But, ultimately, if “Papa Benny” doesn’t correct Cd. Koch, he affirms the rhetoric.
I’ll retract my criticism* if and when Benny makes a statement -pro or con- of Cd. Koch.(* a form still protected under the same 1Amend that protects the faithful practice of both the RCs and Lutrins!)
As to the Chicago style of my earlier post...it goes without saying that [in Chicago] if “Dick” Daly didn’t know about it, he isn’t culpable. In this instance, is Cd. Koch a “loose cannon”?
The so-called "rhetoric" CDY is discussing exists solely in the words of the journalist and is not a quote from Koch.
Why, pray tell, should the Pope "correct" Cdl. Koch for something Alessandro Speciale of La Stampa said???
but cletus,Cardinal Koch did not use that term "followers of L" -- the journalist used that term.