I am not confused, you are. I am not the Judge, God is. He has given clear explicit commands that are meant to train us for heaven. These commands do not save us (The blood shed on Calvary does that) but are for our correction and to strengthen us. Everyone will be called upon to answer for their decisions. Adam ate of the apple. But many of us are turning our backs upon the laws of God (He does not change) and will answer for this willful act of disobedience.
No you are the judge, and you are using God as an excuse to futher confusion. Saturday is just another day, a day you have choosen to worship on. Sunday is the day that I have choosen, do you really think God cares about what day you worship? If I wanted to be a Seventh Day Adventist and following the rantings of a what day you worship on to create a whole denomination out it I would, but for now I will worship the Load on the Lords Day, Sunday!!!!!