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FReeper Foxhole - Military Related News in Review - May 5, 2003
Posted on 05/05/2003 4:15:08 AM PDT by snippy_about_it

Dear Lord,
There's a young man far from home, called to serve his nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore.
We pray You keep him safe, we pray You keep him strong, we pray You send him safely home ... for he's been away so long.
There's a young woman far from home, serving her nation with pride. Her step is strong, her step is sure, there is courage in every stride. We pray You keep her safe, we pray You keep her strong, we pray You send her safely home ... for she's been away too long.
Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost.
Author Unknown
FReepers from the The Foxhole join in prayer for all those serving their country at this time.
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U.S. Military History, Current Events and Veterans Issues
Where Duty, Honor and Country are acknowledged, affirmed and commemorated.
Our Mission: The FReeper Foxhole is dedicated to Veterans of our Nation's military forces and to others who are affected in their relationships with Veterans. We hope to provide an ongoing source of information about issues and problems that are specific to Veterans and resources that are available to Veterans and their families. In the FReeper Foxhole, Veterans or their family members should feel free to address their specific circumstances or whatever issues concern them in an atmosphere of peace, understanding, brotherhood and support.
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President Bush Announces (Major) Combat Operations in Iraq Have Ended
President George W. Bush on Thursday announced to the Nation that major combat operations in Iraq have ended, and our coalition is now engaged in securing and reconstructing that country. President Bush spoke from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln. Full Story
Watch it all over again by selecting the video link. Or see the still photographs again
USS Abraham Lincoln comes home
 Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, Calif. (May 2, 2003) -- Sailors aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) man the rails as the ship pulls into NAS North Island, during their port visit to off-load the ships Air Wing.
Lincoln and her embarked Carrier Air Wing Fourteen (CVW-14) are returning from a 10-month deployment to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Operation Iraqi Freedom is the multi-national coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people, eliminate Iraqs weapons of mass destruction, and end the regime of Saddam Hussein. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Lewis Hunsaker.
Cool Pic of the week - Clic on it
Benning soldier finds 'shining gem' in Iraq (Soldier's act brings sight to girl blinded in attack in Iraq)
BAGHDAD, IRAQ James Mattwig hoped there would be a happy ending to the story of the injured Iraqi girl he'd tried to help, and Saturday he found the answer. Two weeks ago, the U.S. Army staff sergeant met Aya, a 3-year-old Iraqi girl with a patch over her left eye. Mattwig was told that an artillery round had landed outside her family's home, shattering windows and sending a shard of glass into her eye. A local doctor had told her she was permanently blinded. That wasn't good enough for Mattwig, 31, a D-Troop scout with the 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division. He assembled a medical team the next day, Easter Sunday, and returned to her house. Aya was taken to a U.S. Army hospital, and that was the last Mattwig heard of Aya. Until Saturday. Once again, Mattwig assembled a convoy to Aya's home in downtown Baghdad. They arrived outside Aya's home almost as celebrities; neighbors gathered around the two Humvees as soon as they stopped. Mattwig popped his head over the metal gate outside Aya's house. A member of one of the five families living there saw him, grinned and disappeared inside the small flat. Moments later, Aya Nahi and her smiling mother, Akhlas, emerged from behind the gate. Aya's eye remained nearly closed, but Akhlas delivered some good news. "They fixed her in American hospital," Akhlas Nahi said. "She's not blind anymore." She told Mattwig that he had to visit again because she was making him a gift. "Something to remember," she said. link to story
DoD Sets Up Office to Help Lure Job Applicants 05-01-2003 Sgt. 1st Class Doug Sample American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON - The Defense Department, which employs more than 700,000 civilians in more than 900 occupations, has set up a new office to help lure job applicants to the federal workforce. The Defense Application Assistance Office was established this year to help those seeking government positions, such as help with the tedious application process, said John Moseley, deputy director for program support at DoD's Civilian Personnel Management Service. "What we're trying to overcome is that the application process is long, complex and people don't want to deal with it," said Moseley, a 30-year federal employee. "In the past it's been a very arduous task." Moseley said the assistance office also works to connect DoD recruiters and applicants. "The way our application process is now, someone fills out a stack of papers, ships them off to some unknown location, and they may or may not ever hear what happened," he explained. "We're going to change that. We're going to streamline the application process. We're going to stay in touch with the applicant," he added. "We're going to provide personalized service to people who have questions about this mystery." Full story
May 9th is Military Spouse Appreciation Day
This year Military Spouse Appreciation Day will be celebrated on 9 May.
President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first Military Spouse Appreciation Day on 17 April 1984. The official celebration has been designated as the Friday before Mother's Day.
Appreciation Memo release from Army
Appreciation Memo release from Marines
Appreciation Memo release from Navy (bottom of page)

KEYWORDS: airforce; army; catchingup; coastguard; currentevents; freeperfoxhole; marines; michaeldobbs; military; navy; news; samsdayoff; veterans
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In case you missed it.(In date order)
Forward-deployed Marine chosen as 15th Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps (posted 4/29/03) Published 4/25/03
Major U.S. Army Unit Set to Leave Iraq 4/29/03
Qatar: An American ally 4/29/03
US Forces Pull Out of Saudi Arabia 4/29/03

U.S. Army Lt. General William Wallace, 5th Corps commander, salutes Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as he arrives at Baghdad International Airport on April 30. Rumsfeld toured Baghdad and spoke with the troops. Baghdad International Airport is a primary base of operations for U.S. troops, cargo and humanitarian airlift for Operation Iraqi Freedom.
U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Cherie A. Thurlby- 5 More Photos
Rumsfeld indicates U.S. troops to be pulled out of Germany 4/30/03
War in Iraq Shows Growing Importance of Simulators 4/30/03
Pakistan Nabs USS Cole Suspect, Five Others 4/30/03
A Veterans Rally in Washington, D.C. Regarding VA HEALTH CARE! 4/30/03
Powell set to press Assad over arms and militants 4/30/03
Department of Navy Transfers Vieques Property 4/30/03
Text of Bush's speech 5/1/03
USS Lincoln Sailors Become U.S. Citizens
US to penalise France, drops weapons trade 5/01/03
In the field with the Seabees (Navy Seabees help to rebuild Iraq) 5/01/03
Outsourcing the Dirty Work - The military and its reliance on hired guns 5/1/03
Air Force Secretary Eyed For Top Army Job 5/02/03
Air Force preparing for next contingency 5/02/03
Rocket-powered breaks world land speed record (3 miles in 6 seconds)
Riot at Vieques navy base 5/02/03
Army recruiting Korean linguists: Shortage of Arabic translators called 'desperate' 5/02/03
JUSTICE FOR ENEMY: Military tribunal rules set for prisoners 5/03/03
Qatar Welcomes New U.S. Military Presence 5/03/03
BAE SYSTEMS to build aerial targets for Air Force 5/03/2003
Army testing finds drugs that may stop the SARS virus 5/03/03
Navy man shares war stories - Returning serviceman talks to kids 5/03/03
Iraqis, U.S. Marines Uncover Grave, Dozens of Bones 5/03/03
Stranded space crew land safely 5/04/03
For embedded reporter, Iraq became a story of firsts 5/04/03
Excerpt:First, let me explain: I don't camp, and when I did, flush toilets were always within an easy midnight walk. I subscribe to Bon Appetit and Cook's Illustrated and would never open a can of Chef Boyardee. I don't go outside without a shower and makeup. I have no military experience. Clic on above link for the rest of the story.
Uniqueness might not be enough to save a base 5/04/03
North Korea Will Nuke American Cities if Provoked (will test-fire ICBM over US homeland)
To: SAMWolf; MistyCA; AntiJen; Victoria Delsoul; SassyMom; bentfeather; GatorGirl; radu; souris; ...
The State of the Union is Strong!
Support the Commander in Chief
Click Here to Send a Message to the opposition!
To: *all
To: *all

Come on out of there for a cup a joe - 
Recent News - 
Stretch your legs a while and let us know what you'd like to see at the Foxhole on Mondays!
Please post any news you have links to that you'd like to share and send us any ideas you would like to see us cover at the Foxhole.
The Monday thread is still in transition as I try to tweak it to something I'm comfortable with.
If you have any questions or concerns we can help with just holler, if we can't help we'll be sure and try to point you in the right direction, we have a lot of good people lurking and posting that may be able to assist.
You can also send a freepmail to Sam, Jen or me if you like.
Have a good day and ENJOY!
To: snippy_about_it; SAMWolf; *all
posted on
05/05/2003 5:39:58 AM PDT
Soaring Feather
(I am a night person!! What am I doing up???)
To: snippy_about_it
Good Morning Snippy. Great job.
I loved the one about the girl getting her eye fixed. Gonna have lots of reading to do today.
posted on
05/05/2003 5:41:01 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: snippy_about_it
On This Day In History
Birthdates which occurred on May 05:
1352 Ruprecht Roman catholic German king
1557 Emmanuel-Philibert van Lalaing baron of Montigny/marquis of Renty
1635 Philippe Quinault French playwright (L'amant indiscret)
1657 Jacques Danican Philidor composer
1680 Giuseppe Porsile composer
1715 Daniel Dal Barba composer
1749 Jean-Frederic Edelmann composer
1800 Louis Hachette French publisher (Librairie Hachette)
1804 Jacob Kats Flemish writer (Earthly Paradise)
1813 Søren Kierkegaard Denmark, philosopher (founded Existentialism)
1815 Eugène-Marin Labiche French playwright
1817 George Washington Julian MC (Union), died in 1899
1818 Karl Marx philosopher (Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital)
1819 Stanislaw Moniuszko Polish composer
1823 James Allen Hardie Brevet Major General (Union Army), died in 1876
1826 Eugénie M de Montijo y de Guzman Empress of France
1832 H H Bancroft historian, publisher (History of the Pacific States)
1833 Ferdinand von Richthofen German geographer/explorer
1835 Leopold II Belgian crown prince, baptized
1842 Johann Nepomuk Fuchs composer
1846 Federico Chueca Madrid Spain, composer (La Gran Via)
1846 Henryk Sienkiewicz Poland, author (Quo Vadis, Nobel 1905)
1848 Adalbert von Goldschmidt composer
1849 Hambletonian Chester NY, greatest standardbred horse
1854 Antonio Smareglia composer
1862 Max Elskamp Belgian author/poet (Lesson Joies Blondes, Maya)
1863 Frederik A Stoett linguist (Dutch Proverbs)
1865 Felicjan Szopski composer
1867 Nellie Bly [Elizabeth Cochran Seaman] journalist
1867 Thomas Tertius Noble composer
1869 Hans Erich Pfitzner Moscow Russia, composer (Krakquer Begrüs)
1871 Alberto Cametti composer
1879 Symon Petlyura leader Ukraine (pogroms)
1883 Charles Bender only American Indian in baseball's Hall of Fame
1883 Leopold Samuel composer
1883 Petar Konjovic composer
1884 Wang Tjing-Wei premier China (1932-35)
1885 Henri Velge 1st chairman (Belgian Council of State)
1886 Manuel Borguno composer
1887 Estelle Hemsley Boston MA
1887 Lord Geoffrey Fisher of Lambeth archbishop of Canterbury
1889 Herbie Taylor cricketer (prolific South African pre- & post-WWI)
1890 Christopher Morley author (Kitty Foil)
1894 Kit Guard Denmark, actor (El Diablo Rides, Kid Courageous)
1899 Freeman Gosden Richmond VA, radio actor (Amos-Amos 'n' Andy)
1900 Charles Jewtraw US, 500 meter speed skater (Olympics-gold-1924)
1900 Hans Schmidt-Isserstedt German composer/conductor (Hassan gewinnt)
1900 Mervyn A Ellison British astronomer (spectrohelioscope)
1900 Spencer Tracy actor (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner)
1903 James Beard US, culinary expert/author (Delights & Prejudices)
1904 Sir Gordon Richards British jockey (winner of 4,870 races)
1905 Arnold Meijer Dutch leader of fascist Dutch National/Black Front
1905 Robert Houben Belgian CVP-minister of Public health (1958)
1906 Ursula Jeans Simla India, actress (I Lived With You, Over the Moon)
1907 Benny Baker St Joseph MO, actor (18 Again, Sting II, Thunderbirds)
1907 Kenneth Muir English scholar
1907 Yoritsune Matsudaira composer
1908 Jacques Massu French general (Algeria)
1908 Rex [Reginald Carey] Harrison Huyton Lancashire England, actor (My Fair Lady, Doctor Dolittle, Cleopatra)
1909 Miklós Radnóti writer
1910 William I Martin US pilot/Vice-Admiral (WWII)
1911 Giles Grangier film director
1911 Norman Oldfield cricketer (England batsman one Test vs West Indies 1939, 80 & 19)
1911 Phillip Edmund Clinton Manson-Bahr specialist in tropical medicine
1912 Alice Faye [Ann Jeanne Leppert] New York NY, actress (Barricade, State Fair)
1912 W Fenton Morley preacher
1913 Tyrone Power Cleveland OH, actor (Mark of Zorro, Alexander's Ragtime Band)
1915 Richard H Rovere Jersey City, journalist (Goldwater Caper)
1916 Mutal' Burkhanov composer
1917 Ron Saggers cricket wicket-keeper (effective New South Wales & Aussie late 40's)
1918 Erbie Bowser pianist
1919 George London Montréal Canada, bass-baritone (Monterone-Rigoleto)
1919 Tony Canadeo Chicago IL, NFL hall of fame halfback (Green Bay Packers)
1920 John Hidalgo Moya architect/designer (Skylon)
1921 Sonja Oosterman Dutch singer (Marketensters)
1922 Jay D Miller record producer
1922 Phil Gordon Meridian MS, actor/singer (Jasper-Bev Hillbillies)
1923 Godfrey Quigley actor (Barry Lyndon, Educating Rita, Rooney)
1924 Leopoldo Torre Nilsson Buenos Aires, director (Monday's Child)
1924 Theo Olof German/Netherlands violinist/prodigy/concert master
1925 Monica Lewis actress (Box Office)
1926 Ann B Davis Schenectady NY, actress (Bob Cummings Show, Brady Bunch)
1927 Charles Rosen New York NY, pianist/musicologist (Sonata Forms)
1927 Pat Carroll Shreveport LA, comedienne/actress (Make Room for Daddy)
1927 Sid O'Linn cricketer (soccer for South Africa 1947, cricket 1960)
1929 John S Ragin Newark NJ, actor (Dr Astin-Quincy ME)
1930 Michael James Adams USAF pilot (X-15)
1930 Richard Schaal Chicago IL, actor (Leo-Phyllis, Trapper John MD)
1932 Aurel Stroe composer
1932 Will Hutchins Atwater CA, actor (Sugarfoot, Hey Landlord)
1935 Douglas Marland West Sand Lake NY, soap opera writer (General Hospital)
1937 Robert O "Rob" van Gennep Dutch publisher (Guevara, Gorz, Mandèl)
1938 Jerzy Skolimowski Warsaw Poland, director (Hands Up, Deep End)
1938 Johnnie Taylor US gospel singer (I Believe in You)
1938 Michael Murphy Los Angeles CA, actor (McCabe & Mrs Miller, Unmarried Woman)
1939 James R Jones (Representative-D-OK, 1973- )
1940 Eric Burdon Walker-on-Tyne England, rock singer (Animals-House of Rising Sun, War)
1940 Lance Henriksen New York NY, actor (Aliens, Pumpkinhead, Knights, Hard Target)
1941 Aleksandr Ragulin USSR, ice hockey play (Olympics-gold-1964, 68, 72)
1941 Howie Komives NBA star (New York Knicks, Buffalo Braves)
1942 Amy Hill actress (Grandma-Seinfeld, Pauly Shore)
1942 Tammy Wynette Redbay AL, country singer (Stand by your Man)
1943 Michael Palin Sheffield Yorkshire England, comedian (Monty Python, Fish Called Wanda)
1944 Jean-Pierre Leaud Paris France, actor (Detective)
1944 John Rhys-Davies Salisbury Wiltshire England, actor (Sir Edward-The Quest, Sliders, Lord of the Rings)
1944 Roger Raised English actor (Nicholas Nickleby)
1945 Jiri Svoboda composer (Accumulator 1)
1945 Raphael Spain, Spanish singer (When the Sun Sets, Lo Meyur de Ano)
1946 Stefania Sandrelli Viareggio Italy, actress (Lie, Conformist, 1900)
1948 Bill Ward Birmingham England, heavy metal drummer (Black Sabbath)
1948 Frank Esier-Smith rocker
1949 Anna Bergman Stockholm Sweden, actress (Agent 69)
1949 Michael Murphy Los Angeles CA, actor (Dr Art Armstrong-2 Marriages)
1950 Maggie MacNeal Dutch singer (Mouth & MacNeal, I See a Star)
1951 Rex Goh rock guitarist (Air Supply)
1952 Louis Cortelezzi rock saxophonist (Mink DeVille)
1953 Billy Burnette Memphis TN, rock guitarist (Fleetwood Mac)
1954 Angelo Kimball Boston MA, rock guitarist (Face To Face)
1954 Dagmar Wöhrl German Federal Republic, Miss Germany (1977)
1954 John Greg Adams Scottsdale AZ, PGA golfer (1982 Hall of Fame-2nd)
1954 Peter Erskine jazz drummer (Weather Report)
1955 Melinda Culea Western Springs IL, actress (A-Team, Brotherly Love, Glitter)
1955 Robert Feld Nashville TN, National Scrabble Champion (1990)
1956 Dick Kemper Amsterdam Netherlands, rock vocalist/bassist (Vandenberg)
1957 Lisa Eilbacher Dharan Saudi Arabia, actress (Beverly Hills Cop, Officer & Gentleman)
1957 Thereza Bazaar rocker (Dollar-Love's Gotta Hold on Me)
1959 Ian McCullough rocker (Echo & The Bunnymen-Heaven Up Here)
1961 Hiro Hase wrestler (NJPW)
1964 Heike Henkel German Federal Republic, world record indoor high jumper (1992)
1964 Lorraine McIntosh British pop singer (Deacon Blue-Fellow Hoodlums)
1964 Ulrich Wilson soccer player (FC Volendam)
1965 Paul Frase NFL defensive tackle (Jacksonville Jaguars)
1966 Mike Stapleton Sarnia, NHL center (Winnipeg Jets)
1967 Brad Baxter NFL fullback (New York Jets)
1967 Charles Nagy Fairfield CT, pitcher (Cleveland Indians)
1968 Craig Hendrickson CFL tackle (Winnipeg Blue Bombers)
1968 Michael Titley WLAF TE (London Monarchs)
1968 Robert David Burns Mission Hills CA, PGA golfer (1994 Buick-5th)
1968 Tim Neilsen cricket wicket-keeper (South Australian 1991)
1969 Bryan Ivie Torrance CA, volleyball middle blocker (Olympics-bronze-92, 96)
1970 Harold Nash CFL halfback (Montréal Alouettes)
1970 LaPhonso Ellis NBA forward (Denver Nuggets)
1971 Harold Miner NBA guard (Cleveland Cavaliers)
1971 Keith Hamilton defensive end (New York Giants)
1971 Ken Brown NFL linebacker (Denver Broncos)
1971 Reggie Jones wide receiver (Kansas City Chiefs)
1972 Barrett Brooks NFL tackle (Philadelphia Eagles)
1972 Brigitta Boccoli Milan Italy, actress (Manhattan Baby)
1972 Janelle Lynn Canady Miss Alaska USA (1996)
1972 Mikael Renberg Pitea Swe, NHL right wing (Philadelphia Flyers, TB Lightning)
1972 Mike Hollis kicker (Jacksonville Jaguars)
1972 Ron Snook Australian rower (Olympics-96)
1972 Rushia Brown WNBA forward/center (Cleveland Rockers)
1972 Travis Jervey NFL running back (Green Bay Packers-Superbowl 31)
1972 Wendy Kaye Memphis TN, playmate (July 1991)
1972 Zigmund Palffy Skalica Slo, NHL right wing (New York Islanders)
1973 Johan Hedberg Nacka Sweden, hockey goalie (Team Sweden, Olympics-1998)
1973 Matt Dubuc CFL running back (Toronto Argonauts)
1973 Muhsin Muhammad wide receiver (Carolina Panthers)
1973 Tina Yothers Whittier CA, actresss (Jennifer-Family Ties)
1975 Christine Buschur Eagle River AK, Miss America-Alaska (1997)
1976 Sage Stallone Sylvester's son/actor (Rocky V)
1977 Tiffany Roberts Petaluma CA, soccer midfielder (Olympics-96)
1980 Bonnie Lynn Gagnon Miss New Hampshire Teen USA (1997)
1981 Danielle Christine Fishel Mesa AZ, actress (Topanga-Boy Meets World)
1990 Tatiana Celia Kennedy Schlossberg New York NY, daughter of Caroline
Deaths which occurred on May 05:
0311 Gaius VM Galerius emperor of Rome, dies at about 50
1028 Alfonso V King of León/Galicia (999-1028), dies in battle
1194 Kazimierz II the Justified, grand duke of Poland (1177-94), dies
1309 Charles II the Lame, King of Naples (1285-1309), dies
1504 Anton of Burgundy the Great Bastard, knight, dies at about 82
1525 Frederik III the Wise, ruler of Saxon (1486-1525), dies at 62
1553 Erasmus Alberus German theologist (Barfüsser Mönche), dies at about 52
1582 Charlotte de Bourbon Princess of Orange, dies
1604 Claudio Merulo Italian organist/composer, dies at 71
1613 Johann Steuerlein composer, dies at 66
1678 Anna M van Schurman Dutch poet/spoke 10 languages, dies at about 70
1702 Jacob Hintze composer, dies at 79
1705 Leopold I von Hapsburg Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, dies at 64
1786 Pedro III King of Portugal, dies
1801 Philippe-Lambert-Joseph Spruyt Flemish painter/engraver, dies at 74
1821 Napoleon I Bonaparte emperor France (1799-1815), dies in St Helena
1827 Frederik Augustus I Justified, King of Saxon (1806-27), dies at 76
1831 Friedrich Ludwig Seidel composer, dies at 65
1837 Niccolo Antonio Zingarelli Italian composer/bandmaster, dies at 85
1840 Gottlob Benedikt Bierey composer, dies at 67
1840 Matthaus Fischer composer, dies at 76
1859 Peter G L Dirichlet German mathematician, dies at 53
1864 Alexander Hays US Union-general-major, dies in battle at 44
1864 John Marshall Jones Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle at 43
1864 Leroy A Stafford US Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle at 42
1875 Jan A C A van Nispen tot Sevenaer Dutch MP (1848-75), dies at 71
1885 Lauro Rossi composer, dies at 73
1886 Joseph Albert German photographer (Albertotype), dies at 61
1892 Jan Nepomuk Skroup composer, dies at 80
1902 Bret Harte writer, dies at 65
1909 Pauline Staegeman German feminist, dies
1921 Alfred H Fried Austrian/German pacifist (Nobel 1911), dies
1927 Charles Boissevain editor in chief (General Trade 1885-1908), dies
1945 Guðmundur Jónsson Kamban Icelandic writer (Vi mordere), dies at 56
1949 Maurice Maeterlinck Belgian playwright (Grand Fairie, Nobel 1911), dies
1951 Eddie Dunn comedian (Face to Face, Spin the Picture), dies at 54
1956 Charles R Gallas lexicographer (French Dictionary), dies at 88
1957 Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin composer, dies at 74
1960 Sulho Ranta composer, dies at 58
1962 Ernest Tyldesley cricketer (990 runs in 14 Tests for England), dies
1963 Heinrich Gebhard composer, dies
1963 Jacobus JP Old architect/co-founder (Stijl), dies at 73
1968 Albert Dekker dies of accidental suffocation at 62
1969 Ben Alexander actor (Frank Smith-Dragnet), dies at 57
1971 Alice Tissot actress (Italian Straw Hat), dies of cancer at 81
1971 Petro Scaglione Italian procureur-general, killed by Mafia
1972 Reverend Gary David vocalist, dies at 76
1976 Thomas Burnett Swann sci-fi author (Day of Minotaur), dies at 47
1977 Ludwig Erhard German minister of Economic Affairs (CDU), dies at 80
1978 Alfred H H Gilligan cricketer (4 Tests for England), dies
1979 Shirley O'Hara actress (Wild Party), dies at 68
1980 Edmond Vandercammen Belgian writer/poet (Grand Combat), dies at 79
1981 Bobby Sands IRA activists dies in his 66th day of his hunger strike
1982 Helmut Dantine actor, dies of a heart attack at 63
1983 John Williams actor (Family Affair, Dial M for Murder), dies at 80
1986 Jon William Haussermann Jr composer, dies at 76
1986 Rui Coelho composer, dies at 94
1988 George Rose actor (Devil's Disciple, Hideaways), dies at 68
1988 Tamara Pos Suriname/Dutch activist
1989 Frank Easton cricket wicketkeeper (New South Wales 1933-39), dies
1991 William De Acutis dies at 33
1992 Ben Frommer dies at 78
1992 Dick Yarmy dies of lung cancer at 58
1992 Jean-Claude Pascal French actor (Golden Salamander), dies at 64
1992 Stefano d'Arrigo Siciilian writer, dies at 72
1993 Balak Brahmachari [Marxist Godman], Indies guru, dies at 73
1993 Irving Howe US writer/critic (Dissent), dies at 72
1993 Lenore Kingston Jenson dies of cancer at 79
1994 Hein Salomonson architect, dies at about 83
1994 Joe Layton director (Richard Pryor Live on Sunset Strip), dies at 63
1995 Anthony Wagner genealogist, dies at 86
1995 Bernard Benjamin Gillis judge, dies at 89
1995 Esther Waterhouse doctor/methodist, dies at 86
1995 James Pack naval officer museum curator, dies at 81
1995 Lionel Alexander Bethune [Alastair] Pilkington engineer, dies at 75
1995 Mikhail Moseyevich Botvinnik world chess champion, dies
1995 Thomas Eden Binkley musician, dies at 63
1996 Ai Qing poet, dies at 86
1996 Beryl Burton cyclist, dies at 58
POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.
On this day...
0553 2nd Council of Constantinople (5th ecumenical council) opens
1382 Battle of Beverhoutsveld - population beats drunken army
1430 Jews are expelled from Speyer Germany
1494 Christopher Columbus 1st sights Jamaica on his 2nd voyage to the New World
1640 English Short Parliament unites
1646 King Charles I surrenders at Scotland
1665 Nicolaas Witsen visits patriarch Nikon in Moscow
1726 Marie de Camargo (16) premieres at Opéra of Paris France
1749 Pope Benedict XIV proclaims 1750 a Year" [?]
1762 Russia & Prussia sign peace treaty
1764 Smolny-institution forms in St Petersburg for noble girls
1780 2nd oldest learned society in US (American Academy of Arts & Sciences) forms (Boston)
1789 French States-General for It first since 1614 together
1797 Napoleon I's sister Elisa marries Felix Bacciochi
1809 Citizenship is denied to Jews of Canton of Aargau Switzerland
1809 Mary Kies is 1st woman issued a US patent (weaving straw)
1814 British attack Fort Ontario, Oswego NY
1816 American Bible Society organized (New York)
1834 Charles Darwin's expedition begins at Rio Santa Cruz
1835 King Leopold opens Brussels-Mechelen railway
1842 City-wide fire burns for over 100 hours (Hamburg Germany)
1847 American Medical Association organized (Philadelphia)
1854 English pirate Plumridge robs along pro-English Finnish coast
1855 NYC regains Castle Clinton, to be used for immigration
1861 Alexandria VA - CS troops abandon city
1862 French army intervenes in Puebla México: Cinco de Mayo
1862 Peninsular Campaign-Battle of Williamsburg VA
1863 Battle of Tupelo MS
1863 Joe Coburn KOs Mike McCoole for US boxing title in 63rd round
1864 Atlanta Campaign-5 days fighting begins at Rocky Face Ridge
1864 Battle between Confederate & Union ships at mouth of Roanoke
1864 Battle of Wilderness VA (Germanna Ford, Wilderness Tavern)
1865 1st US train robbery (North Bend OH)
1867 Battle of Pueblo; Mexicans defeat Maximilian's forces (Cinco de Mayo)
1874 Dutch 2nd Chamber passes child labor law
1881 Anit-Jewish rioting in Kiev Ukraine
1891 Carnegie Hall opens in NYC with Tchaikovsky as guest conductor
1893 Panic of 1893: Great crash on New York Stock Exchange
1900 "The Billboard" began weekly publication
1904 Cy Young of Boston pitches perfect game against Philadelphia A's (3-0)
1905 Robert S Abbott published 1st issue of newspaper "Chicago Defender"
1908 34th Kentucky Derby: Arthur Pickens on Stone Street wins in 2:15.2
1908 Great White Fleet arrives in San Fransisco
1912 5th modern Olympic games opens in Stockholm Sweden
1912 Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda begins publishing
1915 German U-20 sinks Earl of Lathom
1916 US marines invade Dominican Republic, stay until 1924
1917 42nd Preakness: E Haynes aboard Kalitan wins in 1:54.4
1917 St Louis Brown Ernie Koob no-hits Chicago White Sox, 1-0
1920 German-Latvian peace treaty signed
1920 Polish troops occupy Kiev
1920 US President Wilson makes Communist Labor Party illegal
1921 1st ranger for Cleveland Metroparks hired
1921 Miniature newspaper published (Brighton Gazette 10 x 13 cm)
1922 Construction begins on Yankee Stadium (Bronx)
1924 Unions terminate Twentse textile strike
1925 John T Scopes arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee
1925 Ty Cobb goes 6 for 6, (16 total bases)
1925 Yankee Everett Scott is benched, ending his 1,307-game playing streak
1926 Geldrop soccer team forms
1926 Sinclair Lewis refuses his Pulitzer Prize for "Arrowsmith"
1927 Dmitri Shostakovich's 1st Symphony, premieres in Berlin
1930 1st woman to fly solo from England to Australia takes-off (Amy Johnson)
1930 Bradman scores 185 Australia vs Leicestershire, 317 minutes, 16 fours
1932 Japan & China sign a peace treaty
1934 60th Kentucky Derby: Mack Garner aboard Cavalcade wins in 2:04
1935 Jessie Owens of the US, sets then long jump record at 26' 8¼"
1936 Edward Ravenscroft patents screw-on bottle cap with a pour lip
1936 Italian troops occupy Addis Ababa
1938 Phillies Harold Kelleher faces 16 batters in 6th, as Cubs score 12 runs, both marks are National League records off one hurler in a single inning
1939 Flash floods kill 75 in Northeast Kentucky
1940 Norwegian Government in exile forms in London
1941 2 Fokker's employees flee Nazi occupied Netherlands to England
1941 Emperor Haile Selassie returns to Addis Ababa
1941 Pulitzer prize awarded to Robert E Sherwood (There shall be no night)
1942 British assault on Diego Suarez Madagascar
1942 US begins rationing sugar during WWII
1943 Postmaster General Frank C Walker invents Postal Zone System
1944 Gandhi freed from prison
1944 Russian offensive against Sebastopol Krim
1945 Denmark liberated from Nazi control
1945 Mauthausen Concentration camp liberated
1945 Premier Gerbrandy on Radio Orange tells Dutch they are liberated
1945 Uprising against SS-occupying troops in Prague
1947 Mississippi Valley flooding kills 16 & causes $850 million in damage
1947 Pulitzer prize awarded to Robert Penn Warren (All the King's Men)
1948 1st air squadron of jets aboard a carrier
1948 Belgian Government of Spaak resigns
1949 Council of Europe established
1949 KGO TV channel 7 in San Francisco CA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1949 Tiger 2nd baseman Charlie Gehringer selected to Hall of Fame
1950 Phumiphon Abundet crowned as king Rama IX of Thailand
1951 "Out of This World" closes at New Century Theater NYC after 157 performances
1951 77th Kentucky Derby: Conn McCreary aboard Count Turf wins in 2:02.6
1952 Pulitzer prize awarded to Herman Wouk (Caine Mutiny)
1952 Ron Necciai of Pittsburgh Pirate's Bristol Twins Class D farm team, strikes out 27, as he no-hits the Welch Minors, 4 Minors do reach base
1954 Military coup by General Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay
1955 "Damn Yankees" opens at 46th St Theater NYC for 1022 performances
1955 Indies parliament accept hindu-divorce
1955 US performs nuclear test at Nevada test Site
1955 West Germany granted full sovereignty by 3 occupying powers
1956 82nd Kentucky Derby: David Erb aboard Needles wins in 2:03.4
1956 Broekster Boys soccer team forms in Damwoude
1956 Jim Bailey (US) runs the mile record 3:58.6 in Los Angeles CA
1956 World championships of judo are 1st held, in Tokyo
1957 Adolf Schärf elected President of Austria
1957 Betsy Rawls wins LPGA Peach Blossom Golf Open
1958 KNME TV channel 5 in Albuquerque NM (PBS) begins broadcasting
1958 Pulitzer prize awarded to James Agee for (Death in the Family)
1958 US performs atmospheric nuclear test at Enwetak
1961 Alan Shepard becomes 1st American in space (aboard Freedom 7)
1962 "West Side Story" soundtrack album goes to #1 & stays #1 for 54 weeks which is more than 20 weeks longer than any other album
1962 88th Kentucky Derby: Bill Hartack aboard Decidedly wins in 2:00.4
1962 Los Angeles Angel Bo Belinsky no-hits Baltimore Orioles, 2-0
1963 Marilynn Smith wins LPGA Peach Blossom Golf Open
1964 Separatists riot in Québec
1965 1st large-scale US Army ground units arrive in South Vietnam
1966 Borussia Dortmund wins 6th Europe Cup II
1966 Stanley Cup: Montréal Canadiens beat Detroit Red Wings, 4 games to 2
1966 Willie Mays hit his 512th homerun
1968 Carol Mann wins LPGA Shreveport Kiwanis Club Golf Invitational
1969 23rd NBA Championship: Boston Celtics beat Los Angeles Lakers, 4 games to 3
1969 Pulitzer prize awarded to Norman Mailer (Armies of the Night)
1970 US performs nuclear test at Nevada test Site
1971 "Earl of Ruston" opens at Billy Rose Theater NYC for 5 performances
1971 Race riot in Brownsville section of Brooklyn (NYC)
1972 Alitalia DC-8 crashes west of Palermo Sicily; killing 115
1973 99th Kentucky Derby: Ron Turcotte aboard Secretariat wins in 1:59.4
1974 Sandra Spuzich wins LPGA Lady Tara Golf Classic
1975 A's release pinch runner Herb Washington (played 104 games without batting, pitching, or fielding - He stole 30 bases, & scored 33 runs)
1975 Pulitzer prize awarded to Michael Shaara (Killer Angels)
1976 Anderlecht wins 16th soccer Europe Cup II
1976 Train collision at Schiedam Netherlands, kills 24
1978 Cincinnati Red Pete Rose becomes the 14th player to get 3,000 hits
1979 105th Kentucky Derby: Ron Franklin on Spectacular Bid wins in 2:02.4
1979 Masterpiece Radio Theater begins broadcasting
1979 Voyager 1 passes Jupiter
1980 Siege at Iranian Embassy in London ends; British commandos & police stormed the building
1981 16th & final Mayor's Trophy Game, Mets beat Yankees 4-1, hold 8-7-1 edge
1982 Stanley Cup: New York Islanders beat Vancouver Canucks, 4 games to 0
1983 Bruins 5-Isles 1-Wales Conf Championship-Isles hold 3-2 lead
1983 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1984 110th Kentucky Derby: Laffit Pincay Jr aboard Swale wins in 2:02.4
1985 Amy Alcott wins LPGA Moss Creek Women's Golf Invitational
1986 Hall of Fame & Museum announced to be built in Cleveland
1987 Congress begins Iran-Contra hearings
1987 Detroit Tigers are 11 games back in American League, but go on to win the American League East
1987 France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1988 Eugene A Marino installed as 1st black US archbishop
1989 Mike Tyson gets 2nd speeding ticket for drag racing in Albany NY
1990 116th Kentucky Derby: Craig Perret aboard Unbridled wins in 2:02
1990 ABC Masters Bowling Tournament won by Chris Warren
1990 Paul Hogan & Linda Koslowski wed in Byron Bay, Eastern Australia
1991 Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Sara Lee Golf Classic
1992 Country singer Tammy Wynette hospitalized with bile duct infection
1994 "Sally Marrand Her Escorts" opens at Helen Hayes NYC for 50 performances
1994 Labour beats Conservatives in British local elections
1994 North-Yemen air force bombs Aden South Yemen
1995 Last basketball game at Boston Gardens (Magic beats Celtics)
1996 "Jack-Night on Town with J Barrymore" closes at Belasco after 12 performances
1996 Karrie Webb wins LPGA Sprint Titleholders Golf Championship
1996 Renette Cruz, Vancouver British Columbia, wins Miss Canadian Universe
1997 "Married With Children" final episode on Fox TV
1997 Iridium-1 Delta 2 Launch, Successful
2000 conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon
Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Denmark-1945, Ethiopia-1941, Netherlands-1945 : Liberation Day
Ethiopia : Victory Day
Japan : Tango-no-sekku [Boys' Festival]/Children's Day
México : Cinco de Mayo/Battle of Pueblo (1862)
South Korea : Dano Festival/Children's Day (1975)
Thailand : Coronation Day
Zambia : Labour Day - - - - - ( Monday )
New Orleans : McDonogh Day (1850) - - - - - ( Friday )
Religious Observances
Christian-Bruges Belgium : Holy Blood Procession
old Roman Catholic : Feast of St Pius V, pope (1566-72)
Anglican, Roman Catholic : Rogation Day
Religious History
1815 Birth of New England musical artist Ithamar Conkey. In addition to being a well-known church organist and bass soloist, Conkey also penned the hymn tune RATHBUN, to which we sing today, "In the Cross of Christ I Glory."
1899 The Religious Tract Society, founded in 1799, celebrated its 100th anniversary in Exeter Hall, London. The Society had by then published and distributed Christian literature in over 270 languages and dialects.
1925 High school biology teacher John T. Scopes, 24, was arrested for teaching the theory of evolution in his Dayton, Tennessee classroom.
1950 American missionary and martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'The conflict of science and religion is fought between the errors of both camps.'
1988 Eugene Antonio Marino, 53, was installed as the archbishop of Atlanta, becoming the first black Roman Catholic archbishop in the U.S.
Thought for the day :
" A plucked goose doesn`t lay golden eggs. "
posted on
05/05/2003 5:41:08 AM PDT
(Age and deceit beat youth and skill)
To: bentfeather
Morning Feather. Love the graphic! Still haven't had my morning coffee yet.
posted on
05/05/2003 5:42:00 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: Valin
1962 "West Side Story" soundtrack album goes to #1 & stays #1 for 54 weeks which is more than 20 weeks longer than any other album There's some great songs on that album. Officer Crumpke, In America, Maria, Tonight. I may have to dig out the album this evening
posted on
05/05/2003 5:44:41 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: SAMWolf
To: snippy_about_it
Oops! I don't know how that happened. Sorry.
posted on
05/05/2003 6:30:48 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: snippy_about_it
Hey! Where'd you get a picture of KODI? Only I've never seen him get me the paper.
posted on
05/05/2003 6:49:55 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: SAMWolf
You must not be giving him enough treats. :)
To: snippy_about_it
He's spoiled rotten. I should buy stock in the doggioe treat companies.
posted on
05/05/2003 7:20:36 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: SAMWolf
I had a boy that looked just like him, too. You can't help but spoil them! It's too bad they just don't get to stay with us longer. :(
Mine didn't bring the news either. lol.
To: snippy_about_it
Yeah. Shadow, my other dog, a LAb/Elkhound mix is 12 and starting to show it. She gets a lot of extra loving.
posted on
05/05/2003 7:48:12 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: bentfeather
Try my personal mixture for coffee.
In 12 cup drip percolator, fill to six cup line.
In filter, drop in six heaping scoops of coffee.
Add pinch of salt (less than enough to cover the surface of a dime.)
Brew coffee, recirculate coffee through filter a second time.
Add sugar to taste (Usually 8 spoons full.)
Add creamer. (Non-dairy creamer makes the effect worse, use 1/2 and 1/2.)
Try not to grow hair on your tongue or yell, "Hulk Smash!" afterwards.
posted on
05/05/2003 8:41:27 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
To: Darksheare; snippy_about_it

The early morning sunrise warms the Washington sky, Monday, May 5, 2003, over the Iwo Jima Memorial, foreground, the Washington Monument and U.S. Capitol in the background. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)
posted on
05/05/2003 8:50:33 AM PDT
((001) Logic Error CLINTON.SYS: Truth table missing)
To: Darksheare
AH your coffee sounds familiar.
However, I have had Finnish coffee! One small cup of this brew keeps one running for days in the old country.
Of course, they drink gallons of it having the good fortune of long summer nights, a party attitude and a good sense of humour.
posted on
05/05/2003 8:50:51 AM PDT
Soaring Feather
(I am a night person!! What am I doing up???)
To: SAMWolf
posted on
05/05/2003 8:53:49 AM PDT
(Nox aeternus en pax.)
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