was pretty prescient ...
17 posted on
10/13/2001 5:47:06 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
Worthy of consideration.
To: Sunshine55
I wish Bush would not travel outside the country right now.
21 posted on
10/13/2001 6:12:57 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
Major Bump!
We know this needs to be done here & NOW!!
It saddens me that we don't have the balls to do it and to hell with the PC groupies and the PC Media!
To: independentmind
Sounds like they have their heads screwed on straight over there. Gee ... how soon until we get to be TRULY totalitarian?
26 posted on
10/13/2001 6:55:01 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
Heck, let's not just stop following the Commies, er Chinese on this. Why not start whacking all those dangerous cults like right wingers and Southern Baptists-after all, they blew up buildings and own lots of weapons and are always critical of the government. Their religion is critical of much of the government, especially homosexual "rights", abortion, and gun control. They are then opposed to the American way of life! We should deport them to some country and sieze their property and ban the practise of their religion. After all, why be scared to sacrifice a few possibly innocent people if it will save lives? < sarcasm >
28 posted on
10/13/2001 7:07:58 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55
This isn't about totalitarianism vs democracy as much as about common sense vs political correctness in a culture that has lost self-assurance.
To: Sunshine55
I can't imagine why we are allowing visitors or green card holders in the U.S. from the predominantly Muslim countries. Get them out of the U.S and the terrorist problem will decrease by 95%.
Can anyone on FR imagine the U.S. granting visas to Japanese or German national during WWII? (After most of them were just innocent people)
32 posted on
10/13/2001 9:09:17 PM PDT by
To: Sunshine55; Physicist; DoughtyOne
Sophia Woodman:- "This kind of blanket ban is clearly not the way to prevent terrorism and is discriminatory."
Yes it is! -- and -- Yes it is!
To: Sunshine55
Smart people, the Chinese. We should learn something from them.
45 posted on
05/26/2002 9:51:00 AM PDT by
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