Say what you will about him, he is extremely clever. He succeeded.
It’s wrong to kill, unless it’s babies.
Buggery and killing babies are the only essential freedoms.
Man, Democrats really are a hoot.
Only because parents gave their children up to the State to “educate”. (They condition children (Program them) to flip Good and Evil and erase Reason (which is embedded in Christianity because of Natural Law Theory/Reason).
The curricula destroys Virtue (Souls) of children-—it erases Christian Ethics and normalizes Satanic Ethics starting at age 4 if kids are in government “preschools”.
The Godless knew about Pavlovian methodology by 1900 and John Dewey destroyed the foundations of Classical Education for “Social” Studies and “conditioning” with the correct emotions tied to the correct concepts. (Capitalism=Evil; Conservative/Christians=Evil, Bigoted, Creepy) for collective thinking (”group think”).
Humiliation and Peer Pressure is used to destroy initiative and individualism and “thinking outside the box”. After a few years, children will be too frightened to “speak against” the pop culture. (like those in Congress who were conditioned in our institutions.)
We can take back the minds of our children and grandchildren....Do it.