Posted on 05/08/2023 11:11:13 AM PDT by Gillibrand1
I regard him (Bergoglio) as an example of light thinking, a mixture of opportunism and foolish overvaluation of his own person. Nothing to be surprised about, were it not for his unhealthy and unscrupulous passion for office and power. God knows how many were his twists and turns and stoops to get to where he is today and how many were the trappings he donned to achieve his goals. However, there is one predominant feature in his career: his flirtation with leftism in all its variants
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Good one
Pope Dork
Hail Satan.
NOT the Pope. Evil cannot be Pope.
He's just a pretender who occupies the position.
Francis is one of the favorite puppets of Gyorgy Schwartz!
I saw this dolt for what he was almost immediately!
He is NOT my Pope, but he will help destroy my Church, but not my faith!
So sad!
“At least once a month she came to see me and we talked. I learned things I didn’t know about politics. “
Was Bergoglio’s commie visitor his friend or his KGB handler?
Satan’s Pope did what?
At your disposal. Fraternally yours.
So Bergoglio is at the disposal of the Communist Party of Argentina.
Who is surprised?
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