Heavenly Father,
In You, Lord, is our help and deliverance for evil in all its forms -physically and spiritually, and in all places, at home and abroad. In these dark days, may we turn to You for our refuge and protection from those who hate You and Your people.
We confess our sins of unbelief and turning from You to our own ways. Fill us with the power of Your Spirit to do Your will. Send revival and healing in our land.
Protect all those who still sacrifice and go into harm's way to defend us, home and abroad. Shield Your servants from attacks on all fronts. And through the power of Your Spirit, may America will be great again.
In Jesus Name we pray,
Amen and Amen to all the prayers for our heroes and our country
Amen to every word of your anointed prayer, NEWwoman!
Amen to your Wonderful, Powerful Prayer, Dear Servant of our King.
Standing with you in 100% Agreement.