For Catholics, it is by Mary ("ALL SALVATION" - UBI PRIMAM 1849 Pope Pius IX). For us Reformed Protestants - It is BY GOD (our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ) Alone.
Don't be silly. I think for Catholics: Water Baptism saves them initially, then Jesus makes that state of grace maintainable by "freely" giving them "grace" (spiritual power), so they can perform the good works they need to do to justify (merit for) themselves Heaven (were the soul is actually pleasing to God).
As a former Catholic for 27 years I don't recall hearing that Mary saved us, although RC's here keep reminding me that I was not properly catechized.
“I think”
“former Catholic for 27 years”
“I was not properly catechized”
Obviously not. This should be automatic to you.
Salvation is by the Grace of God through Faith in Christ.
I see you do not believe in the Pope Pius IX words in the UBI Primam of 1849 (which I quoted) and dogma in 1854. Is this not actionable in the Catholic Church?
I thought the Popes words "Ex Cathedra" were infallible. Thus when your Pope Pius IX says "ALL SALVATION" is from "Mary", this is DOGMA for you.
I'm waiting for you to convince me that the 'Sacred' Tradition, laid down by Pope Pius IX - "ALL SALVATION" is "obtained" through Mary - is correct.
It is very interesting to watch words "Ex Cathedra" being dismissed. While at the same time we watch the Scriputures being dismissed.
"Baptism Now Saves You" - Nuts & Bolts - Tim Staples
Catholic Biblical Apologetics: Baptism: Initiation and Regeneration
Are Catholics Born Again?
Baptizing infants, Pope speaks of 'adventure of being disciples'
Celebrate Your Birthday in the Church
Infant Baptism
Once a Catholic . . . (and part 2) . . . The Chicken's Questions
How Soon Should a Baby be Baptized?
Baptismal Complexes- The Sacrament of Baptism, Part 2
The Catechism of St. Thomas Aquinas BAPTISM
Beginning Catholic: The Sacrament of Baptism: Gateway to New Life [Ecumenical]
Converted Muslim Tells Story Behind Papal Baptism
What You [Catholics] Need to Know: Baptism [Catholic/Orthodox Caucus]
A Brief Catechism for Adults - Lesson 20: The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism and the Usus Antiquior (Catholic/Orthodox Caucus)
Justified by Baptism (fallout from the Beckwith conversion grows)
The Million-Dollar Infant Baptism
Mystical Baptism and Limbo
The Early Church Fathers on Baptism - Catholic/Orthodox Caucus
A Critique of a Critique (On Baptism by Immersion)
Catholics, Reformed Christian Churches sign document recognizing common baptism
You are NEVER a former Catholic. Once a Catholic, your soul is marked forever. You are ALWAYS a Catholic and will remain ALWAYS a Catholic — answerable to the Lord as to why you stopped practicing your faith at the moment of your death.
I just recently learned immaculate conception meant much more than a virgin birth, I think all christian faiths would do well to get rid of man made doctrines and hold fast to scripture, we know what God taught us through his word.
The Church does not teach salvation by our own good works619 "Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures" (I Cor 15:3).
620 Our salvation flows from God's initiative of love for us, because "he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins" (I Jn 4:10). "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" (2 Cor 5:19).
621 Jesus freely offered himself for our salvation. Beforehand, during the Last Supper, he both symbolized this offering and made it really present: "This is my body which is given for you" (Lk 22:19).
622 The redemption won by Christ consists in this, that he came "to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20:28), that is, he "loved [his own] to the end" (Jn 13:1), so that they might be "ransomed from the futile ways inherited from [their] fathers" (I Pt 1:18).
623 By his loving obedience to the Father, "unto death, even death on a cross" (Phil 2:8), Jesus fulfils the atoning mission (cf. Is 53:10) of the suffering Servant, who will "make many righteous; and he shall bear their iniquities" (Is 53:11; cf. Rom 5:19).