Making the thread about another poster started in post #9 where you accused another poster of being drunk.
But that is her MO when called on her use of bias against those not part of her belief system.
Yes I know you were clever and posted it as a question.
But when a slur like yours is posted, others will go outside the guidelines with you and the thread enters into the chaotic zone.
Salvation of course didn't go to the root of the problem, but instead falsely accused another poster of making the thread about a member.
I brought this to her attention, but received no answer or explanation as to why she wasn't accurate in her research before slamming the wrong poster with a false accusation
She rarely ever answers a reply that calls her out on her biased posts.
You also doubled down on your "are you a drunk" question. I guess saying it once wasn't enough.
You have been successful in diverting the thread to you instead of the actual issues of the thread.
It appears you did not have debate ammo to use to answer a completely legitimate post, therefore the poster must be "drunk?"
Congrats on not having debate on the issue of Catholics worshiping the false god of Islam as proclaimed by the highest authority of the Catholic Church at this time.
Mission accomplished, now lets see if the thread is pulled and if any more Christians are banned for calling you out for your use of diversionary tactic instead of honest reasoned debate.
Proverbs 1:22-26Elsie, thanks for the tagline!
"How long, O naive ones, will you love being simple-minded? And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing And fools hate knowledge?
I put a message for you at the bottom of my last post on this thread.
Highlight the area below my text to see it.
Everyone else, Don’t look!
I have other things to do. Don’t always get back to threads.
“Making the thread about another poster started in post #9 where you accused another poster of being drunk.”
Now explain why to me how it is not hypocrisy for others to do the same thing while complaining I did it earlier. Can you do that?
“Mission accomplished, now lets see if the thread is pulled and if any more Christians are banned for calling you out for your use of diversionary tactic instead of honest reasoned debate.”
There was no chance of “honest reasoned debate” precisely because of the content of the comment I responded to. That’s why I responded exactly as I did.