I happen to have an ancestor who was killed by Indians while immigrating to Idaho. A brother-in-law stepped in and married the widow as a second wife and raised her children as his own rather than letting her die on the prarie
Ya know I had at least TWO ancestors who were killed by Indians...
Neither of the widows were forsced to be the mistresses or concubines of their brother-in-law...
The men just stepped in and helped without propositioning the widow for sexual favors...
One widow took over the family business and ran the trading store by herself and remained unmarried for 35 yeasrs until her death...
Both families lived among the Indians..
Both women carried guns and were as good a shot as their husbands..
What was lacking in the blood of your ancestors that caused such a void of gumption ???
BTW my ancestors were Walloons and Lutherans respectively..
One question .... Has the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob condoned polygamy in the past?
_____Yes ____No
Please place an X on the correct answer.
Every ONE of my ancestors is DEAD!