Er, you speak of "dark matter" and "dark enegry" as some "facts." They are hypothetical constructs, necessary plug-ins in the formula to balance out the equation. They have yet to be discovered. They "exist" only in the minds of those who are desperately trying to save the failed relativity theory.
We've been through this before. Nerds like Hawkings has already admitted to having been wrong, after 20 years or so of egotistical claims to the contrary. Astrophyiscs is an expensive toyland for immature adults who can't hold a regular job. It does absolutely nothing for the good of the world.
Actually, they are only necessary to save the foolish "unbounded" universe. There never was a reason (other than ruling out God's word) to assume an unbounded condition. If you revert to Humphreys' bounded, spheroid universe, the need for such constructs disappears completely. As a bonus, Humphreys' universe fits the declarations and known facts of God's word like a glove. It solves the ridiculous old earth and old universe nicely through the then useful General Relativity, since the gravitational dilation of time explains the appearance of age through the expansion of space. His equations have been attacked 'adhominem' style, but never refuted. (although the God-haters claim that adhominem attack is sufficient to refute anything that agrees with God's word)
Personally, I have nothing further to discuss when my correspondent declares relativity theory as "failed" and astrophysics as "an expensive toyland for immature adults who can't hold a regular job."
Maranatha, Jesus!
Yes, they are facts. There are many species of facts. These are scientific facts. That we are talking about them makes them objective. Some confuse fact with true, which is a confusion of categorical judgement.