Posted on 12/03/2022 11:53:23 PM PST by Morgana
An Arizona polygamist cult leader had 20 wives aged as young as nine, married his own daughter, and drove his spouses around in a trailer with a bucket for a toilet, it is claimed.
A new FBI affidavit has revealed shocking allegations against Bentley-driving Samuel Rappylee Bateman, 46, who was arrested in Arizona earlier this year.
Samuel Rappylee Bateman, 46, is accused by witnesses of 'marrying' up to 20 women and girls as young as nine, including his own daughter, according to the affidavit filed on Friday, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.
He has been in federal custody on obstruction charges since his September arrest, which unfolded after Bateman was pulled over by cops while transporting underage girls inside a squalid trailer furnished with a couch and a bucket for a toilet.
Bateman leads a splinter group of the radical Mormon offshoot Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or FLDS -- but Bateman is apparently so extreme that he has been denounced even by former FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, a convicted child rapist.
The FBI affidavit, filed in the Eastern District of Washington, outlines sickening allegations of incest, group sex acts involving adults and underage children, and child sex trafficking.
FBI Agent Dawn A. Martin, citing witness statements, writes in the filing that Bateman 'began to proclaim he was a prophet' and declared his intention to marry his own teenage daughter in 2019.
The affidavit states that Bateman has since gathered 'approximately 50 followers and more than 20 wives, many of whom are minors, mostly under the age of 15.'
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Was he driving a cattle car?
From the sound of this story it should have been a Greyhound bus
If you want to know why Mittens Romney and the LDS honchos have pivoted to favor legalization of “same sex marriage,” well, this is a clue...
1 is way more than enough. 0 is ideal.
Why? The Libs keep redefining marriage, so who is to judge this guy? Why not Polygamy?
He probably wasn’t carrying a license to transport passengers.
Article actually began turning my stomach.
Couldn’t finish it.
Also, what resources do those women have while this evil joker is in jail? Are they all wards of the state?
You just haven’t found the right one yet. I hit the jackpot on the third spin. Young, beautiful, brilliant, loving, funny, and incredibly absent of the bitch gene. We’ve been together ten years, planning on forever.
It’s the same scam Warren Jeff’s bunch used.
Since only one woman can be legally married to him the rest are, in the eyes of the state single moms in need of assistance. So they apply for food stamps and what ever else they can get. They are encouraged because FLDS members are angry at the government over being chased to Utah in the first place and the raid on Short Creek.
Now that this has happened? The adults will still be on public assistance and the minors in foster homes.
This guy will be joining Warren soon we hope.
Nope. Don’t want it.
The Hasidic Jewish community has been pulling this scam for years. There is no ‘’husband’’ because there is no ‘’wife’’. The mother is listed as a single mother and then receives assistance.
About five years ago in Lakewood, NJ dozens of Jews were caught pulling this scam.
One couple owned a jewelry store and had a net worth of $1.2 million dollars.
To date not one of them has gone to jail.
Related to the big guy maybe?
Not according to God.
God says otherwise and you are in the wrong to continually oppose God’s plan and design for mankind and call it evil as you do.
Advocating for the destruction of the of the God ordained and God blessed basic building block of a healthy and stable society is not the work of God. You might want to reconsider who you are serving with your constant denigration of marriage, that God called very good.
Cousin Eddie??
“You might want to reconsider who you are serving with your constant denigration of marriage, that God called very good.”
Not all men or women are called by the LORD to be married.
The disciples were to be single UNLESS they could not refrain from sexual contact. THEN they were required to be married to keep in the true way of the LORD God’s intended relationships.
Just wanted to clear the air; not addressing the other gentleman’s viewpoint of not wanting to be married.
That’s what I don’t understand about the RCC interpretation.
Peter, I understand was married, and I don’t recall any of the apostles not being so. It’s not meant for everyone, so I get Paul wasn’t.
You had some of the best minds who wrote and created Western Culture in the priesthood, but they weren’t permitted to marry and pass on their talents through their genetics or becoming parents. I think we’re seeing some of the consequences now. Islam and Judaism always allowed large families.
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