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The Current Gender Confusion Is Gnostic To The Core...Gender 4 ^ | 10-05-18 | Bill Randles

Posted on 10/05/2018 7:12:57 AM PDT by pastorbillrandles

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;(Romans 1:25-27)

We live in baffling times. The very idea that there should be national debate about whether or not Gender is determined or a mere mental construct seems insane to anyone rooted in the old Judeo/Christian consensus, but to the many in the younger generation, long subjected to intense counter cultural propaganda, interchangeable and optional gender roles makes perfect sense.

The practical outworking of these ideas; i.e. the opening of doors of formerly private places such as gender specific restrooms, has not only been widely accepted by many young, (“Whats the big deal?”), but also by huge corporations such as Target Stores. It is astonishing to me also that many otherwise seemingly conventional pundits and spokesmen also give credence to the bizarre concept, “Transgenderism”.

Not only does it seem insane, but in view of our hypersexualized , violent and perverse times, isn’t it a manifestly dangerous idea to allow disturbed men access to public restrooms? What ever happened to the wide consciousness of Amber Alerts, sexual abuse, child abuse, and awareness of sexual trafficking?

Do the “rights” of the degenerates to be reprobate, now trump the rights of little children (girls especially) to be safe from exposure to grown men? Evidently they do to our “progressive elite”.

But the sexual revolution must go on ! (Or I should say counter revolution, because as I noted in the previous article, Moses led the first real sexual revolution, when He revealed a Holy God, and desexualized worship, and as Dennis Prager so aptly told us, He put the sexual genie back into the bottle, insisting on sexuality to be confined to monogamous marriage only!).

This is a deeply spiritual problem and can only be understood, or even countered spiritually. Fortunately we have the testimony of Scripture and even History to give us a sense of what is really going on in all of this madness.

What we are experiencing is the spiritual assault predicted by Theologian Herman Bavinck in 1901″Unless we are mistaken…the twentieth century…is to witness a gigantic conflict of spirits…more serious and fiercer than ever before, the conflict is between the old and the new worldview”.

Of course the Apostles of Jesus prophesied this warfare centuries earlier through the Holy Spirit-

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;(I Timothy 4:1-2)

One of the earliest spiritual rivals to the early church, and even to the Judaism which the church sprang out of , was a movement called “Gnosticism”. A “Gonostic” is a “knowing one”, from the greek word for ‘knowledge’, which is ‘gnosis’. In a nutshell, “Gnostic” spirituality is a comprehensive way of interpreting reality, based on hidden knowledge, revealed only to the super spiritual elites.

Gnosticism predated Christianity, but it had a way of embracing any and all religions and reinterpreting them according to the gnostic paradigm, thus morphing those religions into something entirely different.

What is this secret knowledge? It is the serpent’s lie that we are all ‘gods’ able to define ourselves for ourselves and to decide what is good or evil subjectively.

Much of gnosticism also concerns the nature of physical reality; Gnostics taught that the physical world was and is a harmful illusion. Furthermore in the Judeo/Christianized version of the gnostic heresy, the Creator God is an evil “demi-urge” binding us by the limitations of Creation.

Supposedly through the gnosis, we can reverse the bondage and evil effects of Creation by reversing the distinctions within creation.

In the Genesis account, immediately after Creation, we are told that God set about making distinctions within Creation, remember?

He separated day from night, darkness from light, Heavens from earth, waters above from waters below, land from sea, male from female, try from false, etc.. But the ultimate distinction is found in Genesis 1:1, the Creator Creation distinction.

One of the ways that gnosticism teaches we can successfully rebel against and overcome the Creator God, is to erase all of the distinctions that He set forth in the beginning.The gnostic wants to put back together what the Creator set asunder, he would reverse and erase all distinctions.

We see gnosticism worked out in the new philosophies, which deny that there is such a thing as truth and error, or in multiculturalism which denies that there is any superior or inferior culture. This heresy is once again spreading like wild fire in our education system, and seeping into our movies and entertainments.Movies like “The Matrix” are but gnostic tracts, inculcating the gnostic worldview into the souls of millions of unsuspecting moviegoers.

As of fairly recently, the world currently mourns “Prince”, an androgenous entertainer who once told Oprah Winfrey that there was another being living within him who is female. He even dropped his given name and took on an unpronounceable symbol which represented both sexes. This tormented man, who lived on a nightmarish drug regimen, finally succumbed to the drugs and the paranoia, because he refused to take a hospital room in Moline, Illinois when the doctors thought it urgent that he do so.

What the sexual anarchists are seeking to do, is to remove all of the distinctions set by the Creator and author of Life. To them there is no error or truth, no right and wrong, no male or female, light or dark, day or night, and ultimately, they believe there is no distinction between Creator and creation.

I do believe that to the extent that people remove the Creator Creation distinction, they go insane. Our society is insane. Neo Gnosticism has saturated our culture and we are seeing the madness that it inflicts. This problem is spiritual at root.

What should we the church be doing in these lamentable times?

With firm conviction and yet compassion we should ever bear witness to the Truth, particularly those truths being contested and denied by the world system at the moment. Men and Women do indeed bear the Image of God. The sexual roles are assigned by the Creator. Males and Females are equally valuable, but they are not interchangeable. We should re affirm the God assigned roles for male and female, ad celebrate once again the beauty of the original plan for marriage.

The way back to sanity, for any poor miserable individual , or for any body of people is through submitting to, believing and acknowledging the truth! The Truth can set us all free!

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Evangelical Christian; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: gender; gnostic; homosexualagenda; jesus; perversion; trans

1 posted on 10/05/2018 7:12:57 AM PDT by pastorbillrandles
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To: pastorbillrandles

It truly is a mental defect. To be confused about something that has always been within hands reach all their life?

2 posted on 10/05/2018 7:27:58 AM PDT by rawcatslyentist ("All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing")
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To: rawcatslyentist

IF Women started only using the men’s room in mass the problem would solve itself. The lines would be so long there would be a revolt. Buy stock in wipes.

3 posted on 10/05/2018 7:38:57 AM PDT by cnsmom
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To: pastorbillrandles

I have been thinking about changing my tagline for a couple of weeks from: “For Progressives, Islamonazis, Statists, Commies & other Democrats: It’s all about PEOPLE CONTROL!”

To: “Progressives, Islamonazis, Statists, Commies & Democrats suffer from a Sickness of the Soul.”

4 posted on 10/05/2018 7:42:15 AM PDT by Perseverando (For Progressives, Islamonazis, Statists, Commies & other Democrats: It's all about PEOPLE CONTROL!)
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To: pastorbillrandles

What was the bathroom arrangement 3 thousand years ago?

5 posted on 10/05/2018 7:44:11 AM PDT by gundog (Hail to the Chief, bitches.)
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To: pastorbillrandles

America’s survival requires revival. This country will not survive the move leftward. Rome, Nero and his boy/girl. Down, down, down. Aids galore in Africa. Wake-up. Std and suicides skyrocketing. Repent for making fools your priests!

6 posted on 10/05/2018 8:41:17 AM PDT by KDF48 (Redeemed by Christ.)
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To: rawcatslyentist

Gender is bullshit
There are but two SEXES

7 posted on 10/05/2018 9:06:38 AM PDT by Truthoverpower (The guvmint you get is the Trump winning express !)
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To: pastorbillrandles

“Our society is insane. Neo Gnosticism has saturated our culture and we are seeing the madness that it inflicts. This problem is spiritual at root.”

We have indeed become a very sick society.

8 posted on 10/05/2018 9:09:57 AM PDT by aquila48
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