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1 posted on 06/24/2003 3:49:56 PM PDT by Patrick Madrid
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To: Patrick Madrid
Unconvincing. These men were just as fallible as we are today. There are many others who would disagree with them, then and now. You have nothing but fallible human beings carrying on a "tradition"...a tradition that is not universally agreed to.
2 posted on 06/24/2003 4:18:29 PM PDT by LiteKeeper
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To: Patrick Madrid
It seems to me that the honest response from the Sola Scriptura crowd should be that scripture is either silent on the issue or supportive of the Catholic position.

To cling to the position that Mary was not ever-virgin, without solid scriputral basis, reveals the real agenda -- not to uphold scripture, but rather to challenge all things considered Catholic.
4 posted on 06/24/2003 4:57:05 PM PDT by el_chupacabra (AMDG)
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To: Patrick Madrid
You guys aren't obsessed with Mary are you. No not a bit.
6 posted on 06/24/2003 5:06:38 PM PDT by DManA
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To: Patrick Madrid; nickcarraway; Salvation
9 posted on 06/24/2003 5:35:42 PM PDT by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: Patrick Madrid
17 posted on 06/24/2003 9:22:14 PM PDT by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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To: Patrick Madrid
19 posted on 06/24/2003 10:22:19 PM PDT by nickcarraway
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To: Patrick Madrid; .45MAN
Welcome to Free Republic. I do not envy your task here. Personally, I have stopped posting to the Catholic threads (except for this one time) due to the horrendous amount of vicious, ugly flaming that goes on.

May God Bless you abundantly for all of your work. We need more like you to fight the good fight.

.45MAN - Thanks for the ping.
23 posted on 06/25/2003 4:51:21 AM PDT by dansangel (America - love it, support it or LEAVE it!)
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To: drstevej; Wrigley; ksen; CARepubGal; Corin Stormhands; fishtank; Alex Murphy; scripter; snerkel; ...
Grant Swank alert - run a google campers
25 posted on 06/25/2003 5:15:51 AM PDT by Revelation 911
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To: Patrick Madrid
With all due respect, Mr. Madrid, the protestant movement was a revolt, not reform. No one who claims protestantism wants to admit it, but the motivations were not doctrinal or theological, but completely human.
26 posted on 06/25/2003 5:18:14 AM PDT by Desdemona
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To: Patrick Madrid
It's a good thing that I don't think of the major Reformers as little popes, otherwise I'd still be holding to the false teachings that they could not rid themselves of.

In particular, some Lutherans that I know have made ML a little pope, and they are more familiar with his books than they are of the Bible itself.

Roll over Beethoven, and tell old Luther the news!
37 posted on 06/25/2003 8:02:07 AM PDT by fishtank
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To: Patrick Madrid
Some time ago, I wrote this piece of Smackdown to some Mary Idolator who referred to the History of Joseph as the consumate authority of the arrangements regarding Mary and Joseph and how Joe's kids were not from Mary's womb.

Available on from the usenet newsgroups

Now you have done it. I know that you wish to believe what your handlers have programmed you to believe, and your post demonstrates the fact that all you are doing is parroting the party line. For instance, I have demonstrated the problems with your campfire story with principles in Scripture, you have just used wave of the hand denials, and unsubstantiated repetition of your claims. That is an indicator to all of us reading your posts that you don't have any rational or objective reason to beleive what you believe and you choose to take non-canonicals and tradition and treat them as superior to holy writ. Lets look at your highly esteemed new testament apocryphal writings, particularly "The History of Joseph the Carpenter". As the legend goes, Joseph is married to some unnamed woman, and with this woman he has four sons and two daughters before she dies of unknown causes. About the time of her death, Mary is twelve years old and has been offered to the temple since age three. The priests of this temple decided that she needs to be in the care of an honorable man so that she would not be tempted into sexual relations prior to her expected marriage. Enter Joseph. Problem is, the so-called narrative offered by Jesus while on Mt Olives to his disciples indicates that there was no intention of any marriage to go between this old man and this child (v3). In fact v4 tells us that she shacked up with Joseph for two years before getting pregnant. Compare this line with Scripture: Matt 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Here the Bible says that Joseph was to marry this child, ~"and before they came together"~ (which pretty much is in conflict with "two years in Joseph's household") she was found pregnant. Since THoJtC says that she stayed with Joseph merely for protection, and the Bible says that she was "espoused" to Joseph, we have another conflict between this narrative and Scripture. Another problem I detected in (v2). "This same man [Joseph], being well furnished with wisdom and learning, was made a priest in the temple of the Lord." So much for the Bible declaring the tribe of Levi as priests in the temple of the Lord. Joseph descends from the tribe of Jacob not Levi. In Luke 2, Jesus is presented to Simeon to perform the circumcision, why not Joseph the priest? Later why would Joseph, the priest, be unaware of his twelve year old son's tarrying in the temple? The prologue to the narrative declares that Joseph died at the age of 111. It then tells us the day of his death, but nothing else so we are to guess the year or any nearby occasion. This leads me to ask this question. The lifespan of men rarely exceeded 70 years of age. Since Joseph is never again mentioned at any part of Christ's life after the temple incident, and we know Christ died at the age of 33, 111-33 gives us at bottom threshold of 78 years of age when Joseph got married to Mary. Verse 18 says that Jospeh was 89 when his first wife died. Add two years before Mary, and we are talking about a 91 year old man marrying a 14 year old girl. So what band of idiots would entrust a man who should be dead or old age, the life and possibly the marriage of a child. Talk about pedophilia or December January relationships. Why, every one of Jesus' half brothers and sisters were probably older if not significantly older than His mother. This is really wierd because at the age of 12, Mary allegedly ran across James the Less who was old enough to understand death and have a meaningful relationship with his biological mother - yet "she brought him up". Since Joseph's alleged first wife was wonderful and pure and her death is not associated to sin (as every other death in this narrative is strongly tied) then we should assume she died of old age, which makes sense because six children and an older man, usually parents arrange the marriages of their children, and it would be uncommon to espouse an old man to a child in this kind of arrangement. Also, because of the age of menopause, these kids would have to be in their teens up into their fourties and fifties. This is what makes the James the Less/Mary event really perverted. It is because of this peculiar event that James, and everyone who knows him, forever more considers Mary to be his true mother. (clearly this lame excuse was fabricated to answer those who point out that Scripture declares James a son of Mary by making Scripture tell a white lie). In verse 11, we are told that at least two of the sons were married and had children of their own, and both daughters were out of the house and married. This further lends support to James the Less being significantly older than Mary if this narrative is to be believed. If he wasn't so old, then why isn't James mentioned when Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus fled to Egypt? This narrative creates more problems than it tries to answer. There is another historical error that crops up in v8 where Herod the Great (who died while Christ was in Egypt re:Matt2:15) was not the one who had John beheaded, but it was his son Herod Antipas. (Mtt 14:1). The narrative is rife with errors, none more so than in v23 where the narrator (Jesus) is saying that both Michael and Gabriel took Joseph's spirit to heaven in a "shining wrapper". This is utter heresey because it teaches a salvation that precedes the death and resurrection Jesus Christ. Christ is no longer made the first fruits; His death and resurrection have absolutely no bearing on salvation, and we are told that Joseph, not only never sinned, but didn't inherit the sin of Adam. If it is possible to be sinless and not be guilty via representation (see Romans 5) of Adam's sin, then why, by necessity, did Jesus Christ have to be born of a virgin? Your narrative make Jesus Christ a heretic, and teaches a myth that good people die nicely and get special treatment from angels, while evil people die horribly. (see how other deaths are described in the narrative) This battle for Joseph's soul and body makes a mockery of the single angel dealing with Moses' (Jude 1:9).

93 posted on 06/25/2003 9:21:23 PM PDT by Dr Warmoose (Just don't leave any brass with your fingerprints on it behind, OK?)
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To: Patrick Madrid; Polycarp; the_doc; Revelation 911; BibChr; RnMomof7
Luther, Calvin, and Other Early Protestants on the Perpetual Virginity of Mary

Well, that's all fine and dandy, but John Calvin ain't my Pope.
And much as I respect his arguments in favor of Infant Baptism (which seem to me stronger than Calvin's, though that's just my Opinion) Martin Luther ain't my Pope either.

Let's take it Back to the Bible. Maybe you don't like "Sola Scriptura" -- neither do I. It is often misunderstood. Let us instead consider the Scriptures to be THE FIRST-CENTURY MAGISTERIUM -- By the direct and immanent inspiration of the Holy Spirit, absolutely Binding and Irrevocable upon all subsequent Magisterial Teachings.




The choice of relatives of Jesus known as the DESPOSYNOI, "The Sons of the House," is in keeping with Jewish family feelings and practices and messianic principal.... This dynastic succession of episcopacy is also suggested by Eusebius account of the descendants of Jude (another of Jesus' siblings) after their return from trial by Domitian as they stood "at the head of every Church."

And this is directly confirmed in Scripture.

There was never any such thing as a "Papacy", amongst the First-Century Church. But if one wishes to identify an "administrative President", it was not Peter, it was the Lord's eldest-brother James.

This is a Debate which Protestants really do not have to win.

But it is also a Debate which Roman Catholics cannot possibly afford to lose.

Unless you wish to Re-Join the True Church of Jesus Christ, in which case -- New Jerusalem beckons you Come Home, Jeroboam.

The Apostasy of Jeroboam runs deep and wide; the Faithful of Rehoboam have always been scattered. Sometimes, we have numbered 7,000 at best. But we remain Faithful.

You're under no obligation to bring your sacrifices to Samaria forever, Mr. Madrid. Come home to Jerusalem.

Ya'akov Ha Tsedek and the Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple

95 posted on 06/26/2003 3:09:41 AM PDT by OrthodoxPresbyterian (We are Unworthy Servants; We have only done our Duty)
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To: Patrick Madrid
I am a traditional Catholic and I highly honor Mary, but I believe that trying to convince Protestants of her holiness and virginity is like trying to teach Advanced Calculus before subtraction. In my experience, Protestants who convert to Catholicism (including two close family members) generally accept the Marian doctrine last and they have the most trouble with it.

After generations of prejudice against Catholic thought and Mary, they just can’t accept it until after they begin to realize that the Catholic Church holds the truth. They have a knee-jerk reaction against Mary. I think you’d have to start with arguing against sola scriptura or something.
101 posted on 06/26/2003 6:54:25 AM PDT by ChicagoGirl
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To: Patrick Madrid
Matthew 1:21 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife:

1:22 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.

The Bible clearly says that he knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn son.

It seems that Catholics have the mistaken belief that knowing each other even in marriage is sinful. Adam and Eve were instructed to be fruitful and multiply before sin ever came into the world. The very definition of marriage involves two becoming one flesh. Joseph and Mary were married. The marriage bed is set apart and holy.

148 posted on 07/04/2003 2:55:26 AM PDT by Bellflower
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To: Patrick Madrid
Tha6t Christ was born of a virgin cannot be reasonably disputed. As to whether or not she remained a virgin even is irrelevant to the deity of Jesus Christ and really warrants little, if any time spent in speculation. Whether Mary had other chilren fathered by Joseph has no bearing on the church or ones faith in Christ.
258 posted on 07/09/2003 4:22:12 PM PDT by connectthedots
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To: Patrick Madrid; xzins; informavoracious; larose; RJR_fan; Prospero; Conservative Vermont Vet; ...

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299 posted on 05/15/2008 6:29:20 PM PDT by narses (...the spirit of Trent is abroad once more.)
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To: Patrick Madrid; dcwusmc; Jed Eckert; Recovering Ex-hippie; KingOfVagabonds; Berlin_Freeper; ...

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301 posted on 05/31/2014 9:09:44 PM PDT by narses (Matthew 7:6. He appears to have made up his mind let him live with the consequences.)
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