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A Treasured Testament (The Book of Mormon) (OPEN)
Ensign Magazine ^ | July, 1993 | Russell M. Nelson

Posted on 09/02/2009 3:44:41 PM PDT by greyfoxx39


Russell M. Nelson, “A Treasured Testament,” Ensign, Jul 1993, 61

Adapted from an address given 25 June 1992 at a seminar for new mission presidents, Missionary Training Center, Provo, Utah.

The Book of Mormon stands as another testament of Jesus Christ. The power of its message will transform the lives of all who earnestly study its precious pages. Its very reality is an inspiring fact.

Many of you are experienced in the difficult task of translating written text from one language to another. I am intrigued, as you are, with the process Joseph Smith used to translate the Book of Mormon, which he said was done through “the gift and power of God.” (Book of Mormon, title page.) The Prophet learned the nature of that gift the night the angel Moroni first visited him. Moroni told him that “there was a book deposited, written upon gold plates, giving an account of the former inhabitants of [the American] continent, and the source from whence they sprang. He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it, as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants;

“Also, that there were two stones in silver bows—and these stones, fastened to a breastplate, constituted what is called the Urim and Thummim—deposited with the plates; and the possession and use of these stones were what constituted ‘seers’ in ancient or former times; and that God had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book.” (JS—H 1:34–35.)

The inscriptions on the plates were written in a Semitic language, using a modified Egyptian type of script. Some critics have scoffed at such a linguistic mix. May I tell you of Doctor Moses Maimonides, one of the greatest rabbis and Jewish philosophers of the Middle Ages. He died in a.d. 1204. He served as a court physician in Cairo and is one of the most famous figures in the early history of medicine. Hospitals are named after him today. In Cairo he read and pondered the words of earlier Muslim thinkers and wrote his philosophical books in Arabic using the Hebrew alphabet. This is but one of many instances from ancient and medieval periods in which the script of one language has been used to write in another language. (See Daniel C. Peterson, Abraham Divided; An LDS Perspective on the Middle East, Salt Lake City: Aspen Books, 1992, p. 205.) Indeed, history confirms that such a linguistic mix was not unusual at all.

I am intrigued that Joseph Smith—an unschooled young man in rural America—could have translated this Semitic language mix into the English language. That unlikely scenario relates to Isaiah’s remarkable prophecy:

“I will proceed to do a marvellous work among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder.” (Isa. 29:14.)

The Hebrew text of the Old Testament from which that phrase was translated uses the word pele, meaning “miracle.” Thus one could also accurately interpret “a marvellous work and a wonder” as a “miraculous miracle.”

Truly, this latter-day work is precisely that. Think of the short time Joseph took to translate the Book of Mormon. Working from April to June of 1828, Joseph translated the 116 pages that Martin Harris later lost. Joseph began translating again on Tuesday, April 7, 1829, with Oliver Cowdery as scribe. The manuscript was completed eighty-five days later, on June 30 of that year. Of course, not all of that time was spent working on the translation. The Prophet and his scribes also took time to eat, to sleep, to seek employment, to receive the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods, to make at least one (and possibly two) trips to Colesville thirty miles away, to receive and record thirteen revelations that are now sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, to move from Harmony to Fayette, to acquire the Book of Mormon copyright, and to begin making arrangements for the publication of the Book of Mormon. Conservatively estimated, this left sixty-five or fewer working days on which the prophet and his scribes translated this book, which contains 531 pages in its current edition. (See John W. Welch, Ensign, Jan. 1988, pp. 46–47.) That calculates to an average of eight pages per day. Consider this when you translate a book, or as you schedule your own reading of the Book of Mormon.

As Oliver Cowdery testified a few years later: “These were days never to be forgotten—to sit under the sound of a voice dictated by the inspiration of heaven, awakened the utmost gratitude of this bosom! Day after day I continued, uninterrupted, to write from his mouth, as he translated … the history or record called ‘The Book of Mormon.’ ” (JS—H 1:71n.)

The details of this miraculous method of translation are still not fully known. Yet we do have a few precious insights. David Whitmer wrote:

“Joseph Smith would put the seer stone into a hat, and put his face in the hat, drawing it closely around his face to exclude the light; and in the darkness the spiritual light would shine. A piece of something resembling parchment would appear, and on that appeared the writing. One character at a time would appear, and under it was the interpretation in English. Brother Joseph would read off the English to Oliver Cowdery, who was his principal scribe, and when it was written down and repeated to Brother Joseph to see if it was correct, then it would disappear, and another character with the interpretation would appear. Thus the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God, and not by any power of man.” (David Whitmer, An Address to All Believers in Christ, Richmond, Mo.: n.p., 1887, p. 12.)

Emma Smith, who acted as an earlier scribe for Joseph, gave this account in 1856:

“When my husband was translating the Book of Mormon, I wrote a part of it, as he dictated each sentence, word for word, and when he came to proper names he could not pronounce, or long words, he spelled them out, and while I was writing them, if I made any mistake in spelling, he would stop me and correct my spelling although it was impossible for him to see how I was writing them down at the time. Even the word Sarah he could not pronounce at first, but had to spell it, and I would pronounce it for him.

“When he stopped for any purpose at any time he would, when he commenced again, begin where he left off without any hesitation, and one time while he was translating he stopped suddenly, pale as a sheet, and said, ‘Emma, did Jerusalem have walls around it?’ When I answered, ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘Oh! [I didn’t know.] I was afraid I had been deceived.’ He had such a limited knowledge of history at that time that he did not even know that Jerusalem was surrounded by walls.” (Edmund C. Briggs, “A Visit to Nauvoo in 1856,” Journal of History, Jan. 1916, p. 454.)

On another occasion, Emma Smith recorded:

“The plates often lay on the table without any attempt at concealment, wrapped in a small linen tablecloth, which I had given him to fold them in. I once felt of the plates as they thus lay on the table, tracing their outline and shape. They seemed to be pliable like thick paper, and would rustle with a metallic sound when the edges were moved by the thumb, as one does sometimes thumb the edges of a book.” (“Last Testimony of Sister Emma,” Saints’ Herald, 1 Oct. 1879, p. 290; spelling modernized.)

Although the Prophet would polish his skills over the years, Emma acknowledged that Joseph possessed only rudimentary literacy at the time he translated the gold plates:

“Joseph Smith … could neither write nor dictate a coherent and well-worded letter; let alone dictating a book like the Book of Mormon. And, though I was an active participant in the scenes that transpired, it is marvelous to me, ‘a marvel and a wonder,’ as much so as to any one else.” (Ibid.)

Because the Book of Mormon is a translation of a modified Hebrew language, it contains many Hebraisms. We might list a few examples because they are so unlike the language that would have been familiar to a young man in rural New York at that time:

• Nouns followed by descriptive phrases—such as “altar of stones,” “plates of brass,” “mist of darkness.”

• Prepositional phrases used instead of adverbs—such as “with harshness,” “with joy,” “with gladness,” “in diligence.”

• Cognate accusative constructions—“dreamed a dream,” “cursed with sore cursing,” “work all manner of fine work.”

• Hebrew words with double meaning—such as Nahum, meaning “mourning,” and Jershon, meaning “inheritance.” Events involving those specific actions took place at locations bearing those meaningful names.

• Chiasms. This term is derived from the Greek letter Chi (or the English x), which describes text written in an inverted parallel structure. As a young LDS missionary, John Welch discovered that many chiasms exist in the Book of Mormon as well as in the Bible. I am told that emphasis in these ancient languages was not provided by punctuation. Therefore, other devices, such as chiasm, were used occasionally to stress important thoughts.

Sister Nelson and I have a close friend and former neighbor, Sami Hanna, who was born in Egypt. He is a scholar with special expertise in Semitic languages. As a linguistic exercise, he translated the Book of Mormon from English into Arabic. The exercise converted him to the divinity of the Book of Mormon. Among the many linguistic features that convinced him of the book’s divinity was this unusual sentence in Helaman, chapter 3, verse 14. [Hel. 3:14] This would hardly be an expression of a 24-year-old man from the New York frontier:

“But behold, a hundredth part of the proceedings of this people, yea, the account of the Lamanites and of the Nephites, and their wars, and contentions, and dissensions, and their preaching, and their prophecies, and their shipping and their building of ships, and their building of temples, and of synagogues and their sanctuaries, and their righteousness, and their wickedness, and their murders, and their robbings, and their plundering, and all manner of abominations and whoredoms, cannot be contained in this work.”

That single sentence has eighteen ands. Now, if you were a teacher of English you might tend to downgrade the composition of that sentence. Yet my scholarly Egyptian friend said that every one of those ands was an important element in the construction of that sentence, allowing his translation to flow smoothly back to a Semitic language.

Of course the great worth of the Book of Mormon lies not in its miraculous translation, wondrous as it was, nor in its stories that we read to our children. The great worth of the Book of Mormon is that it is another testament of Jesus Christ. All four of its major authors—Nephi, Jacob, Mormon, and Moroni—were eyewitnesses of the Lord, as was His inspired translator of that book. The Book of Mormon is the great clarifier of doctrine. It refutes many myths, and at the same time affirms truths previously obscured. And it reveals many glorious doctrines lost or previously unknown.

First let us examine a few myths the book refutes or denies. The Book of Mormon refutes the doctrine of predestination. It refutes the ex nihilo (“out of nothing”) idea of creation. It refutes the false but pervasive notion of original sin. It refutes the fable of faith without works. It refutes the adequacy of goodness alone without exalting ordinances. It refutes the practice of infant baptism. It refutes methods of baptism other than that of immersion by one bearing proper authority. It refutes the arbitrary restriction that revelation from God ended with the Bible.

There are some things that the Book of Mormon is not. It is not a text of history, although some history is found within its pages. It is not a definitive work on ancient American agriculture or politics. It is not a record of all former inhabitants of the Western Hemisphere, but only of particular groups of people.

Resoundingly, the Book of Mormon affirms, among many eternal truths, the existence of a living and loving Father in Heaven. It affirms the nature of our Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation, happiness, and mercy. It declares, as another testament, the generation and divinity of Jesus the Christ. It teaches of His ministry, and of His atonement. While doubts about Jesus exist among today’s ministers and scholars, the Book of Mormon stands as an international beacon of divine truth. The Lord said:

“The testimony of two nations is a witness unto you that I am God, that I remember one nation like unto another. … And when the two nations shall run together the testimony of the two nations shall run together also.” (2 Ne. 29:8.)

The Book of Mormon affirms the sublime status of man’s moral agency and sets forth stern standards of accountability and responsibility for our choices. It affirms the reality and inevitability of our impending judgment, which will be done with a perfect blending of the justice and mercy of God. (See Alma 12:15.) It deepens our understanding of the Master’s statement once made near Galilee’s shore:

“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” (Matt. 5:48.)

To the Nephites Jesus reaffirmed that commandment, but then as the resurrected Lord, He listed Himself as having recently achieved that state of perfection. (See 3 Ne. 12:48.)

The Book of Mormon affirms that the people in the Western Hemisphere were among the “other sheep” to whom Jesus had earlier referred. (See John 10:16; 3 Ne. 15:17, 21.) And it affirms the existence of another society to whom Jesus would minister—those we know as the lost tribes of Israel.

It affirms the reality of premortal life.

It reaffirms the sanctity of and the necessity for the sacrament, as taught in the Bible.

In addition to the refutation of myths and the clarification of concepts previously unclear, the Book of Mormon reveals glorious truths heretofore lost or unknown to the mind of man:

It reveals the state of the soul between death and resurrection.

It reveals the endless nature of the priesthood of God and the foreordination of choice spirits called and prepared from the foundation of the world for leadership in the latter days. From the Book of Mormon we know that each of you has been foreordained, foredetermined, and reserved to come forth at this particular time to accomplish the mighty work you have been called to do.

The Book of Mormon reveals what the term gospel truly means. The Lord declared, “This is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.” (3 Ne. 27:13.) That sentence is as sparklingly clear as it is brief. The Savior then explained in fuller detail His mission and His atonement (see 3 Ne. 27:13–21), concluding His definitions by again saying, “This is my gospel” (3 Ne. 27:21).

The Book of Mormon reveals the important interrelationships between the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. One cannot fully comprehend the Atonement without first understanding the Fall; and the fall of Adam cannot be fully understood without first understanding the Creation. These three great doctrinal pillars sustain each other in God’s eternal plan.

The Book of Mormon reveals that Joseph, the son of Jacob who was once sold into Egypt, foresaw the Prophet Joseph Smith and his day (see 2 Ne. 3:6–21) and noted that there would be many similarities in their lives. Centuries later, the Prophet Joseph stated, “I feel like Joseph in Egypt.” (The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith, ed. Dean C. Jessee, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1984, p. 409; spelling modernized.)

The Book of Mormon reveals that the inheritance of Joseph, son of Israel, was not forgotten when, as promised in the Abrahamic covenant, land was distributed to the tribes of Israel. Joseph’s inheritance was to be a land choice above all others. (See Ether 13:2, 8.) It was choice not because of beauty or wealth of natural resources, but choice because it was chosen. It was to be the repository of sacred writing on plates of gold from which the Book of Mormon would one day come, choice because it would eventually host world headquarters of the restored church of Jesus Christ in the latter days.

The Book of Mormon reveals that Jesus of Nazareth, born of Mary, is literally the Son of God. No book of scripture bears more solemnly the weighty burden of that testimony than does the Book of Mormon. Its pages contain nearly four thousand references to Christ, using more than one hundred different titles for Him. His holy name is mentioned on the average of once per every 2.8 verses. No wonder this book has been designated “Another Testament of Jesus Christ.”

The Book of Mormon reveals that the keeper of the gate at Judgment will be Jesus, the holy one of Israel. There each one of us will stand before Him to be judged.

The Book of Mormon contains many insightful and stunning gems. The late Elder Robert E. Sackley of the Seventy attributed his conversion to this brilliant passage of scripture, which he memorized while hospitalized as a young military commando—even prior to his baptism:

“The natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.” (Mosiah 3:19.)

Elder Sackley’s life was never to be the same after his decision to live in accord with that remarkable single sentence of scripture.

To me, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon is most evident in the mighty change that comes into the lives of those who read it “with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ.” (Moro. 10:4.) Many of them forsake much that they held dear to be true to their new commitment to abide by the precepts of that book.

The Book of Mormon truly is a treasured testament. There is no other book quite like it. Can you find any other book delivered by an angel? Can you think of any other book prepared for people to read centuries later? Its writers did not write it for readers of their day. No royalties accrued to its authors from sales to contemporary consumers. In fact, its authors paid dearly for their privilege of authorship, as did its translator.

It is a book that the Lord Jesus Christ has personally testified to be true. In the form of an oath, the Lord said—referring to the Prophet Joseph Smith’s work:

“He has translated the book, even that part which I have commanded him, and as your Lord and your God liveth it is true.” (D&C 17:6.)

You know well this promise that the Lord offers to readers of the Book of Mormon:

“If you do these last commandments of mine, which I have given you, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; for my grace is sufficient for you, and you shall be lifted up at the last day.” (D&C 17:8.)

The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and his successor, President Ezra Taft Benson, has reaffirmed—that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion. It is a treasured testament of truth. It is the prophesied sign that “the Lord has commenced to gather Israel and fulfill his covenants.” (3 Ne. 29, chapter heading.)

Solemnly, I add my witness to that of my Brethren. It is true! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


TOPICS: General Discusssion; Theology
KEYWORDS: antimormonthread; lds; mormon; testament
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To: Godzilla

“So you are proud of the thousands of women forced into plural marriages and squalor, who were considered by your prophets to be nothing more than cattle and personal property?”

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. All women are daughters of our Heavenly Father.

121 posted on 09/03/2009 9:24:49 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
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To: Elsie

Emma Smith was a good woman. I do not think that is disputed by any decent human being.

122 posted on 09/03/2009 9:27:43 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
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To: Elsie

Same US History class Obama was in...

They got taught that there are 57 states etc...

Among other erroneous items...

123 posted on 09/03/2009 9:29:45 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Alan2

There have been many false prophets, but they have not achieved the success of the LDS church

Yeppers those LDSers do have a successful track record for false prophecy...

Better’n anybody...

congratulations to ya...

Y’all win ...

yuz teh champs at false profitz...

124 posted on 09/03/2009 9:33:20 PM PDT by Tennessee Nana
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To: Saundra Duffy; Alan2
Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and I love Him with all my heart. Amen.

I mean this w/all sincerity. It's a series of honest questions -- absolutely no ridicule:

This "testimony" you just gave -- how often do you hear one like it about Jesus Christ in your stakes & wards?

Think back to all the "testimonies" you've heard there since the very first you can recall. If you were to try to put a "ratio" on the "testimonies" about Jesus vs. Joseph, who'd win out? By what ratio?

And finally, if the Nephite disciples, prayed incessantly and DIRECTLY to the Mormon Jesus, why don't you?

3 Nephi 19:18-30

18 And behold, they began to pray; and they did pray UNTO JESUS, calling him their Lord and THEIR GOD
22 Father, thou hast given them the Holy Ghost because they believe in me; and thou seest that they believe in me because thou hearest them, and they PRAY UNTO ME; and THEY PRAY UNTO ME because I am with them.
...24 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus prayed unto the Father, he came unto his disciples, and behold, they did still continue, without ceasing, TO PRAY UNTO HIM; and they did not multiply many words, for it was given unto them what they should pray, and they were filled with desire.
25 And it came to pass that Jesus blessed them AS THEY DID PRAY UNTO HIM; and his countenance did smile upon them, and the light of his countenance did shine upon them...
26 And Jesus said unto them: Pray on; nevertheless they did not cease to pray.
30 And when Jesus had spoken these words he came again unto his disciples; and behold they did pray STEADFASTLY, WITHOUT CEASING, UNTO HIM; and he did smile upon them again; and behold they were white, even as Jesus.

125 posted on 09/03/2009 9:35:22 PM PDT by Colofornian
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To: Saundra Duffy
Mormons are Christians on steroids.

Yep, I would agree given the definition of the side effects of steroids: They can stunt the height of growing adolescents, masculinize women, and alter sex characteristics of men, can lead to premature heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure and serious psychiatric problems.

Pretty much sums it up.

126 posted on 09/03/2009 10:17:55 PM PDT by svcw (Legalism reinforces self-righteousness - it communicates to you the good news of your own goodness)
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To: Saundra Duffy
as in no one gets paid

Why is this such a big deal with lds? It is not unBiblical to have a pastor - paid.

127 posted on 09/03/2009 10:21:21 PM PDT by svcw (Legalism reinforces self-righteousness - it communicates to you the good news of your own goodness)
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To: Tennessee Nana

Good point.

I stand corrected.


128 posted on 09/04/2009 2:13:04 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (There's something socialist in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? MITTBUSTERS!)
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To: Elsie

Like I said, nail, meet jello...

129 posted on 09/04/2009 2:14:50 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (There's something socialist in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? MITTBUSTERS!)
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To: Saundra Duffy

Yet sadly they don’t get to become Gods.

Seems a wee bit sexist to me...

130 posted on 09/04/2009 2:16:15 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (There's something socialist in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? MITTBUSTERS!)
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To: Elsie


131 posted on 09/04/2009 2:16:51 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (There's something socialist in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? MITTBUSTERS!)
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To: Elsie

We’ll put it on the list.

132 posted on 09/04/2009 2:19:10 AM PDT by ejonesie22 (There's something socialist in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? MITTBUSTERS!)
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To: Saundra Duffy
Emma Smith was a good woman. I do not think that is disputed by any decent human being.

Not so...

JESUS said:

Mark 10:18
"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good--except God alone.

Also; you've COMPLETELY ignored the FALSE PROPHECY that was just pointed out to you.

133 posted on 09/04/2009 4:52:02 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: All
As a side issue...

You should actually do this every year.
Even more often if you spend a lot of time on the computer.
This is recommended by Kim Komando (the computer guru) in one of her recent emails.
I was shocked to see how well this works, and how far off mine was!
To re-calibrate your mouse, click and hold on the capital G below, then drag it toward the small g.
If it doesn't work immediately, you might want to clean your mouse, as the calibration is off.
Good lord!! You'll believe anything
134 posted on 09/04/2009 6:31:53 AM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Alan2
The test of God’s Prophets comes from Jesus himself as quoted by Matthew 7:15-20 By their fruits ye shall know them.

You have posted this several times...the fable that all mormons are "good fruit" is in my personal experience from living in mormon-heavy areas simply false. There are as many crooks and perverts among a group of mormons as in any other group of people.

Infamous Mormons
Latter-day Saints who have behaved very badly, notorious criminals

@import url(;

Custom Search
Butch Cassidy
Photo: America's Most Wanted
Jason Brown
first-degree murder, armed robbery and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution
Robert Keith Palomares was shot five times in the head on 24 Nov 2004 at 10:00 AM outside the AMC Theater Multi-Plex in Ahwatukee, Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix, while picking up the weekend receipts as part of his job with the Dunbar Armored Car Service.  The armed robber got away on a bicycle with $56,000.  When police found the bicycle, fingerprints came back positive for Jason Derek Brown.  His last know location is the Portland International Airport, where his car was recovered in long term parking on 16 Jan 2005.  Police suspect he may be in Mexico; western Canada; Salt Lake City; Redding, California or Portland, Oregon.
Source: America's Most Wanted 


He served in the France Paris Mission from 1988-1990.
Source: France Paris Mission Alumni News

Ted Bundy

He was attractive, smart, and had a future in politics. He was also one of the most prolific serial killers in U.S. history. Ted Bundy screamed his innocence until his death in the electric chair became imminent, then he tried to use his victims one more time to keep himself alive. His plan failed and the world got a glimpse of the true evil inside him.

In late 1974 Bundy moved from Seattle to Salt Lake City, where he attended law school and became a Mormon convert. converted to Hinduism  on death row.

Butch Cassidy
bank robber
Born Robert LeRoy Parker in Beaver, Utah on April 13, 1866, Cassidy was the first of 13 children.  His Mormon parents had come to Utah from England in 1856.  His first run-in with the law occurred after he let himself into a closed shop, took a pair of jeans, and left a note promising to return later to pay his debt.  By 1884, Roy was rustling cattle from Parowan and his life on the lam had begun.  The first major crime attributed to Cassidy is the robbery of the San Miguel Valley Bank in Telluride, on June 24, 1889.  He and three cowboys got away with $20,000.  His last big job was a hold up of a Rio Grande train near Folsom, New Mexico, $70,000.  As his fame grew, more officers were after him.  He fled to Bolivia, where he briefly lived in peace before returning to his lawless ways. Source:

Since the start of the Famous Mormons web site I have been searching for proof that Robert Leroy Parker better known as Butch Cassidy was actually baptized a Mormon.   He was named after his two grandfathers both were named Robert.  Both parents were Mormons and most children in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are baptized at eight years of age.  So it is likely “Butch” was baptized when he was eight years old.  I have not come across any record showing a baptism. So we treat him on the Famous Mormons site or in this case he is on the “infamous” Mormons section, as a probable member of the church.     Ron

"The best way to hurt them is through their pocket book.  They will Holler louder than if you cut off both legs.  I steal their money just to hear them holler.  Then I pass it out among those who realy need it."

  Byron Crutcher
He was convicted of robbery, but because the victim was older than 65, it was classified as a felony, and because he was classified as a habitual criminal, his sentence was severe.  He has been sentenced to life.  His other crimes include possession of stolen property and burglary. He has appealed to the state supreme court that his sentence be changed to death stating that it is cruel and unusual to spend the rest of his life in prison for a non violent crime.  He is eligible for parole in Jan 2007.  The court has denied his appeal stating there is no legal basis to change his sentence.  Nevada allows the death sentence only for those convicted of first-degree murder. 
Source: Nevada Supreme Court rejects inmate's request to die, Associated Press, Carson City, Nevada, 26 Nov 2004
Habitual criminal's request for execution denied by court, Las Vegas Review-Journal, 27 Nov 2004
Arthur Gary Bishop
Photo: Crime Library
Arthur Gary Bishop
serial killer
Served a mission in the Philippines.  Excommunicated in 1974.  In 1983, when questioned by police regarding the disappearance of a neighborhood boy he knew, he confessed to having killed him and four others. Alonzo Daniels was killed in 1979 at the age of four after being kidnapped from the courtyard of his apartment complex.  Kim Peterson was killed in 1980 at the age of eleven after being lured into Bishop's house to sell roller skates.  Danny Davis was killed in 1981 at the age of four after being kidnapped from a grocery store.  Troy Ward was killed in 1983 at the age of six.  Graeme Cunningham was also killed in 1983 at the age of thirteen.  Arthur Gary Bishop was executed by the State of Utah by lethal injection.

Source: The Wacky World of Murder

In prison, Bishop prepared for his death by reading the Book of Mormon ten times from cover-to-cover.  He used TV headphones to shield himself from the profanity of fellow inmates.  He spent his last hours in fasting and prayer.
Source: All About Arthur Bishop by Michael Newton, Crime Library
Mark Hacking wearing a bullet proof vest, apears in court on 16 Aug 2004
Photo: Fox News
Mark Hacking
Mark Hacking reported his wife missing on 19 Jul 2004.  She was five weeks pregnant.  Two weeks later, he was arrested when police found a witness to whom Mark had confessed that he had killed his wife in her sleep and dumped her body in the trash.  Her body was found three months later (01 Oct 2004) in a Salt Lake landfill.  His trial is set to begin 18 Apr 2005.
Sources: The Mark Hacking Case and Hacking Trial Appears Set for April Start Date, Associated Press, Salt Lake City, 05 Jan 2005
CBS News timeline

Hacking spent 2 years in Winnepeg as Mormon missionary by Katie Chalmers, Winnepeg Sun, 27 Jul 2004

Glenn Helzer
Photo: Serial Killers
Glenn Taylor Helzer
serial killer
He; his brother, Justin; and their roommate, Dawn Godman, killed five people in the San Francisco area during the summer of 2003.  They conspired to fund a self-awareness program to bring "joy, peace and love" to the world by extorting money from Glenn's former clients.  Godman plead guilty and agreed to testify against Justin in exchange for a sentence of 38 years.  Justin claimed it was all his brother's idea, but he was convicted and sentenced to death in Aug 2004.  Glenn pled guilty, and a jury recommended death on 17 Dec 2004.  His defense attorney argued that he spent his boyhood as a Mormon surrounded by religious influences so outside the mainstream that acquaintances and family members made him believe God chose him as a prophet. 
Sources: Killer was mentally ill, lawyer says by Bruce Gerstman, Contra Costa Times, Contra Costa, California, 09 Nov 2004 and Contra Costa jury recommends death for quintuple murderer by Kim Curtis, Associated Press, 17 Dec 2004

Details of bizarre plot to kill in God's name By Demian Bulwa, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 Jun 2004
Mark Hofmann
murderer and forger
He was raised in a "devout" LDS family.  He served a full-time mission.  He married in the Salt Lake Temple in 1979.  He has four children.  His most notorious forgery is known as the Salamander letter.  It depicted Joseph Smith as a practitioner of folk magic, and related a very different account of how he obtained the Gold Plates.  In 1985, he planted two bombs which killed Steven Christensen and Kathy Sheets.  He was badly injured while transporting a third bomb.  During the investigation, police discovered Hofmann's studio where he had created his forgeries and other incriminating evidence.  He was arrested for the murders and forgery in February 1986.  He pled guilty to lesser charges to avoid the death penalty, and was sentenced to life in prison.
Source: Wikipedia
Hofmann fooled some very renowned people with his forgeries.  Ironically, two of his most outspoken critics were Jerald and Sandra Tanner, who are sometimes described as "professional anti-Mormons".
Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr.
He was a Vietnam veteran, a helicopter pilot, and a capable skydiver.  He was 29 years old.  He was a police science major at Brigham Young University, and he was having serious financial problems.  On April 7, 1972, he hijacked United Airlines Flight 855, a Boeing 727 en route from Newark, New Jersey, to Los Angeles, California, with 85 passengers and a crew of six, after their stopover in Denver, Colorado.  Approximately 20 minutes after takeoff, at 5:18 p.m., he was observed in his seat holding a hand grenade.  When an off-duty pilot attempted to asses the situation, he pulled out a handgun and an envelope with instructions.  He demanded $500,000 in cash and four parachutes.  The crew complied with his demand and the passengers were released in San Francisco.  He then instructed the crew to fly to Utah, and he bailed out over Provo.  He was arrested two days later.  He was tried, convicted and sentences to 45 years in prison. 
Source: FBI Famous Cases

Bernie Rhodes, the chief U.S. probation and parole officer for the District of Utah in 1972, believed that Richard McCoy and D.B. Cooper were the same man.  D.B. Cooper hijacked an airplane for $200,000 and jumped out over the Pacific Northwest in 1971.  He was never apprehended.  The money was never recovered.
Source: D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy, by Bernie Rhodes. Research by Russell Calame. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press (1991)
Brian David Mitchell, the itinerant preacher who calls himself Emmanuel, is pictured in Salt Lake City, Utah, in spring 2002.
Photo: CNN
Brian David "Emmanuel" Mitchell
In 2002, Mitchell was a homeless man who worked a few days for a man named Ed Smart.  One night he returned to the Smart home and kidnapped fourteen-year-old Elizabeth from her bedroom.  Elizabeth's sister witnessed the crime and identified the kidnapper.  Still it took nine months to find Elizabeth and return her to her family.  Mitchell was scheduled to stand trial in Feb 2005, but repeated outbursts in court have made it impossible.  Multiple competency hearings have failed to resolve the question.
Mitchell returned to the Church at age 30.  He served as a high councilor and a temple worker.  In 2002, he finished writing his revelations.  He was excommunicated in 2003.
Source: The Making of Immanuel by John-Charles Duffy, Signature Books, issue 129, October 2003






The Baptism of Ted Bundy

135 posted on 09/04/2009 6:33:10 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (RIP Ted Kennedy: "He drove the ship of state off a bridge and then left the scene to let us drown.")
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To: Colofornian
The reason why we do not pray DIRECTLY to Jesus is because we are not commanded to do so, as he commanded the Nephites to do at that time. Instead we are command to pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. Perhaps you should try it some time.
136 posted on 09/04/2009 6:41:27 AM PDT by Alan2
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To: Alan2

So the phrase “no one comes to the Father but by Me”.......
I have an idea why not use the the Bible........
Your statement boggles the mind.....

137 posted on 09/04/2009 6:49:25 AM PDT by svcw (Legalism reinforces self-righteousness - it communicates to you the good news of your own goodness)
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To: Elsie
For example, where is the search for Nephi this year?

Hmmmm...this brochure seems to be making some mighty definite claims, doesn't it?

Book of Mormon Tours

"Following the death of Lehi and Sariah, Nephi was warned by the Lord to depart from his brothers, Laman and Lemuel. Along with many who were living in the area of Izapa, Chiapas, Mexico at the time, Nephi traveled to the highlands of Guatemala where he built a city which was called the city of Nephi.

Over the course of four hundred years the highlands of Guatemala served as a backdrop for the events recorded in the books of 2 Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Jarom, Omni, Mosiah and Alma. Come with us on this eight day all-inclusive journey, as we visit places that are documented as Nephi, Ishmael, Middoni, Helam, the waters of Mormon and the east wilderness of Zarahemla.

138 posted on 09/04/2009 6:49:48 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (RIP Ted Kennedy: "He drove the ship of state off a bridge and then left the scene to let us drown.")
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To: Elsie


139 posted on 09/04/2009 6:51:51 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (RIP Ted Kennedy: "He drove the ship of state off a bridge and then left the scene to let us drown.")
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To: Elsie; Saundra Duffy
"The Church is perfect but the people are not."

JESUS is perfect.

140 posted on 09/04/2009 6:53:38 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (RIP Ted Kennedy: "He drove the ship of state off a bridge and then left the scene to let us drown.")
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