Posted on 06/02/2022 3:54:47 PM PDT by ebb tide
Bishop Robert McElroy (right) is to be made a cardinal in August, despite his inaction on allegations against notorious ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
We all have a responsibility to speak up when serious wrongs are being brought to our attention, but McElroy didn't.
SIGN this petition to demand Pope Francis not reward a bishop who failed to report allegations against McCarrick
The Bishop of San Diego was told about serious sexual wrongdoing by McCarrick in 2016 when psychotherapist Richard Sipe, who had interviewed numerous victims of McCarrick, sent him a detailed letter, but McElroy sat on that information and is now being made a cardinal.
Appointing him to the College of Cardinals is not only an insult to those who suffered clerical sex-abuse, but also to those who are intent on ridding the Church of such evil.
This decision to make McElroy a cardinal must be reversed, and the only way to make that happen is with pressure from the laity.
SIGN and SHARE this petition to stop the appointment of Bishop McElroy to the College of Cardinals
Sipe told McElory that numerous seminarians and priests reported sexual advances and activity by McCarrick in a letter that also detailed extensive abuse by other clerics.
"I have interviewed twelve seminarians and priests who attest to propositions, harassment, or sex with McCarrick," the psychotherapist told McElroy in the 2016 letter, adding: "None so far has found the ability to speak openly at the risk of reputation and retaliation."
McElroy, who claims there was no corroborating evidence, could have brought the allegations to the pope, or even to the Papal Nuncio, but instead ended the correspondence with Sipe, himself a clerical sex-abuse victim.
It would take another year for the truth about McCarrick to slowly emerge in public.
SIGN the petition to stop Bishop McElroy being elevated to the College of Cardinals
Turning a blind eye to serious allegations of sexual wrongdoing is reprehensible in any context, but particularly when a bishop, a shepherd of souls, does so.
He also supports giving Holy Communion to pro-abortion politicians, contrary to the Church's teaching, while he has concelebrated LGBT Masses as bishop and claimed Fr. James Martin's attempt to normalize the LGBT ideology is "fully consonant with Catholic teaching".
The sad truth is that McElroy is not fit to continue as a bishop, let alone become a cardinal.
Please SIGN and SHARE this petition to stop the rot that continues to tarnish Christ's Church.
We must do what we can to clean up this mess now.
More Information:
Bishop McElroy was warned about McCarrick - LifeSiteNews
Pope announces 21 new cardinals, including McElroy - LifeSiteNews
Puh-Leeze! Catholic clergy see homosexual pedophilia as an integral part of their compensation package. When the scandal first broke, the entire Catholic “Church” should have been rounded up under RICO like any other criminal entity of Italian origin
Frankie knows. It’s a feature to him.
The “respect” of both the Pope and Queen of England are outdated monarchy and theological roles of society. The royal family are products of atrocity and inbreeding, and I have no doubt in my mind, with the history of the catholic church popes, they are all probably guilty of molesting children, so their words, status or thoughts mean nothing to me.
The catholic church over the last three decades seems to keep straying towards the left as more alligations of child sex abuse have come to light, and the lefts fight to normalize sodamy and pedophilia have increased. So the popes have alligned themselves with politicians knowing people of faith will often follow the candidate that preaches their faith, rather than look at their character and actions.
As for the royal family, history began in 1776, everything before that was a mistake. Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation)
Don’t make Frank Berboglio a Pope - he knew about McCarrick
“Catholic clergy see homosexual pedophilia as an integral part of their compensation package. … the entire Catholic ‘Church’ should have been rounded up under RICO like any other criminal entity of Italian origin”
What a bunch of lying filth! About 4% of priests were involved, the same percentage as the Protestant denominations and clergy of other religions. You slander the many holy priests who lead lives of self-control. Based on your post, I’m sure many of them have a cleaner heart than you do.
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