Let me pretend to be Santorum as I would wish him to be and then see how close he comes to it in reality:
The Preacher is correct, Mormonism is a cult, even my church recognizes it as such.
“On Monday Dozier said “the Mormon religion is prejudiced against blacks, Jews and native Americans.” He called Mormonism a “racist” religion and called on Romney to renounce it”.
The preacher is absolutely right. The Catholic Church said the Morman “Church” was a cult many years ago. Only Mormans and Jehovah Witnesses, and one more cult I can’t think of right now, baptisms are not recognized by the Catholic Church. The reason? They don’t believe in the Trinity. They think some shyster named Joe Smith sits at the right hand of God and Jesus and Satan are brothers. And if you a good little Morman and donate alot of money to the Church you get your own planet when you die. I think it’s called Kolob.
So what? What business is it of yours? Are you a Baptist?