It’s important to note that the (Catholic) Church does teach those who have never heard of Christ but earnestly seek to imitate Him by following the Law inscribed in every man’s heart can be saved, but if they are saved it is still only through Christ.
IOW, the Church teaches it is only through Christ that a man is saved. Thus it’s a strawman argument to say the Church teaches a man can be saved without Christ (or through his good works alone). The Church doesn’t teach that.
So aborted babies and babies that die before baptism aren’t welcomed into Heaven?
I’ve had Catholics tell me that baptism saves.
But that’s not good enough either because they then tell me that you have to go to confession, and partake of THEIR communion, but if you sin you can still go to hell.
Catholics does not in practice teach that salvation is through Christ, it teaches that it is through following their rules and regulations and doing certain rituals, and that doing those rituals in the physical, material realm in which we live causes spiritual realities to happen.
There is a world of difference between what Catholicism teaches in writing and what it teaches in practice.