When you water down the Word expect to drown.
It’s not AMERICAN Christianity that is committing suicide. It’s AMERICA that is committing suicide.
**Take the recent Washington Post op-ed by Rachel Held Evans. Evans pinpoints what she sees as the real problem when she chastises Christianity for being too judgmental and exclusive. In other words, she yearns for a church more open-minded and inclusive of alternative ideas, beliefs and lifestyles.**
There is such a place. Unitarians will welcome people who want was she is searching for.
American Christianity isn’t committing suicide... the country is.
Were that the case, the mainline sects would be thriving and the Evangelical and conservative sects would be suffering from empty pews. Instead, the exact opposite is happening.
Why is that?
Just getting rid of the dead wood.
John 15:1
1”I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2”Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.”
Rachel Held Evans is an inspiration of mine. I am working on a book called ‘The Subversive God’ about how God worked in a manner that cut across the cultural and social expectations of people in the Bible. Often I am nagged with doubts about whether or not I am qualified to write a book like this. Then I realize that Rachel Held Evans gets taken seriously as a “Christian thinker” and my fears evaporate.
During those 7 years, we imported probably around 2 million or more of non-Christians.
In a lot of places in the Middle East Christians are not leaving the faith...they are just being put in the ground before their natural time to expire. And we have a leader that has no problem with that. He may say he does but it is only talk to calm the Christians here...and they are easily calmed.
This is nonsense. What the Pew study showed was that the entire decline in Christianity was from the Churches which are doing precisely this. It is the apostate Mainstream Churches (Episcopalians, ELCA, Methodists and PCUSA Presybys)and the "relevant" seeker sensitive churches which are declining at a rapid rate. The Churches which practice orthodox biblical based Christianity are doing just fine or actually increasing. There was a decline in the Catholic church but my bet is the Catholic decline is also among the marginal not really Christian in the first place Catholics. I've heard them referred to as "chreaster" Catholics (ie the ones who only go to church on Christmas and Easter). In my book this is a good thing and is just a manifestation of the Church winnowing the wheat from the tares.
Anyone ever seen a Pew Research Poll and think it was accurate? No-it is always twisted to try to influence public opinion.
And it is successful in bringing humanity to Christ. Man thirsts for truth, for love, for God.
One day, some day Rachel will find out how wrong she has been. Satan has blinded her.
The Church trying to be relevant is what is causing the decline. I do not want to receive mans word to follow I want to receive God’s word to follow
Our work does nothing but intensify.
So I guess Christians-the real ones-can expect they will outlive the modern pagans. I do think there is truth in that idea, because modern pagans are contracepting and aborting themselves into oblivion. Divorce, homosexuality and fatal STD’s are clipping the population at an outrageous rate. Marijuana also decreases fertility and has other long term effects that would decrease the population.
Good article.
Even though the Catholic Church may be losing members in some locations, I don’t think that, overall, it is as this article says “Committing Suicide.”
Most would much rather fight one another than try to bring what's now a horde of anti-Christian jerks in society to Christ.