And there we go. Of course this targets the Catholic Church.
The obvious choice for a One World Religion would be the One True Church, would it not? After all catholic means universal.
There are a few others in the list, not just Catholics. Someone has to be the-Lord we did all these things in your name...crowd. Of course, every group thinks it’s the other.
I do believe that once the Rapture occurs, they will use aliens as the reason. Why have they been releasing all this Alien stuff over the past 2 years? They have to be able to tell people why millions disappeared. Alien abduction of all the “bad” people would be one way to sell it. All I know is that I don’t want to be here to be a part of the post rapture world.
It doesn’t single them out.
Catholics wearing their persecution complex make such martyrs out of themselves.
Considering Catholic church history, it doesn’t wear well.
Yes, among other cults such as Mormonism.
If the Foo defecates...