Posted on 02/06/2014 4:31:42 PM PST by NKP_Vet
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States originated on Columbus Day, 1893. It contained no reference to Almighty God, until in New York City on April 22, 1951, the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the Pledge of Allegiance as recited at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by the addition of the words under God after the words one nation. The adoption of this resolve by the Supreme Board of Directors had the effect of an immediate initiation of this practice throughout the aforesaid Fourth Degree Assembly meetings. At their annual State Meetings, held in April and May of 1952, the State Councils of Florida, South Dakota, New York and Michigan adopted resolutions recommending that the Pledge of Allegiance be so amended and that Congress be petitioned to have such amendment made effective. On August 21, 1952, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus, at its annual meeting, adopted a res- olution urging that the change be made general and copies of this resolution were sent to the President, the Vice President (as Presiding Officer of the Senate) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24, 1952, adopted a similar resolution upon the recommendation of its President, Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart. Several State Fraternal Congresses acted like- wise almost immediately thereafter. At its annual meeting the following year, on August 20, 1953, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus repeated its resolution to make this amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag general and to send copies of this resolve to the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and to each member of both Houses of Congress. From this latter action, many favorable replies were received, and a total of seventeen resolutions were introduced in the House of Representatives to so amend the Pledge of Allegiance as set forth in the Public Law relating to the use of the flag. The resolution introduced by Congressman Louis C. Rabaut of Michigan was adopted by both Houses of Congress, and it was signed by President Eisenhower on Flag Day, June 14, 1954, thereby making official the amendment conceived, sponsored, and put into practice by the Knights of Columbus more than three years before. In a message to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart at the meeting of the Supreme Council in Louisville, August 17, 1954, President Eisenhower, in recognition of the initiative of the Knights of Columbus in originating and sponsoring the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance, said: We are particularly thankful to you for your part in the movement to have the words under God added to our Pledge of Allegiance. These words will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded. For the contribution which your organization has made to this cause, we must be genuinely grateful. In August, 1954, the Illinois American Legion Convention adopted a resolution whereby recognition was given to the Knights of Columbus as having initiated, sponsored and brought about the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance; and on October 6, 1954, the National Executive Committee of the American Legion gave its approval to that resolution
One Nation, Under God, Indivisible
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States originated on Columbus Day, 1893. It contained no reference to Almighty God, until in New York City on April 22, 1951, the Board of Directors of the Knights of Columbus adopted a resolution to amend the Pledge of Allegiance as recited at the opening of each of the meetings of the 800 Fourth Degree Assemblies of the Knights of Columbus by the addition of the words “under God” after the words “one nation”. The adoption of this resolve by the Supreme Board of Directors had the effect of an immediate initiation of this practice throughout the aforesaid Fourth Degree Assembly meetings.
At their annual State Meetings, held in April and May of 1952, the State Councils of Florida, South Dakota, New York and Michigan adopted resolutions recommending that the Pledge of Allegiance be so amended and that Congress be petitioned to have such amendment made effective.
On August 21, 1952, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus, at its annual meeting, adopted a res- olution urging that the change be made general and copies of this resolution were sent to the President, the Vice President (as Presiding Officer of the Senate) and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The National Fraternal Congress meeting in Boston on September 24, 1952, adopted a similar resolution upon the recommendation of its President, Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart. Several State Fraternal Congresses acted like- wise almost immediately thereafter.
At its annual meeting the following year, on August 20, 1953, the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus repeated its resolution to make this amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag general and to send copies of this resolve to the President, Vice President, Speaker of the House, and to each member of both Houses of Congress. From this latter action, many favorable replies were received, and a total of seventeen resolutions were introduced in the House of Representatives to so amend the Pledge of Allegiance as set forth in the Public Law relating to the use of the flag. The resolution introduced by Congressman Louis C. Rabaut of Michigan was adopted by both Houses of Congress, and it was signed by President Eisenhower on Flag Day, June 14, 1954, thereby making official the amendment conceived, sponsored, and put into practice by the Knights of Columbus more than three years before.
In a message to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart at the meeting of the Supreme Council in Louisville, August 17, 1954, President Eisenhower, in recognition of the initiative of the Knights of Columbus in originating and sponsoring the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance, said:
“We are particularly thankful to you for your part in the movement to have the words `under God’ added to our Pledge of Allegiance. These words will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded. For the contribution which your organization has made to this cause, we must be genuinely grateful.”
In August, 1954, the Illinois American Legion Convention adopted a resolution whereby recognition was given to the Knights of Columbus as having initiated, sponsored and brought about the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance; and on October 6, 1954, the National Executive Committee of the American Legion gave its approval to that resolution.
The story I read about and believe is the one which states that President Eisenhower, attending his church, The New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, in 1954, heard the recommendation for adding this phrase to the Pledge of Allegiance. The pastor then was The Rev. George Docherty, a native of Scotland, had often wondered why the Americans had no reference to God in the Pledge of Allegiance. He brought this up one Sunday while Eisenhower was in the audience and Ike, feeling it was a good idea, conferred with some members of Congress, who introduced a resolution to this effect. It passed and the Pledge was changed.
I refer you to the Wikipedia post on Dr. Docherty. It says what I just wrote. This other story does not ring true.
“In a message to Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart at the meeting of the Supreme Council in Louisville, August 17, 1954, President Eisenhower, in recognition of the initiative of the Knights of Columbus in ORIGINATING and sponsoring the amendment to the Pledge of Allegiance”.
Yes Ike thought it was good idea because the Knights of Columbus had already petitioned Congress to make the change.
I am a proud 4th Degree Knight of Columbus
The KofC continues to perform amazing acts of charity all over the world. Free prosthetic limbs for every Haitian child that was crippled during the earthquake there as one example. The pre-eminent organization leading the fight to save the unborn is another. Kudos to the Knights everywhere.
Where “Under God” was begat, is not a news story.
Why does the ‘k of c’ symbol have an Italian Fasci, a former symbol of the Mussolini gang, on it?
How did the ‘k of c’ start, since I’m not familiar with immigrant clubs?
What, exactly, is the foundation of the ‘k of c?
When did the ‘k of c’ become such an influential religious, to have the moment to whisper into a president’s ear?
Who started the ‘k of c’ in my country?
Likewise, SK Dacula.
Vivat Jesus!
Also the first organization to help out financially after 9/11 and Katrina.
There is a website where you can learn answers to most of what you asked. KCs were formed in 1892 by a priest in New Haven, CT. Fr. Michael McGivney. It was formed to help widows and orphans of Catholic families. Thus insurance was a pillar of the KCs.
All in all, the world could use many more groups like this.
The KofC was formed in order to help take care of members’ surviving family members upon the death of the member. At the time, there was still much prejudice against Catholics ... especially Irish Catholics ... and many of them had dangerous jobs such as mining. The first order of the organization charity.
Nice. Thanks for posting this. God bless the K of C.
And by the way ... the KofC formed long before Mussolini’s time.
You are supposed to put a s/ sarcasm tag on these types of posts other wise people will think you are some sort of dumb ass.
Never heard of them, and I am a Katrina survivor, so since somebody wrote about it, i.e., I asked the questions. No “sarcasm”, just questions.
So I was correct. It is an immigrant club. Thank you.
By your last statement, mosques seem to be the organization of choice, today.
Glad to meet you Sir. Knight. I too am a proud 4th Degree Knight of Columbus.
Take a few minutes and watch this video.
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