Posted on 10/31/2010 11:59:22 AM PDT by RnMomof7
In Christ Alone lyrics
Songwriters: Getty, Julian Keith; Townend, Stuart Richard;
In Christ alone my hope is found He is my light, my strength, my song This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh Fullness of God in helpless Babe This gift of love and righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to save
?Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath of God was satisfied For every sin on Him was laid Here in the death of Christ I live, I live
There in the ground His body lay Light of the world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory Sin?s curse has lost its grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought with the precious blood of Christ
Just curious...
Why do you have two FR accounts?;tab=comments
IIRC, it's against the rules on FR to have two accounts. If you open a second one, you're supposed to close the first one.
I suppose it reveals that unlike many Protestants I know - there are limits to my arrogance.
Hmmm... I think you two should do a full investigation of this situation. It sounds like there’s some real hanky panky going on here. Hurry back to us and let us know what you “learn”, hmmkay?
Do you understand how revealing this statement is?
IJohn states clearly...."I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may KNOW that you have eternal life."
Being a Christian isn't about hoping that by praying one might be forgiven and have eternal life. Eternal life is what is 'promised' thru Christ absolutely when we acccept the fact it is our sin He died for... and that we can KNOW His forgiveness beyond question. There is no pretending about this...we KNOW..we have eternal life.
is this some sort of SELF-FLATTERY? If not, then why bring up Moses, Joseph, Jonah, or Jesus? Most people are called to nothing, do nothing of any consequence, eat, consume, procreate an die without making a dent in this world. And even the earthly greats are given only the lip service after a few years.
Why didn't you mention Judas, and Caiaphas, and Pontius Pilate, and every other kind of villain while you are at it? Aren't they JUST as important as the "good" guys?
So, if we are all called to do something, even nothing, obviously it is our doing that matters to God. If all those heroes you mention didn't DO what they were supposed to DO, then Jesus couldn't say "it's accomplished"! Works are everything. It's through the works of others that God accomplishes his plan, right? :)
I’d have to disagree with your statement your arrogance has limits...your posts would indicate otherwise.
Okidoki, Pal. Whatever you say.
oh, the irony.....
Changed your tagline, I see.
WOW...This long rant sounds like something out of the enemy of God’s playbook. “Screwtape Letters” come to mind. It would be interesting to hear how one might fair speaking these exact words before the Christ.... I don’t think He would be amused.
I don’t know where their hearts are in terms of hatred. Certainly some of their words SOUND and FEEL rather hateful.
And, sadly, not just against beliefs they construe to be in error . . . but against individuals who call Christ Lord.
I don’t hate a single one of them.
I try to limit my hating to the things God hates.
He does hate blasphemy and idolatry.
The dark is getting darker and the light will be getting lighter.
Praise God for that . . . though the traumas helping to bring that about will likely not be fun.
That's a very sad commentary kosta50. It would seem from one who has no grasp of the world to come...let alone those along the way who have certainly left a mark on ones life. Most recognize that what matters above all else is our relationships forged along the way...which includes the one we share with Christ.
My brother and I were disgussing this last we as a family have roots in our the home we all the neighborhood we grew up in...though we experienced these as the individuals we are we are never-the-less united and share this bond of memories and thoughts of family and home where we grew up.
It's like this in life as we trudge along and make our life. People we meet along the way make a difference...and when we meet the Lord He makes a difference. It all makes a difference. What we do with these is the deciding factor.
I don’t get it .... where is this within you coming from? You claim to be Christian yet your remarks are bitting and curt. You don’t have to choose to be like this but you seem to come across as so. Why?
Perhaps you trashed the memo that asserted
that I’d not hired you as my
—style coach
—text editor
—font editor
—paragraphing coach
nor any other kind of coach or editor.
I tend to use various options in text on the net according to my goals, preferences and sensibilities . . . not anyone else’s.
How long have you been on FR anyway?
I see. Long enough to know better.
Fascinating . . . slightly.
What grasp do you have of the world to come based on the Bible?
It's like this in life as we trudge along and make our life. People we meet along the way make a difference
Some do and some, mostvast majoritydon't. The ones you will remember will be those who DO something that will affect your life, leave you an inheritance or robbing you at gunpoint. Works matter. In fact it's the ONLY thing that matters: what others do to us and we to them; what other do for us and we for them.
The rest is fluff.
Point well taken. Obviosuly I was thinking of a different verse.
More tales from the apocrypha and since he could do anything he did this and such because he could.
Whether they are tales form "apocrypha" or not is not the point. The point is that is what the Church teaches. You can take it or leave it.
The reason for the belief has to do with the supernatural nature of Incarnation and Resurrection as such.
If you have two accounts, goml, you need to close one of them.
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