It seems to me that I disagree mostly with Beck on doctrine, not on the basics about Christianity.
>>It seems to me that I disagree mostly with Beck on doctrine, not on the basics about Christianity.<<
Actually, the blood atonement for sins that was fully completed by Jesus is the bedrock of Christianity. He is described as a cornerstone and capstone “that the builders rejected”.
Mormonism teaches that Jesus died for your sins as a partial atonement. But works are required to complete the job - Works by YOU. And I am not talking about a “faith without works is dead” context.
IOW, the core basics of Christianity are exactly WHERE Mormonism differs from Christianity.
I almost became a Mormon in the late 1970’s. If you really would like a feel for what is going on, try this:
Mormonism is, in a way, more insidious than islam, due to the fact that it claims to be Christian. Don’t get me wrong, it teaches a lot of good principles regarding man’s relationship with his fellow man, but completely twists the “man’s relationship with his Creator” part. The former can bring about a better and more prosperous life, but the latter can literally steal your soul and your eternal relationship with God.
And the latter is eternal. The former is but a mist.
Proverbs: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is death.”
Becks doctrine is not Christianity
I'm not sure what you mean here. "Doctrine" means "anything that is taught" --- indicating all teachings, at whatever level. It is a very general term, and includes "the basics about Christianity".
Considering Christ taught us to guard our doctrine, Christians are right to call Beck out whenever he invokes God’s name.