Flesh gets transformed into Glorified Bodies.
Why would God declare war on the Body of Christ during the Tribulation?
Is there going to be a Galactic Civil War between the Trilogy then?
Noah was “taken out” before divine judgement.
Lot & his daughters were “taken out” before divine judgement.
Enoch - raptured.
Elijah - raptured.
So shall it be for the Church.
The ‘body’ of Christ knows what the tribulation is... Christ said let no man deceive you.. mass deception is the ‘tribulation’. If you woke up tomorrow and discovered your doctrine was by and from that old Serpent, would you pray for mountains to fall upon you.
Why would Christ declare that for the elects sake ‘time’ was shortened. Rome has already a temple dedicated to the serpent. The rest is sure to follow.
Notice too, the Angel told Lot that he, the angel, could not start the fire and brimstone rain until Lot was out of the way. THAT is the stark figure of the Body of Christ must be removed before the restraint is removed and the antichrist spings upon the scene.
John tells you that when Jesus appears fulfilling John 14:1-4 we will see Him as He is in His glorified body ... because when He appears to take us to the Father's House WE WILL BE LIKE HIM 1 John 3:2).