Gays have some weird obsession with the catholic church. They love to mock and mimic it with nuns in drag and priests in short shorts and nonsense like that. They are getting their dream come true, once the gays get their hooks into the Vatican and can openly promote their unethical (because it violates their vows!) lifestyle then there will be no stopping it. Gayness will be front and center in every single discussion. People like myself will fall away, I don't want a church that is about being super gay all the time. And they gays will never come to the church, they like to mock it and protest it but they don't want to be part of it, they want to watch it crumble so they can nod and say "finally!"
I think the prophecy of Malachy has this Pope being the last one. Right now it seems about right.
Is it an inevitable outcome of the priest sex scandal and how it was handled?
the gays have taken over the Anglican/Episcopal Church and now the Catholic Church. God is going to be very angry....
Just as Obama will be a permanent stain in American history, Francis will be the bane of RC's from now on. Keep in mind he was voted in. That means the Cardinals feel he was what RC's needed for the "new" day coming. The Bible speaks of "falling away" of the church in the Last days.
...”Gays have some weird obsession with the catholic church”...
Well for centuries they could practice and find protection in the catholic church so of course it’s a safe haven for them. Now the church has “accepted” homosexuals simply asking them not to practice their sexual relations.......the next step will be to allow Priests to marry...thus homosexuals will also...just a patter of time.