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Disclaimer: I am former LDS and "anti" mormonism. I post articles from official mormon sources that often relate to current discussions taking place on the forum to provide a means for open discussion in the Religion forum. There are several closed (caucus) threads about Ezra Taft Benson currently in the Religion Forum.

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1 posted on 08/29/2010 10:22:35 AM PDT by greyfoxx39
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To: greyfoxx39

ping...I have mormon friend going to Iraq

2 posted on 08/29/2010 10:24:52 AM PDT by dalebert (true hillbilly)
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To: greyfoxx39

Of course, all of the above is subject to a “revelation”.

3 posted on 08/29/2010 10:24:54 AM PDT by glorgau
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To: greyfoxx39

All I know is God warned me specifically through a series of pointed dreams in early 2008, that I was not to pray with Mormons as this was going to be part of a coming judgement on America by God’s hand Himself.

In one dream, I specifically said to myself... “oh, I know those dumb Mormons have only a limited view of Jesus, and since MY view is so much clearer, it won’t hurt if I pray with them because we are in an EMERGENCY.”

God specifically nailed me for this false idea that it is okay to be unequally yoked with Mormons at any time. “Emergency” situation or not. They are not Christians but under God’s curse for daring to add to His covenant and besmirching the meaning of the Cross. They are counterfeit Christians, in other words, AntiChrist.

4 posted on 08/29/2010 10:27:57 AM PDT by TwoLegsGood (" sin is ever before me" - King David)
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To: colorcountry; Colofornian; Elsie; FastCoyote; svcw; Zakeet; SkyPilot; rightazrain; ...


5 posted on 08/29/2010 10:28:12 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (BARF of the YEAR: Obama "We are God's partners in matters of life and death,")
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To: greyfoxx39

Thank you, do they believe that only 250,000 go to heaven? Only the deacons of the Church?

Pray for America

6 posted on 08/29/2010 10:39:15 AM PDT by bray (A fun read:
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To: greyfoxx39

This really needed to be posted. I actually like Glenn Beck. I do listen to him on occasion primarily because I think he is very funny. However, I know a lot of people that spend more time with him than with their Bible, church, and more orthodox sources so it is a concern. While I think he makes many very excellent points about where our country is going and so on, most of us who are conservative and paying attention already know this.

7 posted on 08/29/2010 10:43:58 AM PDT by Paved Paradise
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To: greyfoxx39

Sort of an interesting attack on Glenn Beck - that the whole thing is a Mormon plot to take over the country and the world. Sort of a counter Islam - which would be a spellbinding dichotomy brought to you in exquisite narration by Christiane Amanpour. (The whole subject is fascinating but wild - brings you back to the Gun Powder Plot of 1605 and Guy Fawkes day.) I wonder if the Left will pick up on this because they can also whack Romney with it, and remember the race card when Mormons would not let blacks become part of their ‘clergy’ until the 70’s. They had that bullet loaded and aimed at Romney’s head. (The weepy sensitivity the media feels for Moslems - well none of that exists for Mormons.)

Farfetched but great movie material - think Oliver Stone. Now if we can just fit Scientology in there.

10 posted on 08/29/2010 10:51:49 AM PDT by Titus-Maximus (Light from Light)
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To: greyfoxx39
This is out right heresy! We are told in Deuteronomy 4:2 not to "add to the word which I commanded you, nor take from it."

OK, so the whole New Testament thing is heresy? Deuteronomy is part of the Torah. The admonition in Deuteronomy refers to the Torah. The reason for this can be found at Stan Tenen's Meru Foundation Site. The Hebrew letters of the Torah encode a whole lot of science about the way God's creation works. Stan has decoded the first few verses of Genesis. So it was important not to change the letters when copying the Torah.

So, there is a whole lot more going on in the world than arguing about heresy from people who believe that God didn't stop sending Prophets after he sent his Son. We should be on the look out for really false prophets, such as the ones who replace the individual salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ with the collective salvation of the Black Liberation Theology and the American Progressive movement.

As a "former" smoker, I know what it is like to disdain those who haven't seen the light, but then I remember the admonition about "motes and beams" and try to see the good in people who are not actually evil. As I say to my Jewish friends, "When the Messiah comes, we can ask him if this is his first or second time here."
11 posted on 08/29/2010 10:51:49 AM PDT by SubMareener (Become a monthly donor! Free from Quarterly FReepathons!)
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To: greyfoxx39
It appears to me that "Glenn Beck's Devine Destiny" is nothing more than a "divine" deception.

I would agree though I do question if he himself really fully understands the organization of LDS and their agenda.... How about the call for tithing 10% Glen gave.... but we are told to give as 'God... "prospers"... a man"....People with little means should be taking care of their family first ... since Glen makes good money he should be of course doing more than 10%. Though I think Glen believes he is doing the right thing...he is under the deception well known in the LDS agenda. But God can use all to advance His purposes..including those deceived.

14 posted on 08/29/2010 10:54:42 AM PDT by caww
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To: greyfoxx39

Lol. This is priceless. Dang I’m glad that rally yesterday was a huge success. Anti Mormonism threads are rockin’ today.

15 posted on 08/29/2010 10:54:43 AM PDT by Invincibly Ignorant
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To: greyfoxx39

Could you explain how there is really any significance to this religious movement at all? I fail to see any threat in what they believe. There are people who spend day after day arguing the world is flat, but are best off ignored, and not given the attention. If you have any reasoning as to disagree with this statement, please tell me so.

16 posted on 08/29/2010 10:57:43 AM PDT by Morpheus2009
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To: greyfoxx39
Wow, this one is gonna generate some debate, that's for sure.

My opinion is this: Am I thrilled that a Mormon seems to be the talking head for returning to our Judeo/Christian roots? Not particularly. Do I see a Mormon candidate (Romney, Beck, others?) as the salvation for America? Not a chance. Is praying with Mormons something that should be frowned upon? Good question.

I am careful about endorsing Glenn Beck and his current TV show because he has made factual errors in the past and his Mormon doctrine is not in keeping with traditional Christian doctrine. If you notice he's been real careful not to espouse Mormon doctrine on his show. His terminology is keeping with traditional Christian verbage. And who knows, maybe he's closer to being a traditional Christian than a Mormon. Has anyone really asked him where he stands?

Glenn Beck is about the only prominent newscaster who is trying to get the truth out there about the corrupt Obama White House. In addition, he is trying to call the different denominations together to stop the infighting and start getting back to the aforementioned Judeo/Christian roots that made this country great.

Now, all that being said, if he starts to try and teach Mormon church dogma and doctrine on his TV show, then he will have a fight on his hands from many fronts, and I think he knows that. Let's hope he stays with his current theme, let's hope Sarah Palin keeps playing the political cheerleader the way she has, and let's hope the Tea Party movement amongst the population continues to grow and have influence the way it has. If the ground swelling against corruption in the White House continues, we may have a chance as a nation.

33 posted on 08/29/2010 11:44:43 AM PDT by ducttape45
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To: greyfoxx39
Ed Decker wrote "The Godmakers" and it concludes that indeed a Mormon will be elected President and place us all in a Mormon dictatorship. I actually swallowed this at one time. While I reject all LDS teaching that differs from traditional Christianity, the idea that the LDS Church is going to take over the country is about the most absurd thing I have ever heard. The LDS Church is SHRINKING in the US. It has LESS influence with each passing year. Good grief, SALT LAKE CITY itself is less than 50% LDS. They are a sliver of a sliver of the population as a whole. Please tell me who would be their allies in a takeover of the government! Liberals? Nope! Christians? Nope!

ISLAM is the religion you need to focus on. People are being beheaded in the name of ISLAM.

One more note on Ed Decker. The Tanners in SLC are THE best source of information on LDS teachings and history. They don't get carried away with fantasies like Decker has. They stick with documented facts, which is why they are so devastating in their arguments. Decker has made too many outlandish slanders against the Tanners to mention, including accusing the Tanners of being demon-possessed agents of the LDS Church.

Put down the Ed Decker "I see a devil behind every rock" material and go get some fresh air. You REALLY need it.
46 posted on 08/29/2010 12:32:27 PM PDT by GLDNGUN
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To: greyfoxx39

Some of the responses here are not surprising given the spiritual atrophy here in the US. A couple of points to ponder

1. Beck advertised this as a ‘spiritual’ event and not a political one. With this being the case, then it is every bit reasonable to evaluate Beck’s spiritual world view in contrast to that of Christianity. Beck advocates mormonism, done subtly, but done none the less. So it is further legitimate to examine whether it is proper to ignore the vast theological gap between mormons and Christianity. It can’t be ignored. A similar gap exists between Judeo-Christian beliefs and Islam. The false claim is we both worship “God”, but closer theological examination shows that the ‘god’ of Islam has nothing to do with that of Judaism and Christianity and everything to do with the consolidation of the idols the arabs worshiped at the time, with allah being the moon ‘god’.

2. How much of this event is a personality ‘cult’ of Beckism? He throws his adhoc mix of Christian sounding mormon terms around, along with a bogus history of hebrews in the pre-americas and conservative values like mud on a mudbogging course. This is easily a foundation of sand, not rock.

3. If the mormon church was so fixed upon supporting the Constitution, why did they violate it by advocating polygamy and the discrimination against blacks.

67 posted on 08/29/2010 1:59:15 PM PDT by Godzilla ( 3-7-77)
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To: greyfoxx39; All
BE WARNED all who enter here ;o)

Some will enjoy the beautiful paintings

others will find a way to condemn, no matter what, because of the source. (Pity be on them)

for more great paintings, go to the sidebar and click on ones like "I Know that My Redeemer Lives."

and you might enjoy "I stand all Amazed"

Just don't forget, those of you who are omnipotent, these are by those heathen LDS. But you'll be able to find the deceptions, right?

Sure you will.

75 posted on 08/29/2010 2:51:27 PM PDT by maine-iac7 (g)
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To: greyfoxx39




86 posted on 08/29/2010 4:50:01 PM PDT by flowerplough (Thomas Sowell: Those who look only at Obama's deeds tend to become Obama's critics.)
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To: greyfoxx39

Ed Decker? Oh puleeze.

More anti-Mormon(ism if you prefer) propaganda... different day.

Undecided readers,

As an ex Mormon-basher, I invite everyone to read all of the multitude of Anti-Mormon attack threads and/or comments on this board and then do some research on your own from more than one side of the “issues”.

Is what all these Mormon attack squad people parrot day in and and day out on these boards true? Don’t take their word for it. Find out for yourself. Put forth some effort. You do want the truth right? Prove it.

Read both sides! Talk to both sides! Not just mine. Not just theirs. Make up your own mind.

Here’s a few links to get your started from a different viewpoint. The vast majority of the issues brought up can be found and addressed at I have found but here’s more.

103 posted on 08/29/2010 7:17:51 PM PDT by Paragon Defender
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Here is a link to the "only known contemporary account of this well-known prophecy of Joseph Smith" at Constitution Hanging by a Thread.
147 posted on 08/30/2010 12:10:00 PM PDT by GregMc
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