Jenkins needs to go.
Full title: Notre Dame President Sits on Board of Directors of Pro-Abortion, Pro-Contraception Organization
We're supposed to overlook this because promoting abortions isn't the “reason” he's on the board, right?
Isn't that the lame justification we always get with this stuff?
Everyy piece coming together just before A-Day at ND.
The Lord is comming back and he’s not pleased.
What’s the Pope going to say about this?
This is inexcusable!!!!!!
I’m so grateful to God that Jenkins’ activities came to light. No wonder he has no problem with Obama!
I can hardly wait to see how this all shakes out.
Nothing to see here. The invitation to Obama doesn’t signify approval. I talk to a lot of people. Nobody is pro-abortion. We’re all agreed on the need to reduce abortion—we just disagree about the means. Move along.
Wondering why this information is just coming out!???
So... the servant of Satan Jenkins is a pro-abort.
This gives the Vatican leverage, if it wishes to use it, in this whole debacle.
Noting that the servant of Satan Jenkins is a pro-abort, the pope could directly order the Congregation of the Holy Cross to suspend Jenkins as a priest until such time that he can be formally tried for heresy, or that he repents. He can then require the order to appoint a pro-life president to Notre Dame. Refusal would be on pain of the complete suppression of the order and the immediate laicization of all those who resist.
E-mails or phone calls have to be sent to the people who can put a stop to this now.
Bishop John D'Arcy
(via Vince LaBarbera, Diocesan Communications Director)
Ft. Wayne Chancery: 260.422.4611
South Bend Chancery: 574.234.0687
Rev. Pascale Ide
Congregation for Catholic Education
00120 Vatican City
Rome, Italy
+39 06 69 88 41 67 (office)
+39 06 69 88 41 72 (fax) (alternate fax)
Pope Benedict XVI
Dear Mr. LaBarbera,
I am a great admirer of Bishop D'Arcy, and I cannot remain silent. Does the Bishop know about this?
[insert full page of story from LifeSiteNews.com
So not only is Fr. Jenkins in open, continuing defiance of the USCCB and Bishop D'Arcy in the matter of Obama --- and with apparently the full support of the Notre Dame Board of Trustees --- but now we learn that Fr. Jenkins is actually on the Board of an organization promoting contraception and abortion in Africa and around the world.
This goes beyond meretricious "honors" to an abortion-infanticide advocate who happens to be President of the United States. This is direct support for abortion and contraception themselves: attacks on life itself, and on the source of life.
If this man, Fr. Jenkins, is deemed fit by Notre Dame's leadership to run a Catholic University ---then Notre Dame's Board of Trustees is radically re-defining what "Catholic University" means (and it "means" license to oppose the Church over and over again on fundamental moral issues). For God's sake, it's time for the Bishop to tell them plainly that THEY CAN'T DO THIS AND CALL THEMSELVES CATHOLIC.
Please. The line must be drawn.
We --- hundreds of thousands, probably millions --- of faithful Catholics are suffering from the disgrace of this situation, and have no recourse whatsoever but to call on the Sucessor of the Apostles, the good bishop of this diocese.
Remove Notre Dame from the list of Catholic organizations --- effective from when Obama receives his unmerited honors, until Board of Trustees replaces Fr. Jenkins, repairs the damage done, and clearly repudiates these evils on behalf of the University.
This has become like a septic wound that will NOT stop bleeding and oozing infection.
Strong words, but what can I say? This is life or death.
Please, please beg Bishop D'Arcy to call Notre Dame to repentance in the strongest possible terms.
Rescind Notre Dame's right to call itself a Catholic university.
Suspend Fr. Jenkins a divinis.
Save us!
Begging God's blessings upon you, Mr. LaBarbera, and upon your good Bishop and all the Souls who depend on you in South Bend and beyond ---
A most unworthy daughter of the Church,
Holy smoke...
Don’t hold your breath counting on that lame bishop D’Arcy. He is just a company man doing his time.
Fr Pavone had done more to inspire the faithful in this mess.
OK, Domers, time to win one for the Gipper!
so why does he still call himself Father Jenkins?
there are other Christian churches out there that would have him....why does he have to spit in the eye of the Catholic faithful??
He really is asking for an official excommunication and he will wear it like some perverted badge when it happens.
Could it be that Father Jenkins is responsible for ruining the Notre Dame football team?