Posted on 04/17/2021 7:56:07 AM PDT by Roman_War_Criminal
The Great Reset
Perhaps the most telling indicator today of the rapidly approaching tribulation is the fast-rising world government that the Bible says will dominate the world during the tribulation period. The globalists openly discuss their plans for world domination, yet so many believers, as well as their pastors, remain oblivious to the sinister agenda of these elite power brokers.
Daymond Duck, in his March 20, 2021, article on the Rapture Ready website, Apocalypse Approaching, wrote this in regard to the coming New World Order of the antichrist:
The Bible clearly teaches that the Antichrist and False Prophet will be active on earth at the same time (during the Tribulation Period). If we are close to a world government run by the Antichrist, we are close to a world religion run by the False Prophet. If we are close to a world government and world religion, we are close to a new economic system that the Antichrist and False Prophet will use to control people. Put another way, when the Tribulation Period arrives, there will be three global systems on earth at the same time: a global political system (world government), a global religious system (world religion), and a global economic system (world control of buying and selling).
On Sept. 25, 2015, the UN approved a document called “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Supporters called it a “New Universal Agenda” (a phrase comes from the Preamble of the document itself). The document calls for a world government, world religion, and a world economic system to be established by 2030. This is what globalism (creating regional groups of nations), the pope’s visit to Iraq (merging, Christianity, Judaism and Islam), and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset (creation of a new economic system) are all about.
The fact that these three global systems are coming on the scene simultaneously in our generation is solid evidence that we are the terminal generation, and the Rapture is close. –source
The current cry of national leaders around the globe for a world government perfectly aligns with what the books of Daniel and Revelation refer to as “the beast,” a designation that applies to both the antichrist and the realm over which he will rule during the tribulation.
The Beast of Revelation 13 Goes Mainstream Groups calling for a one-world government have existed since I was a child. Today, however, they have captured the allegiance of most national leaders throughout the world. Here is a recent quote from the Zero Hedge website that typifies the yearning of many national leaders for a one-world government:
Twenty-four world leaders have signed a letter calling for more globalism to combat future pandemics, citing the coronavirus outbreak as an opportunity to consign nationalism to the dustbin of history. [i]
One of the most influential people advocating a New World Order is Pope Francis. He has repeatedly captured headlines in the past few years proclaiming the need for a one-world government as the best way to combat the perils of climate change.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) advocates what they refer to as the “Great Reset.” This is their version of a global administration that would control the economic lives of everyone on earth, no exceptions. Their vision of our future aligns closely with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the Green New Deal in the United States. All three initiatives promote a Marxist government that seeks to imprison people under a totalitarian regime.
Until January 20, 2021, President Donald Trump stood as the most powerful and significant obstacle to the implementation of the Great Reset. The WEF invited him to Davos, Switzerland, where he refused to go along with their diabolical plans for world domination. I believe President Trump’s opposition to globalism is the main reason why so many in both political parties did everything possible to get him out of office, which included the falsifying of election tallies that changed a significant Trump electoral victory into a loss.
Biden’s campaign slogan of “Build Back Better” came directly from the WEF and accurately reflects his administration’s desire to submit the United States to the horrors of the Great Reset. John Kerry, whom Biden named as his special presidential envoy for climate, strongly affirmed Biden’s unfailing allegiance to the Marxist agenda of the WEF. Just before Biden took office, Kerry assured the elites of the WEF that a Joe Biden presidency will quickly advance the globalist “Great Reset” agenda “with greater speed and greater intensity than many might imagine.” [ii]
The agenda behind the Green New Deal in America, the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the Great Reset is not benign!! They all have as their common theme a totalitarian government that will enslave everyone on the planet under the stated goal of “You will own nothing and be happy,” which was the theme of a past video on the WEF website.
The Coming Economic Collapse The economic collapse of the world’s economies must happen in order to pave the way for the Great Reset. That’s what the WEF means by “build back better.” They cannot recreate anything unless they first destroy the existing economic structures. And such turmoil looms in the near future; in fact, it seems long overdue given the debt of so many governments in our world, which now totals 281 trillion dollars.
Daymond Duck, in his March 20, 2021, article on the Rapture Ready website, Apocalypse Approaching, also wrote this in regard to the nearness of an economic collapse in America:
Michael Snyder, author and highly read publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog, posted articles about the U.S. economy two days in a row.
Snyder’s Mar. 11, 2021, article titled “So This Is How the U.S. Dollar Dies” reminds us that America’s national debt is approaching 30 trillion dollars and America has “now entered an era of hyperinflation,” which, in my opinion, is what the rider on the Black Horse is about in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 6:5-6). Snyder believes “a major trigger event could crash the (stock) market at any time,” and I believe some globalists would deliberately do that if they thought it would result in a world government. This is more than my opinion. As incredible as it sounds, articles are appearing suggesting that there may be a deliberate effort to collapse the U.S. and global economy.
Snyder’s Mar. 12, 2021, article titled “Brace Yourselves for the Most Dramatic Shift in the Standard of Living in All of U.S. History” points out that prices of some products (gasoline, lumber, agricultural products, etc.) are soaring as “the U.S. dollar is being transformed into toilet paper money.” Snyder believes world leaders will soon realize that the world needs to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and he says the word “collapse” is ‘not nearly strong enough to describe what is eventually going to happen to us.” I believe Snyder is totally correct about America’s economic situation and the coming collapse, but I believe the Church will be raptured before the worst of it hits in the Tribulation Period. – source
At some point, the reckless spending of the American government will result in over-the-top inflation and obliterate America’s economy, which will have a disastrous ripple effect throughout the entire world.
I believe the globalists in the United States’ government plan to intentionally crash our economy in order to pave the way for America to join the Great Reset. Why else would the U.S. Congress approve the spending of trillions of “stimulus” dollars that require it to borrow or print every last penny? Why else would they allocate huge amounts of this borrowed/printed money to other nations as well as to those who enter our country illegally? I cannot think of any other reason for the current reckless monetary policy by a nation almost 30 trillion dollars in debt than to purposely destroy its economy.
At first, the intervention of the globalists to solve the future economic crisis will seem like a godsend to most people who, at the time, will be drowning in debt. The coming world entity, the beast of Revelation 13, will relieve their massive burden, take ownership of all they possess, and in return guarantee that they have a livable income, healthcare, housing, and a sustainable environment. Later, however, under the leadership of the antichrist, the Great Reset will become a nightmare of epic proportions.
The black horse of Revelation 6:5-6 portrays runaway prices for basic necessities that will plague the world after the rapture. If one listens closely, one might hear the snorting of this horse and the sound of its hoofs kicking against its stall. It’s growing more restless by the day, but the horse and its rider with a pair of scales in his hand must wait until the Lamb opens the “third seal.” At that time, the world will experience the full impact of the suffering and death this rider will bring with him.
Yes, great danger lies ahead for this world. The wrath of the day of the Lord will come upon the unsuspecting world quickly, like a “thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1-3). But as those securely in Christ, we have this promise of deliverance from the coming wrath that I believe will soon engulf the entire world, “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him” (1 Thess. 5:9-10).
Jesus is coming soon! Do you know Him as your Savior? Are you ready for His soon appearing?
In part 4, we will examine how COVID-19 is furthering the advance of the Great Reset across the world.
End Times Ping
This is part 3 of an end times series written by Jonathan Brentner.
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We can't cancel Religion, Freedom, Sovereignty, Family, Law Enforcement, and Education, and expect any other result.
Pray for the Grace to endure the coming Chastisements.
You will be disappointed id you are expecting to be "raptured".
The word of God never disappoints.
He is faithful, He is true, and so are His promises.
Revelation 2:26
And to the one who overcomes and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations.
Revelation 3:10
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Are you better than those who endured the Civil War or WWI & WWII?
God doesn’t war against His Children.
I suggest you re-read the context, or better yet, re-read the Word and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Be a Berean. You won’t convince me or others who believe God’s Word.
5281. hupomoné
Definition: a remaining behind, a patient enduring
Usage: endurance, steadfastness, patient waiting for.
Waiting for what?
1 Corinthians 15:50-54
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
1 John 3:2
1 Thessalonians 5:9
Revelation 3:10
Matthew 24:40-41
Titus 2:13
And if you want to argue about it, take it up with The Lord. These are His plans - ready or not, like it or not, believe it or not. It will come to pass.
And all who BELIEVE IT & YEARN FOR IT, will receive a Crown of Righteousness. I can’t wait for mine!
1st, this IS the Second Coming of Christ, which clearly follows the Tribulation, and not an event preceding or interrupting the Tribulation.
2nd, it is very public and audible, rather than secret or hidden from those not “raptured”.
Matthew 24:37-42, “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man.” “…Then two men will be in the field; one is taken and one is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one is taken and one is left. Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.”
Christ seems to be referring to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, as he warned “…this generation will not pass away till all these things take place”.
Also, notice the people taken away in Noah’s time were the unrighteous, not the righteous, which is the opposite of rapture theory.
In Matthew 24:13 Christ promises “…the one who endures to the end will be saved”. This includes Christians who will endure the Tribulation.
1 Corinthians 15:51-52, “Lo! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.”
This also refers to the Second Coming of Christ, in that “the twinkling of an eye” refers to the instantaneous change from a mortal body to a glorified body, NOT to the speed of the rapture.
Its connection to the blast of the “last trumpet”, heralds Christ’s Second Coming. The Catholic Church has consistently interpreted this passage as such for the last 2000 years.
Revelation 3:10 “Because you have kept my word of patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world to test the inhabitants of earth.”
Does the phrase “…will keep you from the hour of trial…” mean that the Church will be “removed” before the Tribulation begins?
No. There are many Bible verses that show that Christ permits his Church to suffer persecution and tribulation. In John 17:15 Christ says, “I do not pray that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil one”.
John 16:33 says, “In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 15:19 says that Christians have been chosen “out of the world,” but it does not say that Christians will be ‘taken’ out of the world, prior to a time of persecution.
The Church will endure persecutions and tribulations and it will come through them purified. (Mt, Rm, Cor, Thes, Rev.)
when the Tribulation Period arrives, there will be three global systems on earth at the same time: * a global political system (world government),
* a global religious system (world religion), and
* a global economic system (world control of buying and selling).
Which is not to suggest the Rapture could not occur before they are fully implemented; indeed, the removal of resisting Christians would greatly facilitate their development.
Based on your responses you’re a Preterist.
In other words, your chronology is like scrambled eggs and reversed.
That mind-set also downplays Israel and causes many to think that the Church replaced Israel.
God never changes His Promises. The Church will get it’s reward as will Israel. We have different destinies and promises.
There is no “secret rapture”.
I’ve provided verses straight from the Lips of God as to what this event will be like.
Up to you to believe it or not.
Never before has God condemned His People with the heathen. He’s not about to start now either.
They could very well be fully in place at the time of the Harpazo.
Some people believe there is a gap between the Rapture and the Tribulation. I think that could very well be the case and when you toss in the Ezekiel 38/39 Prophecy, Israel will need 7 years to burn those weapons.
They will also need to run for their survival at the midpoint of the Tribulation from the son of perdition. So, those 7 years must transpire by the midpoint to make the math work.
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The world is on the timeline of God the Father. Period.
We can recognize the coming evil, we can point it out to others, we can “vote against it”, we can protest it, but can we change it?
I am not asking the question to be sarcastic in any way. I am simply pointing out that this singular event and the pieces that are positioned for it are far beyond our ability to change or influence.
Just something I have been reflecting upon recently as I watch the world. Our nature is to resist what we see as wrong and the list is legion today, but at some point no matter how much we resist or decry we have no more ability to change it than we would to move a massive mountain with a shovel.
No it isn’t, God gave us Free Will and we are on that timeline. He is going to let is do whatever.
There is no Third Coming of Christ without pretending that coming in the clouds without His feet touching the ground doesn't count.....which is ridiculous.
Please add me to the end times ping list. Thank you.
I might not have understood your statement above. I agree that we each have free will to believe or not believe and that our salvation is singular.
I guess my questions or thoughts are random musings beyond my comprehension.
Can we as believers delay the end of days? Can the “church” delay it? Can a nation delay it? Should we even want to delay it beyond resisting what we correctly recognize as evil?
The end of this Earth is certain and foretold. No man knows when these events occur and frankly, in the 4 decades that I have had an adult discernment of what was written and the world around me there have been countless voices saying the time is upon us.
I don’t know. I don’t even worry or obsess about it as I did when I was a younger man. At some point, as I matured in my faith, I realized that I should not worry about it. My salvation is not dependent upon this world nor can I, as a parent, son, sibling, mentor, and friend, exercise the free will of others on their behalf beyond striving to be a positive influence.
I am not advocating that we shrug our shoulders and acquiesce to that which we know to be wrong in the world, but I know at some point the path of this world, inhabited by only a fraction of those He created, will end according to His word just as certainly as my mortal life and yours will end.
With that in mind, as fascinating as the prophesied end of days is, my older and wiser self now believes that each of us should be more concerned with our first day of eternity (our own rapture) and less with our last day here on Earth no matter when it occurs or how.
Hope that made sense.
NO, you are the ridiculous one by your own calculations. For if you count Paul's meeting CHRIST on the road to Damascus, then he's already been here twice! And since we are not consulted by GOD as to his comings and goings, how many times might he have been on this planet since it's creation?
You're putting GOD in a box. Saying, "HE can do this or that but definitely NOT something new. Besides most incorrect rapture naysayers are confused by the trumphets of Revelations. Saying the last triumphet is when the Rapture happens because Paul talks about a trumphet.
BUT......when 1 Corinthians 15:52. was written by Paul, (... In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumphet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed).......Revelations had not yet been written. Therefore Paul was NOT writing about the last triumphet of the Tribulation (Revelations).
Where did this nonsense come from that since Yeshua’s feet didn’t touch the Earth then it’s not a Second Coming prior to His Second Coming; who fostered that excuse?
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