Posted on 12/12/2006 10:51:32 PM PST by Coleus
The following text is adapted from a lecture Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira gave on June 15, 1973. It has been translated and edited for publication without his revision. Note, in this text, he uses the words Revolution and Counter-Revolution as he defined them in his book Revolution and Counter-Revolution. In this sense, the Revolution is a centuries-old process, motivated by pride and sensuality, and therefore egalitarianism and liberalism, that dominates the modern world and seeks to destroy Christian civilization. Counter-Revolutionaries are those dedicated to defeating this process and defending the rights of God. Ed.
One of the truly Counter-Revolutionary acts of Pope Pius IXs pontificate was the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception.
There are three reasons the definition of this dogma was especially Counter-Revolutionary and therefore hateful to the enemies of the Church.
First Reason: An Anti-Egalitarian Dogma
As you know, this dogma teaches that Our Lady was immaculate at her conception, meaning that, at no moment, did she have even the slightest stain of Original Sin. Both she, and naturally Our Lord Jesus Christ, were exempt from that rigid law that subjugates all other descendants of Adam and Eve. Thus, Our Lady was not subject to the miseries of fallen man. She did not have bad influences, inclinations and tendencies. In her, everything moved harmonically towards truth, goodness and therefore God. In this sense, Our Lady is an example of perfect liberty, meaning that everything her reason, illuminated by Faith, determined as good, her will desired entirely. She had no interior obstacles to impede her practice of virtue.
Being full of grace increased these effects. Thus, her will advanced with an unimaginable impetus towards everything that was true and good. Declaring that a mere human creature had this extraordinary privilege makes this dogma fundamentally anti-egalitarian, because it points out an enormous inequality in the work of God. It demonstrates the total superiority of Our Lady over all other beings. Thus, its proclamation made Revolutionary egalitarian spirits boil with hatred.
Second Reason: The Unsullied Purity of Our Lady
However, there is a more profound reason why the Revolution hates this dogma. The Revolution loves evil and is in harmony with those who are bad, and thus tries to find evil in everything. On the contrary, those who are irreproachable are a cause of intense hatred. Therefore, the idea that a being could be utterly spotless from the first moment of her existence is abhorrent to Revolutionaries. For example: Imagine a man who is consumed with impurity. When besieged by impure inclinations, he is ashamed of his consent to them. This leaves him depressed and utterly devastated.
Imagine this man considering Our Lady, who, being the personification of transcendental purity, did not have even the least appetite for lust. He feels hatred and scorn because her virtue smashes his pride. Furthermore, by declaring Our Lady to be so free from pride, sensuality and the desire for anything Revolutionary, the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception affirmed that she was utterly Counter-Revolutionary. This only inflamed the Revolutionary hatred of the dogma all the more.
Disputing the Doctrine: A Counter-Revolutionary Struggle
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Declaring that Our Lady was so free from pride, sensuality and the desire for anything Revolutionary, affirmed that she was utterly Counter-Revolutionary and inflamed the Revolutionary hatred of the dogma all the more. |
For centuries, there were two opposing currents of thought about the Immaculate Conception in the Church. While it would be an exaggeration to suggest that everyone who fought against the doctrine was acting with Revolutionary intentions; it is a fact that all those who were acting with Revolutionary intentions fought against it. On the other hand, all those who favored its proclamation, at least on that point, expressed a Counter-Revolutionary attitude. Thus, in some way the fight between the Revolution and Counter-Revolution was present in the fight between these two theological currents.
Third Reason: The Exercise of Papal Infallibility
There is still another reason this dogma is hateful to Revolutionaries: it was the first dogma proclaimed through Papal Infallibility. At that time, the dogma of Papal Infallibility had not yet been defined and there was a current in the Church maintaining that the Pope was only infallible when presiding over a council. Nevertheless, Pius IX invoked Papal Infallibility when he defined the Immaculate Conception after merely consulting some theologians and bishops. For liberal theologians, this seemed like circular reasoning. If his infallibility had not been defined, how could he use it? On the contrary, by using his infallibility, he affirmed that he had it.
This daring affirmation provoked an explosion of indignation among Revolutionaries, but enormous enthusiasm among Counter-Revolutionaries. In praise of the new dogma, children all over the world were baptized under the name: Conception, Concepcion or Concepta to consecrate them to the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.
Pius IX: Bringing the Fight to the Enemy
It is not surprising that Pius IX so adamantly affirmed Papal Infallibility. Very different from those who succeeded him, he was ever ready to bring the fight to the enemy. He did this in Geneva, Switzerland, which then was the breeding ground of Calvinism, which is the most radical form of Protestantism. When Swiss laws changed to allow a Catholic Cathedral in Geneva, Pius IX ordered that a statue of the Immaculate Conception be placed in the middle of the city, to proclaim this dogma in the place where Calvinists, Lutherans and other Protestants denied it more than anywhere else. This is an example of Pius IXs leadership in the fight against the Revolution. It is therefore entirely proper that all Catholics entertain a special affection for the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which is so detested by the enemies of the Church today.
To read another commentary on the Immaculate Conception, click here.
To read Fr. Saint-Laurent's commentary on the Immaculate Conception, click here.
To order your free copy of a picture of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, click here.
That's right. I know, I've been banned from them. ;-)
There are a number of Catholic posters who manage to show up on nearly every thread that is posted by a protestant, no matter how innocuous the title. I know them all by name and I debate with them all regularly. I don't think they would deny that they seem to post on nearly every protestant thread. They enjoy the discussions and, amazingly enough, some of them actually believe the stuff they say. :-)
This thread is NOT a catholic thread. It may have been started by a Catholic, the intent was to rag on Protestants and Mormons and Jews and skeptics and everyone else who does not accept the doctrine of the "Immaculate Conception".
Another argument from silence.
My faith in the essential goodness and niceness of people as a whole is always tested on these threads. For some reason, our Protestant brethren take especial glee in being particularly nasty, hateful and protesting theoir moral superiority.
Blah. I mat forswear these until after the Epiphany, at this rate.
Who is included in "all"? Just some?
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Friday, December 08, 2006 Meditation Ephesians 1:3-6,11-12 The Immaculate Conception If you have any experience of motherhood, you know that it takes a lot of faith. In many ways, its something beyond your control. Suddenly, you have a new life inside of you. You do your best to nurture that life, but you dont know how everything is going to turn out. You do everything you can to assure that your child will be loved and supported. Still, you have to trust God for the big picture. As we honor Mary today, lets remember the deep faith she had, not just to be a mother but to be the Mother of God! She didnt comprehend how she could give birth to the Messiah, but she still said yes to Gods plan. She was told she would suffer greatly because of her child, but she still obeyed. Clearly, Mary was no shrinking violet. She took care of Jesus for thirty years, endured his crucifixion and death, and stayed true to him until the end. Mary has many things to teach us. Like her, we are called to bring Jesus into this world, and like her, we too will suffer. When we face the challenges and temptations of life in this world, we can be tempted to forget about our walk with the Lord and just go with the flow. Or we can do as Mary did and proclaim Gods greatness, recognizing that he will look after us if we remain humble and open to his word: He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty (Luke 1:53). Mary is more than just an idealistic example of perfect faith. She is a mother, and she wants nothing more than to bring us to her son, Jesus. Quite simply, she loves us! St. John Vianney tells us, Marys heart is so loving toward us that the hearts of all other mothers taken together are but a piece of ice in comparison. We can go to her, not just for our needs, but to ask her help in growing closer to the Lord. In the prayers of the rosary, we say to her, The Lord is with you! Lets not forget Mary, this privileged insider in the heavenly court, who is already praying for each and every one of us! Lord, thank you for your Blessed Mother! May I imitate her virtues and call upon her to help me walk with you! |
Other Articles by Monsignor Dennis Clark, Ph.D. Printer Friendly Version |
She Was Almost Invisible, but She Gave Birth to Him! |
Gn 3:9-15, 20 / Eph 1:3-6, 11-12 / Lk 1:26-38
As we look across the span of recorded history, we find the exploits of leaders, scholars, adventurers, inventors, and explorers whose achievements changed forever the world that we live in. And we wonder how they rose to greatness, as often as not from humble beginnings. More often than not, our wonderings go unanswered, because there is rarely a useful record of their formative years, and even less useful records of those invisible people who did the forming and shaping of their intellects and their souls.
The feast we mark today celebrates that simple peasant girl whose heart was so open to God that she gave birth to God's only Son, whom she then tended and guided for the many years that followed. What an extraordinary privilege that was, and with what grace Mary lived up to her special calling at every moment. At the very first moment of it all, she said to the angel, "I don't understand how this can be, but my answer to God is 'Yes.'" And so it was all her life long.
That is why we celebrate this and all the feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, because she, a human being just like us, had both the ability and the willingness to say "Yes" to God at every moment. In doing that, she made the right home and formed the right heart in God's Son and her son, Jesus.
Mary is the almost-invisible woman in the Gospels, but her gift to Jesus was beyond calculation. The gifts that we have to give will in the long run also be almost entirely invisible except to those who can read the fine lines of cause and effect from generation to generation.
Give your gift as Mary did. History may never notice, but God will, and so will many of His children.
Circular reasoning. One can't know for sure one way or the other, from direct Scripture references.
However, one can deduce from Scripture that she was sinless, pure, and holy by the following argument:
1) The Glory of the Lord overshadowed the Ark of the (old) Covenant. It was so Holy that Uzzah was killed when he touched it (I Samuel 6:19). The Glory of the Lord, in the thick cloud on Mt. Sinai, was so bright and awesome that Moses face shone.The Lord Himself told the Israelites that they were not to go on the mountain or even touch the border of it or they would die(Ex. 19:12). There are many other instances recorded in Scripture where people knew that they would die if they beheld the Glory of the Lord. Isaiah saying "Woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips" is one that comes to mind.
2) The Angel said to Mary that "the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:35b) The power of the Highest overshadowed her, just like the Glory of the Lord overshadowed the original Ark of the Covenant.
3) Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant, because Jesus called Himself the New Covenant. See Matthew 26:28; Luke 22:20; and Mark 14:24.
4) If God made the Israelites sanctify themselves and wash themselves before Moses could go up on the mountain (Ex. 19:9-12), how much more so would He sanctify the woman chosen to carry His Glory.
Beauty Unveiled
Luke 1:26-38 Introductory Prayer: Hail Mary, full of grace! Mother, I praise you and congratulate you today as we celebrate your feast. Thank you for the example you gave us while you were on earth. You have taught me how to live so many virtues. Teach me how to pray today so that I may win the grace to live as you did. Petition:Let it be done to me according to your will. 1. Dont Be Afraid. On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, we celebrate the moment when the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. From the first moment of life, Mary was sinless, just like Eve before the Fall. Though both were created sinless, only Mary persevered in her immaculate state by fighting to do Gods will. The fight to be faithful is what we can offer God today: Do not be afraid to show your love for God by doing his will. 2. Gods the Protagonist. Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you. Today we celebrate a feast honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the other great Marian feasts we celebrate how Mary generously collaborated with Gods action in her soul. In being immaculately conceived, Mary plays a passive role, while the protagonist is God. God is also the protagonist in our fight to be holy. Often times, the best thing we can do is let go and allow God to take over. He wants to be the protagonist in our striving for holiness today. 3. Getting to Yes. Just as you are doing your daily meditation now, one day Mary, a girl in a poor town of about 500 inhabitants, was doing hers. Suddenly, an angel appears, startles her and proposes to her the sublime mission of being the mother of the Messiah. All creation is pending on her answer as she ponders the message in her heart. One final push by the angel For nothing will be impossible for God and the young Mary answers, Let it be done to me. Though an angel probably wont appear during your meditation, Gods grace asks you for a yes today just like Marys. Dialogue with Christ: Lord, I thank you for the gift of Mary. She gives me an example of a life perfectly united to your will. Help me today to live as she did, to give myself without thinking of myself, and to be open to what you want to do through me today. Resolution: I will invite one or more friends or family members to Mass with me today. |
original sin
Thank you for this,Dear Friend.
You are welcome. You have FRmail.
"Who is included in "all"? Just some?"
I'm a fast learner so let me see if I can help you. "All" is like the word "brother" but not like the word "grace". "All" can mean "all", like everything, or it can mean less than everything if you don't mean everything. Kind of like when your wife says "you do that all the time" when what she means is "look what you did". Now on top of that you have "all" meaning all that I can think of at this time but that doesn't mean I've included everything that has ever happened or that I have ever thought of. It's kind of a fluid word of convenience, a chameleon type word that you can use and withdrawer items from if they don't really fit into what you are trying to sell.
The word "brother" is similar in that it can mean kindred, cousin, friend and even mean sibling except it can never be used as a sibling for Jesus 'cause by fiat of some councils He didn't have any no matter what the scriptures say. However the word "grace" can only have one meaning when used in reference to Mary, but multiple meanings when used anywhere else in the scriptures.
Thus endeth the lesson.
Wasn't he talking about all the Romans? Makes sense to me.
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December 08, 2006 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Old Calendar: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Today the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, the solemn dogma defined by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1854. As Our Lady Immaculately Conceived is the patroness of the United States of America, this is a holyday of obligation in the United States. Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed on December 8, 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." Catechism of the Catholic Church
"Tota pulchra es! O Mary, thou art all fair, unstained by original sin" (1st Ant. at Vespers; All.). This cry of admiration, which the Church puts on our lips, expresses the feelings of fallen man before the spotless purity of our Lady. From all eternity God had chosen Mary to be the Mother of the Word Incarnate; He therefore decked her in holiness, preserving her from all stain and making her a worthy dwelling for His Son. The Blessed Virgin's perfect redemption which, from the moment of her conception, preserved her from original sin cannot, therefore, be dissociated from our redemption by Christ; and so, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, coming in the course of Advent, heralds the splendours of the Incarnation of the Redeemer. Pope Pius IX in his bull Ineffabilis Deus of December 8, 1854, declared the Immaculate Conception to be an infallible teaching of the Church as well as "a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful that the Blessed Virgin Mary in the first instant of her conception was, by a unique privilege and grace of Almighty God in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, preserved exempt from all stain of original sin." The stain of original sin was excluded from her soul, not removed from it. Many confuse the meaning of this dogma, thinking it refers to Mary's conception of the immaculate Jesus. That is the Incarnation, which we celebrate on the Solemnity of the Annunciation on March 25. This dogma of the Immaculate Conception, on the other hand, refers to St. Anne's conception of Our Immaculate Lady in her womb. Patron: United States. Symbols: crown and monogram; lily; enclosed garden; crown of stars; glass (symbol of purity) lily often placed in a vase of transparent glass; lily of the valley. Things to Do:
She would have been numbered among the "all" if God had not chosen to save her beforehand.
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