1 posted on
12/08/2006 7:51:37 AM PST by
To: Petrosius
2 posted on
12/08/2006 7:56:55 AM PST by
(†With God all things are possible.†)
To: Petrosius
3 posted on
12/08/2006 7:59:30 AM PST by
(Good heavens! What women these Christians have-----Libanus)
To: Petrosius
Bishop Bruskewitz is my kind of bishop.
To: Petrosius
The Vatican has confirmed an American bishop's decision to excommunicate members of the dissident group Call to Action. Meanwhile Mahoney, et al have yet to be defrocked.
To: Petrosius
from the FAQ on Call to Action's website:
How do the leaders of the Catholic Church view CTA?
Call to Action is not a schismatic group. There have been no pronouncements from Church authorities in Rome against Call to Action or its members. Individual bishops have varying opinions of Call to Action. Some bishops have disapproved of Call to Action and others have embraced CTA and have even become active members themselves.
Better get that updated.
6 posted on
12/08/2006 8:26:11 AM PST by
Nihil Obstat
(viva il papa)
To: Petrosius; 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; afraidfortherepublic; Alas; al_c; american colleen; ...
Call to Action is a bunch of pro-abortion democrats who think if one volunteers at a homeless shelter or food kitchen they are following the pro-life tenets of the catholic church knowing they are voting to murder 1.2 million babies per year.
8 posted on
12/08/2006 2:30:46 PM PST by
(Woe unto him that call evil good and good evil"-- Isaiah 5:20-21)
To: Petrosius
Hot diggity dog. A bishop with a backbone. Imagine how different our society would be today if all American bishops had stood their ground like this 40 years ago.
9 posted on
12/08/2006 2:37:02 PM PST by
( What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?)
To: Petrosius
10 posted on
12/08/2006 2:37:34 PM PST by
To: Petrosius
Bruskewitz takes the pass from Benedict as the buzzer sounds! .SHOOTS!... FROM DOWNTOWN... NOTHIN' BUT NET!
11 posted on
12/08/2006 3:02:40 PM PST by
(Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
To: Claud; BlackElk; narses
14 posted on
12/08/2006 7:41:20 PM PST by
("Dealing with the pampered and effeminate Americans will be easy." --Osama bin Laden)
To: Petrosius
Glad to see this, but I don't know why more bishops don't do this.
15 posted on
12/08/2006 8:22:07 PM PST by
(*MERRY CHRISTMAS!* And during this beautiful season, let's all pray for good to win over evil soon!)
To: Petrosius
nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
hey hey hey
(and here's praying ya'll find your back)
16 posted on
12/08/2006 10:12:38 PM PST by
(Good heavens! What women these Christians have-----Libanus)
To: 2nd amendment mama; A2J; Agitate; AliVeritas; Alouette; Annie03; aposiopetic; attagirl; Augie76; ...
Congratulations to the Catholic Church on showing these twits to the door. ProLife Ping!
If anyone wants on or off my ProLife Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.
17 posted on
12/08/2006 10:29:14 PM PST by
Mr. Silverback
(We need to crush the Iraq Study Group like we crushed Harriet Miers. Let fly!)
To: Big Giant Head
Thought you might like to see this. :)
18 posted on
12/09/2006 12:28:08 PM PST by
Marie Antoinette
(Proud Clinton-hater since 1998. Sporkweasels Up!)
To: Petrosius; fortunecookie; cyborg
Next on the block should be "Catholics for Choice," or whatever those bloodthirsty bastards are calling themselves these days.
Also, a serious look should be taken at Joanne Chittester's merry band of amazon warrior-queens.
20 posted on
12/09/2006 2:17:16 PM PST by
(I just love that woman.)
To: Petrosius
The excommunication order applies only within the Lincoln, Nebraska diocese.VERY disappointing.
27 posted on
12/09/2006 4:04:18 PM PST by
(I just love that woman.)
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