Yes I figured this would be the position after a bunch of US priests and bishops came out with statement awhile back distinguishing between Johnson and Johnson (as being less than ideal) and Pifzer/Moderna (being ethically okay enough.)
Honestly I feel the real concerns about these vaccines are more medical and long term health-oriented than anything. It’s not the Church’s fault that so many medical professionals are compromised and tongue tied by CDC bureaucratic dictates. (Not too different from some dynamics of the Church itself.) But it’s also said that so few Catholics are on the frontlines of science and pharmaceuticals, developing vaccines and other innovations in the first place. We must pray about this and encourage hefty scientific education alongside spiritual formation.
So, it would appear that the LA arsediocese is perfectly OK with murdering pre-born babies, as long as their cells save someone else.
Why request a document — it is a matter of conscience.
Who effing cares. As a Catholic born and bred, the Catholic church is dead to me as long as the Marxist Pope is there.
Nothing says your claim for religious exemption has to be backed up by anyone but the one claiming it.
Heartfelt is felt only be one person.
Does that include for Muslims?