Posted on 03/15/2003 2:06:36 PM PST by Commander8
QUESTION: Why is it that most Bible versions (non KJV) either omit Mark 16:9-20 or they have footnotes about alternate endings?
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Question: Why is it that most bible versions (non-KJV) either omit Mark 16:9-20 or they have footnotes about alternative endings?
Answer: Mark 16:9-20 should be in the Bible, since it is found in almost every single Bible manuscript of Mark in existence!
Out of 620 manuscripts that contain Marks gospel, only 2 omit the last 12 verses. Heres how it breaks down.
· Miniscules (lower-case letter manuscripts)
Out of 600 miniscules that have been investigated, all 600 miniscules have 16:9-20!· Majuscules (upper-case letter manuscripts)
Out of 15 majuscules that have the gospel of Mark, all 15 majuscules have Mark 16:9-20!· Codices (not a scroll, but in book form)
Out of the five codices that have Mark, 3 out of 5 codices have Mark 16:9-20! Only the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus remove it. (Some say it was removed by the same person in both manuscripts.) But the codices Ephraemi Rescriptus and Bezae have it in its place, as well as Alexandrinus.
That means less than 1/3 of 1% of these cited manuscripts omit Mark 16:9-20. ONLY TWO! And theyre not better manuscripts. Theyre chock-full of errors.
2nd CenturyYou can also find Mark 16:9-20 in the 2nd Century Old Latin and Syriac Bibles and the writing of Papias, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus and Tertullian.
3rd to 7th Centuries It's found in all sorts of other manuscripts and books in the 3rd to 7th centuries, as well. Researcher John William Burgon found 30 early writers who clearly included Mark 16: 9-20.
The one other exception to this, and the reason that some Bibles include a shorter version of the last verses of Mark, is so phony and Roman that it doesnt need much comment. Here it is:
Perverted Ending to MarkAnd all things whatsoever that had been commanded they explained briefly to those who were with Peter; after these things also Jesus Himself appeared and from the east unto the west sent out through them the holy and uncorrupted preaching of eternal salvation. Amen. (This fake verse is inserted after 16:8 or between 16:8 and 16:9 with the real ending included. Emphasis mine.)
You can see the early Roman Catholicism coming through, with Peter in the forefront. But the true Bible never does this. Hes never exalted above the others. Peter has human frailties like the rest (compare Mark 16:7; Acts 10; Galatians 2:11-21).
A few manuscripts fell for this corruption, as Roman Catholicism began to infiltrate the churches and people began to change the truth of God in their Bibles into a lie (Romans 1:25) to conform to the Roman Religion. But very few manuscripts can be found in any language that have this perversion.
The Bible SHOULD contain what God said through His inspired apostles and prophets. Any true Bible must contain, without excuse, brackets or footnotes, the entire text of Mark 16:9-20. People may debate what Gods preserved words mean, but they have no right to remove Gods words from His Bible.
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