Posted on 12/07/2023 9:11:33 AM PST by Morgana
Yesterday, we reported that Joel Rainey, a prominent and outspoken Southern Baptist pastor argued on social media that Obergefell, the Supreme Court decision that falsely found that same-sex “marriage” was protected by the Constitution, should not be overturned and that Christians shouldn’t support it. Arguing that homosexuals in these civil unions are in “marriage relationships,” he stated that his opposition to overturning “gay marriage” (something that doesn’t exist), was basically rooted in the desire to not have to deal with the aftermath of unholy unions being “suddenly invalidated.”
Of course, his position is completely unbiblical and disqualifying as a pastor and shepherd of God’s people as he completely overlooks the greater reproach brought upon the Church by supporting the denigration of God’s institution of marriage. Not only does it encourage homosexual acts, it opens the door to the trafficking of children to sodomites. But none of that matters, because he’s apparently willing to sacrifice all of this on the altar of virtue signaling.
But that isn’t the only truth he’s willing to sacrifice. We recently uncovered a clip of Rainey arguing in front of his congregation that homosexual desires—the desire to practice sodomy—are not sinful and that this statement shouldn’t even be controversial.
Rainey’s position is part of a trend in the Southern Baptist Convention and Evangelicalism as a whole that is meant to soften the stigma surrounding homosexuality. The notion that one can desire to perform sex acts on someone of the same sex so long as they don’t actually carry out the performance of these sex acts as being uncontroversially non-sinful is a practice in sophistry at its finest.
The argument, as described by Jared Moore in his book, The Lust of the Flesh, boils down to the proponents of this ideology attempting to separate thoughts from actions. To imply that one can be “oriented” to same sex, being attracted to the same sex, and desiring intercourse from someone of the same sex, without having lustful thoughts is intellectually lazy, at best.
For more on this topic, please watch my interview with Jared Moore on this very topic.
His congregation should run away as fast as possible. Guessing he’s a closet trunk spelunker.
This person really should revisit the book of Romans.....,it ain’t rocket science 🤷
“Romans 1:26-27 NLT
[26] That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. [27] And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.”
God may hold other ideas on that.
Southern “Baptists” Are no longer representative of True baptists- SBC has sold their soul to the evil one (Not all, but the major players/leaders i mean)- They have bastardized the word of God to create a New Ungodly God in their own image- They worship a false god-
That's arguable.
From a biblical perspective, however, it seems clear to me that it is a desire to commit sin. Therefore it should be opposed, not indulged.
“His congregation should run away as fast as possible. Guessing he’s a closet trunk spelunker.”
The question is why don’t they? Why didn’t someone in that church boo him when he said that? I would have!
Really you all if you are ever in a church and a preacher says something like this don’t go for it. You know it’s wrong. Say something. Even if they kick you out it’s okay you stood up for Jesus.
I said it before I’m shocked at how they have turned. They used to be hard core conservatives in the 1980’s
If anyone here is still in this bunch you all really need to house clean.
You don’t even have to speak ...
You can walk out and “shake the dust off your shoes in testimony against them”. SOME people will get what you mean.
“God may hold other ideas on that.”
and you know what Jim? I wish they were conservative like they were in the 1980s because they were powerful pro life allies back then.
Now we can’t count on them like we used too.
Obviously he has never read St Paul’s letters which condemn homosexuality.
Even an atheist who at least accepts nature’s order can understand that in as much as (a) neither two men nor two women can as a couple, go off by themselves and return ten months later with a child they as a couple gave birth to, and (b) marriage was instituted to uplift and support the family that results from heterosexual unions, that (c) denying the purpose of marraige is for those unions is just denying the natural order of humanity.
The broader issue is not about making homsexual unions illegal, but how can the law support the members of those unions obtain support, and respect for the financial and personal responsibilities they share. The truth is that “gay marriage” was unnecessary to achieve that. Civil unions did that very well, until the stupid SCOIUS ruled the already legalized civil unions were not needed.
He is one of two things. Either a closet pervert, OR one of the guys who is into that “Christianity as a business model”. In the later, they run things like a business, counting church openings, attendance, book sales, etc etc.
“Joel O. Rainey, Ph.D. is a pastor, missionary, and mobilizer of churches to accomplish God’s global mission. He has been involved in planting more than 100 new churches in North America, has trained pastors and church planters nationally, and internationally, and has intercultural experience on five continents.”
This mentality causes him to dilute it every way he can in order to attract more “customers”. He isn’t a minister, he is running a franchise model and is getting wealthy.
What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah again?
Please tell me, expert on the Bible.
“The Southern Baptist Convention continues on its path to downgrade at breakneck speed, with a recent post by Joel Rainey of Covenant Church in Shepherdstown, WV, demonstrating what it looks like when company men commit themselves to cutting the brakes.”
almost every area of the church is being infiltrated. Look at Francis. Look at the Barbie Show churches. Christianity has been donating exclusively to democrats for the past 7 years.
“Fornication is not a sin” is not something normally heard from a Southern Baptist preacher but the woods are full of oddballs.
A pastor once told me “If you want to know what is going on in a pastor’s life, listen to what he is passionate about when he preaches”.
Getting a vibe now to beware of pastors named Joel, right along with the skinny jeaned ones.
Intellectually Lazy...
.sure But they Rejoice in the activities.
They Can’t Think Straight.
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