Ellen White was a false prophetess, just as much as Joseph Smith was a false prophet.
tell me, without “church tradition”, how would we KNOW which books are canonical and which are not?
for example, without “church tradition” why do you accept the Book of Hebrews as Scripture, when no one knows who the human author was?
btw, the Sabbath is still the Sabbath, Christians just don’t keep the Sabbath, never have and never will.
I've already answered that which tells us about your reading/comprehension skills. I said "The Bible is Gods Holy Word because that is the way He wanted it." All things work to the will of God. Jesus fought "church tradition"s when He confronted the Saduccees and Pharisees. And when you say Christians never have kept the Sabbath and never will, you've gasted my flabber. Did the Apostles keep the Sabbath? Were they Christians? Will the Sabbath be kept in Heaven? Wasn't Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath? Mark 2:27,28
Good questions!
I know it's considered bad communication by answering a question WITH a question; but would there even BE any Protestants todays if church PRACTICE had stayed on church tradition's path?