Already, federal policy unfairly prevents low-income women and federal employees from receiving subsidized [abortions]," Rev. Debra W. Haffner, executive director of the Religious Institute complained. God doesn't want you to kill ANY babies you fool.
1 posted on
10/02/2009 4:46:23 PM PDT by
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To: wagglebee
33 posted on
10/03/2009 12:15:30 AM PDT by
(Obama is an Ericksonian NLP hypnotist.)
To: wagglebee
"We affirm women as moral agents who have the capacity, right and responsibility to make the decision as to whether or not abortion is justified in their specific circumstances," the letter says.Extend that morality a bit and they have the right to bump their children off too. Nay, the responsibility.
To: wagglebee
The Churches of Satan. The whore of Babylon of the Book of Revelation in The Bible.
35 posted on
10/03/2009 1:05:46 AM PDT by
(If you are left DO NOT take the mark of the beast and be damned forever.)
To: wagglebee
Wolves in poorly made sheep’s clothing.
To: wagglebee
This is a parody, right? Take names, so we’ll recognize these Death Eaters, even under their hoods, when Der Tag arrives.
38 posted on
10/03/2009 4:56:46 AM PDT by
(There is no "I" in "Tejano conjunto.")
To: wagglebee
Every man interpreting scripture for himself sure is going well.
44 posted on
10/03/2009 9:53:05 AM PDT by
(All We Weed Up !)
To: lightman; FormerLib; trussell; Salvation; Quix; Bobby777; Salem;; Coleus; ...
46 posted on
10/03/2009 11:30:20 AM PDT by
Albion Wilde
("I apologize to hookers for having associated them with the House of Representatives.--Jim Traficant)
To: wagglebee
Maybe Harold Camping is right.
To: wagglebee
And they wonder why people are leaving the church. This is the reason.
58 posted on
10/03/2009 4:23:11 PM PDT by
(We need more Joe Wilson's. OBAMA is ACORN ACORN is OBAMA)
To: wagglebee; informavoracious; larose; RJR_fan; Prospero; Conservative Vermont Vet; ...
61 posted on
10/03/2009 5:23:37 PM PDT by
("These are the days when the Christian is expected to praise every creed except his own.")
To: wagglebee
By their fruits shall ye know them.
63 posted on
10/03/2009 10:38:13 PM PDT by
(Sarah Palin -- I love her because she freaks out all the right people.)
To: wagglebee
Shame on each and every one of them.
65 posted on
10/04/2009 3:44:56 AM PDT by
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
To: wagglebee; Salvation; narses; SMEDLEYBUTLER; redhead; Notwithstanding; nickcarraway; Romulus; ...
The letter calls abortion a morally justifiable decision and opposed any amendments to the House and Senate bills, which current contain massive abortion funding, to strike that taxpayer-financing. Where's that in the Bible?!!
Catholic Ping
Please freepmail me if you want on/off this list
66 posted on
10/04/2009 4:44:16 AM PDT by
( "One Who Prays Is Not Afraid; One Who Prays Is Never Alone"- Benedict XVI)
To: wagglebee
From what I know about the organizations mentioned in the article, the god they serve does. Hint: They are part of the many that, on Judgement Day Jesus will say, “Depart from me I never knew you....”
The god they serve is Satan.
69 posted on
10/04/2009 5:17:08 AM PDT by
To: wagglebee
nothing surprises me anymore. Except orthodoxy.
76 posted on
10/04/2009 3:58:49 PM PDT by
the invisib1e hand
(Isn't the Golden Mean the secret to something," I parried? "Yes," Blue replied. "Mediocrity.")
To: wagglebee
This is the precise reason I left the UMC seven years ago.
79 posted on
10/04/2009 4:20:08 PM PDT by
(I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.)
To: wagglebee
Brethern? I am shocked.
They are cousins to Mennonites and Amish and up in this area are plain clothes people with covering.
83 posted on
10/04/2009 4:55:58 PM PDT by
(Angry about where our country is going with the current regime at the helm.)
To: wagglebee
Rev. Dr. Pamela Lightsey, Dean, Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary;
The methodist in the list, I assume, since Garrett is a Methodist Seminary.
However, it is not possible for her to speak for the Methodist church. That can only be done by the every 4 year "General Conference."
She no more speaks for the UMC than does the president of Notre Dame speak for the Roman Catholic Church.
I wish the methodist position on life were better than rape, incest, life of the mother, but it isn't. Although that is the intent, the wording needs to be worked on to make it very clear that life of mother is what's being talked about.
84 posted on
10/04/2009 5:25:11 PM PDT by
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! Those who support our troops pray for their victory!)
To: wagglebee
They have hit an all-time low. The National Council of Communist Churches continues to ride to Hell!
87 posted on
10/04/2009 6:50:33 PM PDT by
Redleg Duke
("Don't fire unless fired upon, but it they mean to have a war, let it begin here." J Parker, 1775)
To: wagglebee
I converted to RC five years ago.
I did not leave the Methodist, they left me.
89 posted on
10/04/2009 7:07:11 PM PDT by
(F-R-E-E, that spells free. Free baby.)
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