>>>You see the remainder of Isaiah 61 as not a literal fulfillment but one of allegory or spiritualization.<<<
Try not to read my mind. We are too dissimilar.
All I was implying was the Prophecy of Isaiah on that issue was fulfilled, as was all other O.T. prophecy, by the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Only the antichristian Talmudic/Pharisaic Jews and their tagger-alongers, or those who have been deceived by them, believe Jesus was misspeaking or lying in Luke 21:22 about the O.T being fulfilled.
Resorting to the line that an opponent is calling Christ a liar is a typical losing preterist tactic.
If Isaiah 61 was literally fulfilled then when were the ruins rebuilt? When did foreigners come to tend the flocks around Zion? So of course you see this as allegory.
These comments seem unduly vitriolic and even antiSemitic, especially in the context of so many German theologians proffered to support a teaching contrary to the majority of Orthodox, Fundamentalist, and Evangelical believers. Reading about your sources I wondered how they abandoned faith for higher criticism and other error, leading to ungodly generations that plunged the world into war and Holocaust.