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To: wiley
One thing I’d like a Protestant to prove: That the Bible is the Word of God. How could you know?

First, I think somebody has missed the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation. Were those churches NOT Christ's true churches? Furthermore, the bible is the final authority of Christ's truth, NOT the church doctrine!

Concering the bible as the provable true Word of God, all you have to do is look at what Christ Jesus himself quoted.

There are things interwoven throughtout the scripture that more than prove it's God's word, where do you want to start? You have know idea how good of a question you have asked!!

48 posted on 07/31/2007 6:51:48 PM PDT by sirchtruth (No one has the RIGHT not to be offended...)
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To: sirchtruth

And those churches were set up by whom? Come on, you know the answer!!!!

56 posted on 07/31/2007 7:14:24 PM PDT by Salvation (†With God all things are possible.†)
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To: sirchtruth
“Concering the bible as the provable true Word of God, all you have to do is look at what Christ Jesus himself quoted.”(sirchtruth)

I think you should have copied the rest of the statement which was “(Quoting the Bible to prove it’s own authenticity really proves nothing.)”

What your answer is composed of, is “I believe it.”
He says, “How do you know it’s true?”
You say, “It says it’s true.”

Presumably, if somebody wrote it as a lie, the author would also say, “This is true.”

The point you apparently are missing is this: If you read the Bible from cover to cover, it is an amazing story. Matter of fact, one could say it’s an unbelievable story, as some atheists do say. An unseen God creates the world (as opposed to what atheist “scientists” say), He created one man and one woman, who’s children are good and bad, and destroys the world when they get too bad, with a flood. He guided certain men and picked one insignificant tribe to call His People, and when they disobeyed Him, were sold into slavery, and rescued by a series of unbelievable miracles, and told them He was coming in person. Often, He sends beings with no physical bodies to interact with these men. He had his Only Begotten Son, born of a virgin (talk about unbelievable!), and came to suffer a horrible death, just to make up for the first man and woman eating an apple. And He picked 12 followers, one of which was a traitor, and founded what He called His Church and told them, He would be with them til the end of the world.

If I just fell off the turnip truck, I wouldn’t believe the story-it would be great fiction. Fortunately, for me, that’s not how it happened. When He was here, He founded a Church, and told everybody to listen to His Church. Not read His book, mind you, because there was no book. Matter of fact, there was no book for another 400 years, when it was assembled by the bishops of the Catholic Church, which Christ founded, in the year 399 AD, and was approved infallibly by the pope. The Catholic Church told all men of the world that that collection of books (the canon of the Bible) was the inerrant Word of God. That’s the only reason I have to believe the Bible is true. Because it was declared so by the Catholic Church.

What wiley was asking you is this: If you deny Christ founded the One True Church, the Catholic Church, why do you believe in the Bible, and why would you claim it is the Word of God, when the Bible is an official document of the Church you deny? Further, how can the Bible be a superior " authority of Christ's truth,..." when the only reason the Bible exists, is because the Catholic Church authored and declared it to be true by It's (the Church's)authority?-Glenn

62 posted on 07/31/2007 8:19:20 PM PDT by GlennD
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