Just terrific, we’re now going to have FR members (albeit new ones in this case) cheerleading MSDNC’s atttacks on the Republican nominee. What’s next? Links to Daily Kos with the latest anti-Mitt talking points?
Sorry but people are taking the anti-Willard stuff way too far now. It sucks he is going to be the nominee, but continuing to attack him is effectively helping the left and doing the Democrats job for them.
Mitt Romney wins much coveted Jimmy Carter endorsement
Gore Praises Romney's 'Climate Protection Plan'
"It's a feel-good story, this Romney thing.
Romney is an ascendant guy."
Sen. John Kerry (D) to Don Imus on RomneyCARE:
"I like this health care bill".
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D) on RomneyCARE:
"To come up with a bipartisan plan in this polarized environment is commendable."
Well NCC, Longbow seems to ask a damn good question. When Romney is the nominee, which is inevitable, is that what you're going to do? Will you go into league with the left in order to avoid having a (gasp) Mormon candidate? I do notice from a quick perusal that you seem to give Obama a pass and save all your venom for Romney. What's up with that?
I’ve said for months, since I read Trish Erickson’s CAN MITT ROMNEY SERVE TWO MASTERS? that if conservatives didn’t start the discussion Axelrod would finish it.
No one wanted to talk about it....and now we’re stuck with the potential problem.
You can read the first two chapters of the book at review tab on Amazon for free.
“Sorry but people are taking the anti-Willard stuff way too far now. It sucks he is going to be the nominee, but continuing to attack him is effectively helping the left and doing the Democrats job for them.”
Romney’s Mormonism is as insidious a danger to the American people as Obama’s lean towards Islam. Although the press isn’t doing this to protect America, they are doing, unwittingly, the American public a great service by exposing Morminism and thus Romney. I, for one, am glad to see it happen. At least some lasting good can come out of the mistake of allowing Romney to be the GOP candidate.
Apparently, you just haven’t beem listening to many folks on this forum. WE WILL NOT ALLOW A ROMNEY CANDIDANCY TO GO UNCHALLENGED EVEN IN A GENERAL ELECTION. It is NOT in the best long term interests of conservatism or the United States of America.
Obama is an obvious evil....he shows more of it each day with attacks on the Constitution. Romney will be just as evil, but in an insidious way. Supporting either is unacceptable. Thus, rebellion against both is necessary.
Maybe, just maybe, the powers that be in the RNC will get the message.
Be advised, that I for one, will not ever stop bashing Romney even IF he is the the GOP’s nominee. He is no better for America than Obama, and could possible be worse because the GOP members of Congress will feel compeled to follow the fools leading. While it would be a great relief to be rid of Obama....I know in my soul that Romney would be even worse....but it wouldn’t be as obvious and would be harder to correct.
So, get used to it. There are MANY of us that are extremely upset and we aren’t going to “chill” or go away. No insults leveled at us will stop us....it will just make us more determined to fight on, and fight harder. Romney has to go, just as Obama does.
“...but continuing to attack him is effectively helping the left and doing the Democrats job for them.”
Like I said, you nailed it!
There are many reasons to not like Romney. Being a Mormon isn’t one of them.
I know for sure that 0bama will appoint more Marxists, Communists & Lesbians to the Supreme Court. That’s a given & proven fact by his actions so far. If re-elected, I guarantee he will appoint an openly gay man.
Romney won’t.
The anti-Mormon/anti-Romney gang will be here soon.
Trust me. I’ve been fighting with them for years over the right to exercise our “Freedom of Religion” and I’m not even a Mormom!
They’re emailing and pinging each other as we speak.
Soon, very soon...tick-tock, tick-tock....
MSNBC’s O’Donnell is a lying sack of you know what. Why would you believe this and not another thing he has to say?
To start with Joesph Smith was 14 and living with his parents when it all started. The 27 number is close, My G. G. G. grandmother was one of them. There where many many more women than men and they sure were not going to run a Singles Club. Something had to be done.
Some of you that have so much time to bash everything Mitt and Mormon, how do you find to save your own souls? Or is that not a problem?
This might come as a surprise to many of you basher’s BUTT on Sunday or any other day we never ever mention other religions other than the Jews in a historical sense only. We work on saving our own souls and not trying to say clever things about people we do not know.
Mitt Romney most likely did not play baseball in the street or hide and seek after dark, BUTT he was born here and grew up in country. That is a giant leap forward for the next four years. Rick Santorum while he pounds his chest about being a Conservative, has all the stage presence of a guy running for town council in a small town.
The object is to throw the BUM out, NOBAMA in 12
Considering this is the Religion Forum, what about mormonism that has been said is incorrect.
Unless you know about mormonism, and Romney how on earth do you expect to defend that sitnk’n liberal Romney.
Romney is a mormon, he is who he is because of his mormonsim not in spite of it, if you wish to defend him from “unfair” attacks you better learn what mormonism actually is.
Bravo to your great post.
This is the religion forum.
This is the religion forum and a discussion of Romney’s mormonism, which makes him who he is.