Is it now?
I don’t actually recall that I mentioned it, but I would refer you to John 6:37-40, and also 47.
If a man has everlasting life, but loses it, did he ever have “everlasting” life to begin with?
However, I’m not God’s private secretary, nor are you. You could well be right, but I’m not worried about it personally. I don’t intend to reject God.
**I dont intend to reject God.**
So glad to hear that you are not rejecting the transubstantiation of the bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Christ.
Thank you.
So glad you are not receiving the Eucharist.
“if a man has everlasting life, but loses it, did he ever have everlasting life to begin with?”
Too easy.
Free will. Life everlasting is lost the minute a commandment breaks.
Pride sucks
I agree, one would have to be a “Judas” in my opinion. Apostasy comes to mind.