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Who is the Harlot AND Her Daughters?
12/3/2012 | self

Posted on 12/03/2012 2:15:56 AM PST by DouglasKC

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To: spacejunkie2001

“How is she a false prophet? Anyone who tells God’s truth in these last days (since Christ’s resurrection) is a prophet.”

I’m sorry, but the Bible is quite clear on this. It’s not simply telling God’s truth that makes you a true prophet. One of the Biblical tests is that true prophets do NOT tell any falsehoods; all their prophecies come to pass exactly as they say. When they do make a false prophecy, we know they are a false prophet, according to Deuteronomy 18:20-22 :

“20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”

Ellen G. White made a great many prophecies that did not come to pass, therefore, she’s a false prophet. Those who follow her are, at the very least, not practicing discernment.

181 posted on 12/04/2012 6:42:35 AM PST by Boogieman
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To: Responsibility2nd
oh and if I boast of the power of my Lord, God and Savior -- well I'm sorry if it hurts you.

you can always leave that false group and become Christian (Catholic, Lutheran, Orthodox, Presbyterian, Traditional Anglican, Oriental etc.) -- it's your choice

182 posted on 12/04/2012 6:42:50 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: Boogieman

I’m not trying to be difficult here but be specific in what she said that did not come to pass. She specifically said, and I agree, that ALL information be tested against the Bible for accuracy. I don’t see where she’s said anything that is an untruth.

The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group and the accusations are weak at best. This is not an attack on you personally, I can assure you. But the Catholics want to disparage the SDA’s by posting the ex SDA website that says absolutely nothing and yet their own teachings veer FAR FAR FAR from the Bible. Praying to statues and dead people, priests forgiving sins, etc., are NOT grounded in Biblical truth.

183 posted on 12/04/2012 6:55:05 AM PST by spacejunkie2001
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Adventists believe SATAN BEARS OUR SINS: "It was seen, also, that while the sin offering pointed to Christ as a sacrifice, and the high priest represented Christ as a mediator, the scapegoat typified Satan, the author of sin, upon whom the sins of the truly penitent will finally be placed" The Great Controversy, p. 422 (emphasis added).

184 posted on 12/04/2012 7:14:59 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists teach Jesus is Michael the Archangel?

Yes, Seventh-day Adventists share this belief with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Adventists are very firm in their belief that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. They must take this position because this is what their prophetess, Ellen G. White taught. They also believe that Jesus is God. There is a glaring contradiction here. Hebrews 1:13-14 says that Jesus is not an angel.

185 posted on 12/04/2012 7:15:42 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists prophetess Ellen White wrote in 1864 (and republished in 1870) that humans once cohabited with animals and that their offspring produced certain races that exist today. The statement reads: "But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere. God purposed to destroy by a flood that powerful, long-lived race that had corrupted their ways before Him."

186 posted on 12/04/2012 7:17:20 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists believe the following:

"The kingdom of grace was instituted immediately after the fall of man, when a plan was devised for the redemption of the guilty race" (Great Controversy, p. 347).

Quite in contrast to the Bible:

"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight" (Ephesians 1:4).

187 posted on 12/04/2012 7:18:46 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists believe the following:

"Satan appeared to be by the throne, trying to carry on the work of God. I saw them (Christians) look up to the throne, and pray, 'Father, give us Thy Spirit.' Satan would then breathe upon them an unholy influence ..." (Early Writings, p. 56).

really -- Satan taking prayers directed to God?

Sorry, your SDA's are in the same non-Christian group as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

188 posted on 12/04/2012 7:20:59 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists believe the following:

"It is a sin to be sick; for all sickness is the result of transgression" (Counsels on Health, p. 37)..

189 posted on 12/04/2012 7:22:33 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: xzins
13 Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.

The subject is not being ignorant about those who have already died.

Paul wrote this, correct? So did Paul forget he wrote this when he later wrote ICorinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall *ALL* be changed,

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the *last* trump; (there are 7 trumps) for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

The rest of the chapter is relevant, I am not going to type it all but I will note that Paul quotes Isaiah 25:8 He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the *rebuke* of His People shall He take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.

9 And it shall be said in that day, "Lo, this is our God; we have *waited* for Him, and He will save us: this is the LORD; we have *waited* for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation."

Even way back in Isaiah's days God saw fit to emphasize 'waiting' for the LORD, not buy the first ticket out of here.

Paul also quoted Hosea 13:14.

Now Hosea is an interesting book, given what God told Hosea to do ... Hosea 1:2 The beginning of the word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, "Go, take unto the a wife of whoredoms and the children of whoredoms:

for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the LORD,".........

Let's not forget before one jot or tittle of the New Testament ever got put on animal skins or plant products Christ stated Mark 13:23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.

Christianity is overwhelmingly ignorant to what Paul also said in regard to the end..... ICorinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples (examples): and they are written for our admonition, (warning), upon whom the ends of the world (age) are come.

Now one must back up a few Scriptures to find out who this *them* is to find out whether or not the not finding the word church after Revelation is what God is saying or if it is a strong delusion. There are 7 churches listed in Revelation and only two are found without fault. It sure has been an interesting thread.

190 posted on 12/04/2012 7:23:51 AM PST by Just mythoughts
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To: spacejunkie2001
The SDA’s are a very biblically sound group

really? when Seventh-day Adventists believe the following:

All the miracles of Christ performed for the afflicted and suffering were, by the power of God, through the ministration of angels. (." Spirit of Prophecy Volume Two pg.76, Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald January 21, 1873 pr.16)..

Nope, the SDA's are hardly "biblically sound"

191 posted on 12/04/2012 7:24:53 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
As Evangelicals have discovered Seventh-day Adventists desperately want to look like, sound like and be accepted like evangelical Christians. The problem is they don’t believe like evangelical, Bible believing Christians.

you can read more at Ex-adventists -- enjoy

192 posted on 12/04/2012 7:26:07 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
aren’t into reading the Bible. They’d learn so much.

you mean the fake Seventh Day Adventist bible like the Mormon or Jehovah's Witness bible?

In 1994 the Seventh-day Adventists did publish an Adventist paraphrase of the Bible, “The Clear Word Bible”, done by Adventist pastor and scholar Jack J. Blanco. This paraphrase has made huge changes to the Word of God. Large portions of Scripture have been altered to support Adventist distinctive doctrines. Passages of Scripture that refute Adventist false teaching have been “edited” so that they are rendered ineffective. This paraphrase is much worse of an attack on the Bible than the Jehovah’s Witnesses New World Translation or Joseph Smith’s (Mormon) “Inspired Translation of the King James Version”.

193 posted on 12/04/2012 7:28:42 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
spacejunkie Second, I’ve been to SDA churches, among many other churches... The SDA are completely Biblically sound.

err.. sorry, no they're not -- your post 147 proves that -- please do read a Bible before posting continuously wrong comments like spacejunkie2001 (post 147): No one has been judged yet so no one’s in heaven. The Bible is very clear that we don’t go with Him until His return.

The thief on the cross was told by Christ he would be with him in paradise but no one has gone yet.

Now evidently you would need to read the Bible son because what you just stated directly contradicts Jesus Christ's own words "Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43, -- note that that's the Bible, not some SDA peddled thrash

Might be good if you read the Bible someday, son.

194 posted on 12/04/2012 7:32:19 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: spacejunkie2001
As Evangelicals have discovered Seventh-day Adventists desperately want to look like, sound like and be accepted like evangelical Christians. The problem is they don’t believe like evangelical, Bible believing Christians.

you can read more at Ex-adventists -- enjoy

195 posted on 12/04/2012 7:32:55 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: Cronos; Religion Moderator

RE post 179. You keep posting as if you were on that (now deleted) thread. “A bad dishonest liar...”

I’ve told you and yet you don’t beleive me; the poster asked open, honest and sincere questions. But if it advances your religous positions to speak on matters you are ignorant of.... Go Ahead.

But do humor me on this statement you made... “you can always leave that false group and become Christian...”

WHAT false group am I a member of?

Already on this thread, I’ve been “reprimanded” by the RM for calling you a Catholic Boaster. Yet you can barge in here and call names and make false charges regarding a sincerere religous discussion thread you were never on, AND claim I’m a member of a false group.

But as I’ve always said on this thread and others; this is a Catholic site and as an evangelical Christian, I’m used to being used and abused by Catholics.

Carry on.

196 posted on 12/04/2012 7:37:31 AM PST by Responsibility2nd (NO LIBS. This Means Liberals and (L)libertarians! Same Thing. NO LIBS!!)
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To: spacejunkie2001
"They’d learn so much." -- as you can see by the above, don't you think you need to read the Bible? You'd learn so much, right? Find out the errors of soul sleep etc.....

Lots of reading for you, son

197 posted on 12/04/2012 7:39:20 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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To: DouglasKC
It's not that hard to figure out.
But most people can't handle the truth.

Want to know more?
Read the Bible.
Also look for Who or What is the Prophetic Beast .

198 posted on 12/04/2012 7:40:42 AM PST by Yosemitest (It's Simple ! Fight, ... or Die !)
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To: Responsibility2nd

You’ve noted the double standard.
Did you see the sign of the times?:

159 posted on Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:22:56 AM by Cronos
160 posted on Tuesday, December 04, 2012 12:27:52 AM by Religion Moderator

199 posted on 12/04/2012 7:50:35 AM PST by haffast (Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all. -Abe Lincoln)
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To: spacejunkie2001
Spacejunkie2001: How is Ellen G. White a false prophetAnyone who tells God’s truth in these last days (since Christ’s resurrection) is a prophet

you know that Ellen G. White died 200 odd years ago -- not the last days. Or do you mean Harold Camping?

and about Ellen g. White, she's the false prophetess of satan in Jeremiah 23:31-32 " Behold, I am against the prophets, said the Lord, that use their tongues and say, He said. Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, said the Lord,

Yet White said that she'd still be alive when Jesus returned...and Mrs White said in May of 1856 that some of those listening to her will live to see the return of Jesus...

and then she said ""As the priest, in removing the sins from the sanctuary, confessed them upon the scapegoat, so Christ will place those sins upon Satan..." The Great Controversy, Pg 422, 485-486"

Face facts - SDAs are non-Christians...led by a false prophetess.

200 posted on 12/04/2012 7:51:06 AM PST by Cronos (**Marriage is about commitment, cohabitation is about convenience.**)
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