Nonsense. I've been reading Greg Laurie for years as well as listening to his sermons. The vast majority of his work is about living in Christ, not eschatology. What you wrote is mendacious and you should be ashamed.
Amen DR Thorne.
Greg is a good man, who has been handed, by God Himself, the torch of evangelism that was Billy Graham’s.
The torch has been passed on, and if you go back far enough you will see how God, not man, has chosen the one who stands out among the rest as His voice of the day.
Usually it is something we don not realize until they have died, but with Billy ascending at the time of the explosion of television, we are now more privy to whom that one will be while we are alive.
Who knows, maybe because it is because of the end times when the whole earth will be witnesses to the events spoken of in the Scriptures.
Just my two cents, but I mainly wanted to let you know I agree with you about the “Lost Boy”.