The actual name of the Creator was known and used by the Levitical priesthood for thousands of years but then was hid from the common people so that it would not be profaned.
What we know from preserved ancient writings is that His name is represented by the tetragamatron YHVH YudHeyVuvHey.
Most scholars agree that Yahweh would be the pronunciation of YHVH.
Actually, you’re right and wrong at the same time. The creator’s name isn’t “Jehovah” because Jehovah’s an English, not a Hebrew name. Much like how Jesus’ name isn’t “Jesus” but rather, “Yeshuah”. Jehovah’s the English version of the name “Yahweh/Yahveh/Yahhuveah”
Most of this “Jehovah isn’t G_d’s name” B.S. is made up by evangelical Anti-Jehovah’s Witness preachers who would rather attack known biblical facts rather than the JW’s totalitarian and un-Christian tactics.