The Nazis implemented Luther's recommendations step by step. From the boycott of Jewish businesses (1933) to the Nuremberg Laws (1935) to Kristallnacht (1938) to the camps, to the final solution, they followed Luther's advice. Luther's own words would urge them on with a zeal and hatred straight from hell.
The Catholic Hitler and his ilk had innumerable examples of anti-Semitic literature to draw from, and blaming Luther's 500 year old TJATL as a the sole cause of their actions is pitiable. Far more likely is they learned their anti-Semitism initially following their church's leaders past actions, and then applied the typical search for a scapegoat following the ruin in the wake of WWII.
Once again, Luther had words, while the Papacy and the Nazis had the temporal power to act on their desires. Neither can blame Luther for their hatred of Jewry. But then, they don't have too, as long as they have anonymous internet posters to do it for them.