Most Protestants do not say the "Our Father" Let alone repeat it over and over.
I have to wonder if he was ever really a protestant.
One of the most eye opening and prayer enhancing things I ever heard was the our father laid out as a framework for prayer.
1) Our father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name: Start your prayers by first Glorifying God
2) Thy kingdom come thy will be done ...: As Jesus did submit yourself first to gods will firstly and what follows secondly
3) Give us this day our daily bread: Here bring your request, request which are hopefully motivated by the spirit not (oh God I would like a Ferrari)
4) And Forgive us our trespasses: Confess your wrongs to the lord, seek out sin in your life
5) As we forgive those who trespass: Ask for help in forgiving offenses you may hold against others
6) the kingdom and honor and glory: Again praise God...
In terms of a frame work this in incredibly more powerful than just repeating a prayer you learned in ccd or Sunday school
“Most Protestants do not say the “Our Father” Let alone repeat it over and over.
I have to wonder if he was ever really a protestant.”
And most catholics cannot find the Lord’s prayer in the Bible.
Quite true. Plus, praying the model prayer and meaning it is a far cry from the repetition of Hail Marys. Unless they want to admit Mary is near deity in the eyes of Catholicism, which I doubt any would be bold enough to say.
Perhaps we don't "repeat it over and over", but almost every Protestant service I've ever attended has included the Lord's Prayer. I would say that most Protestants do say it. I don't believe that saying a prayer in the same way that Jesus taught us is vain and repetitious. If you repeat something as though it were some magical incantation, without any thought as to meaning, I might agree, but I don't think that's the case with most folks when they say these words. In fact, for me, the Lord's Prayer is often a way for me to begin to talk to God, when too many times my own words fail me.
I say it pretty much every day, but not over & over again. I've no poetry in my heart, so most of my prayers are far from elegant.