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Seminaries Full in Southern India (despite new anti-conversion law)
Zenit News Agency ^ | April 11, 2006

Posted on 04/11/2006 9:57:54 PM PDT by NYer

KOENIGSTEIN, Germany, APRIL 11, 2006 ( Vocations in India seem to be booming as increasing numbers of young men stepping forward to prepare for the priesthood.

In a recent interview with the international charity Aid to the Church in Need, Father Ignatius Prasad, rector of the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Chennai (formerly Madras), gave this optimistic assessment of the Church.

The priest explained that his seminary now has 286 students and that -- due to a lack of space -- he had to turn away 23 candidates, who have been forced to continue their training elsewhere.

The seminary is one of four in southern India with a combined total of almost 800 students from 28 dioceses. More than 60 of them are due to be ordained to the priesthood next month.

In Chennai, there were now more than 30 students in each year-group in the seminary's theology section, double the number in the late 1980s, Father Prasad said.

"Vocations are going up; this has been the case for the last five years or so," the rector said. "We find it difficult to admit all the applicants and set a tight deadline for them to get their papers in on time."

Father Prasad revealed that there was growing "political pressure" to limit the growth of the Church with a new anti-conversion law introduced in the state of Tamil Nadu: Preaching in public is forbidden and would-be converts to Christianity now face a barrage of paperwork thrust upon them by government officials.

Retreats, sodalities

The seminary rector said that people were turning to the Church in protest against the new regulations.

"The more pressure they put on people, the more they feel like proclaiming their faith," he said.

The priest went on to explain that lively youth programs were drawing people to the faith and encouraging men to discern a possible vocation to the priesthood. Retreats, sodalities and altar serving had all helped to boost the number of seminarians.

He also praised the work of Aid to the Church in Need, describing how the charity had supported key training for seminary staff, Mass intentions, library books and a generator.

"What we feel is so important," Father Prasad added, "is to help the students to realize what they are learning about is not so much an academic subject but a mystery, something that is very personal and with a strong human dimension to it."

TOPICS: Activism; Apologetics; Catholic; Current Events; Ecumenism; Ministry/Outreach; Moral Issues; Prayer; Religion & Culture; Religion & Politics; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: conversion; india; vocations
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To: The Lion Roars

>> if india thought so then mother teresa would have had her skull bashed instead of being respected and treated as a national hero. by the way feeding a poor person is a lot different from blackmailing a poor person to break with his roots for a bag of rice. serve in the name of christ instead of hindu bashing or hindu baiting. <<

OK, let's define what we're talking about.

On the one hand, many missionary outfits will do the following, and I think it is holy and just: Set up a facility which gives food to the poor, saying to the poor, "We do this because Jesus Christ taught us to love the poor, and to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Would you like to know more about this man?"

Now I know of Catholic bishops and Cardinals who have been slaughtered by anti-Christian terrorists, and I know the following is deeply antithetical to the Catholic way of doing things. But are you refering to something more like this: Missionary Bob goes out into poor neighborhoods with a bag of rice, searching out starving people. When he finds one, he says, "I will give you this bag of rice, but only if you confess that you believe in and will obey the teachings of Jesus Christ."

If so, that is deeply un-Christian. And NOT what the family of the woman who I know was doing when they were all killed. But if someone is doing that and they are tied to some foreign (to India) Christian denomination, please provide the name of the denomination, and some documentation to support your assertions. I'm sure the FReepers would love to know what missionaries are doing that so they can oppose it.

But to justify the slaughtering of Catholics (or, as this woman happens to be, a charismatic Protestant) based on the actions of what some flaky crackpot "Christian" group is doing is disgusting and obscene. And yes, I have seen posts on this very thread saying that Christians have brought such horrors apon themselves.

161 posted on 04/12/2006 6:33:35 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: sniper22

>> Every day 5-10 rapes take place in US. Would you then say that christian culture condones rape of women ? <<

Hmmm... I don't think I've ever heard of someone raping a woman because, he claims, his religion mandates it, or because he wants to defend his Christian faith. So I think your example is downright stupid and baseless.

162 posted on 04/12/2006 6:38:00 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: sniper22

>> 1 million ? 10 million ? Nope. 10 at best. Just ten. <<

Oh, please. I've made it very clear that I recognize that such violent Hindus are considered repulsive and vile to the majority of Hindus who I believe are among the most preaceful and likeable people, on whole, as any group I'v ever encountered.

But that's just absurd. I bet there have been 10 BISHOPS killed.

163 posted on 04/12/2006 6:40:14 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: NYer; little jeremiah
The Bhagavad Gita


Of those who love you as the Lord of Love,
Ever present in all, and those who seek you
As the nameless, formless Reality,
Which way is sure and swift, love or knowledge?

Sri Krishna:

For those who set their hearts on me
And worship me with unfailing devotion and faith,
The way of love leads sure and swift to me.

Those who seek the transcendental Reality,
Unmanifested, without name or form,
Beyond the reach of feeling and of thought,
With their senses subdued and mind serene
And striving for the good of all beings,
They too will verily come unto me.

Yet hazardous
And slow is the path to the Unrevealed,
Difficult for physical man to tread.
But they for whom I am the goal supreme,
Who do all work renouncing self for me
And meditate on me with single-hearted devotion,
These will I swiftly rescue
From the fragment's cycle of birth and death
To fullness of eternal life in me.

Still your mind in me, still yourself in me,
And without doubt you shall be united with me,
Lord of Love, dwelling in your heart.
But if you cannot still your mind in me,
Learn to do so through the practice of meditation.
If you lack the will for such self-discipline,
Engage yourself in selfless service of all around you,
For selfless service can lead you at last to me.
If you are unable to do even this,
Surrender yourself to me in love,
Receiving success and failure with equal calmness
As granted by me.

Better indeed is knowledge than mechanical practice.
Better than knowledge is meditation.
But better still is surrender in love,
Because there follows immediate peace.

That one I love who is incapable of ill will,
And returns love for hatred.
Living beyond the reach of I and mine
And of pleasure and pain, full of mercy,
Contented, self-controlled, firm in faith,
With all their heart and all their mind given to me –
With such people I am in love.

Not agitating the world or by it agitated,
They stand above the sway of elation,
Competition, and fear, accepting life
Good and bad as it comes. They are pure,
Efficient, detached, ready to meet every demand
I make on them as a humble instrument of my work.

They are dear to me who run not after the pleasant
Or away from the painful, grieve not
Over the past, lust not today,
But let things come and go as they happen.

Who serve both friend and foe with equal love,
Not buoyed up by praise or cast down by blame,
Alike in heat and cold, pleasure and pain,
Free from selfish attachments and self-will,
Ever full, in harmony everywhere,
Firm in faith – such as these are dear to me.

But dearest to me are those who seek me
In faith and love as life's eternal goal.
They go beyond death to immortality.

164 posted on 04/12/2006 6:45:30 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: NYer
Sri Krishna:

Those who are free from selfish attachments,
Who have mastered the senses and passions,
Act not, but are acted through by the Lord.
Listen to me now, O son of Kunti,
How one who has become an instrument
In the hands of the Lord attains the Absolute,
The supreme consummation of wisdom.

Unerring in discrimination,
Sovereign of the senses and passions,
Free from the clamor of likes and dislikes,
They lead a simple, self–reliant life
Based on meditation, using speech,
Body, and mind to serve the Lord of Love.

Free from self–will, aggressiveness, arrogance,
From the lust to possess people or things,
They are at peace with themselves and others
And enter into the unitive state.

United with the Lord, ever joyful,
Beyond the reach of self–will and sorrow,
They serve me in every living creature
And attain supreme devotion to me.
By loving me they share in my glory
And enter into my boundless being.

All their acts are performed in my service,
And through my grace they win eternal life.

Make every act an offering to me;
Regard me as your only protector.
Make every thought an offering to me;
Meditate on me always.

Drawing upon your deepest resources,
You shall overcome all difficulties
Through my grace. But if you will not heed me
In your self–will, nothing will avail you.

If you say, “I will not fight this battle,”
Your own nature will drive you into it.
If you will not fight the battle of life,
Your own karma will drive you into it.

The Lord dwells in the hearts of all creatures,
And he whirls them round on the wheel of time.
Run to him for refuge with all your strength
And peace profound will be yours through his grace.

I give you these precious words of wisdom;
Reflect on them and then choose what is best.
These are the last words I shall speak to you,
Dear one, for your spiritual fulfillment.

Be aware of me always, adore me,
Make every act an offering to me,
And you shall come to me;
This I promise, for you are dear to me.
Leave all other support, and look to me
For protection. I shall purify you
From the sins of the past. Do not grieve.

Do not share this wisdom with anyone
Who lacks in devotion or self–control,
Lacks the desire to learn, or who scoffs at me.

Those who teach this supreme mystery
Of the Gita to all those who love me
Will come to me without doubt. No one
Can render me more devoted service;
No one on earth can be more dear to me.

Those who meditate on these holy words
Worship me with wisdom and devotion.
Even those who listen to them with faith,
Free from doubts, will find a happier world.

Have you fully understood my message?
Are you free from your doubts and delusions?


You have dispelled my doubts and delusions
And made me ready to fight this battle.
My faith is firm now, and I will do your will.

165 posted on 04/12/2006 6:53:00 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: NYer

I am the same to all beings. My love
Is the same always. Nevertheless, those
Who meditate on me with devotion,
They dwell in me, and I shine forth in them.

Even the worst sinner becomes a saint
When he loves me with all his heart. This love
Will soon transform his personality
And fill his heart with peace profound.
O son of Kunti, this is my promise:
Those who love me, they shall never perish.

Krishna, in the Bhagawad Gita (The Song of the Lord).

166 posted on 04/12/2006 6:54:14 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: sniper22

>> However...christianity does not only prosper in USA. Christianity also prospers in Africa and the Latin America , arguably worse off than India and without much of a future . Countries like Rwanda ,Ghana,Cameroon, Ivory Coast , Angola - are all majority christian and very passionate about their belief in Jesus Christ. Fat lot of good it seems to have done for them. <<

First off, calling Marxist and terrorist run nations "Christian" is ridiculous. Secondly, the reason that so many people in these lands are Christian is precisely because Africa does get so much attention by Christian communities, who seem to be the only ones in America who care about Africa. Also, the reason these countries remain so poor and desperate is usually because of depraved communist domination from outside sources. Lastly, many of these countries have truly primitive animist beliefs, unlike India, where although primitive religions exist, Hindu is dominant and has been able to respond to and explain the world around them. The animist in Africa are quickly disappearing because their beliefs fail to explain the world around them, so the people label themselves Christians, not because they've ever converted, but because it seems like the religion that seems to make sense of the world. (They probably simply don't come in much contact with Hindu, although I know in Southeastern Africa, they do.) As such, these people are not truly converts, and have not abandonned their superstitions and pagan world outlook. (I use pagan here to refer to "uncivilized" religion, and not merely to non-Abrahamic religion.)

Lastly, I think India does have a lot of benefits other smaller nations in Africa and Latin America have not had: a lack of communism as a major, national political force (acknowledging the strength of communist parties in certain Indian strengths) -- again, in large part, probably due to a modernizable, incumbent religion that has adopted to modernity; leaders, like Gandhi, who successfully achieved independence without stirring knee-jerk hatred of all things Western/European/American (again significantly to the credit of Hinduism); the lucky break that the culture they did manage not to isolate themselves became dominant in computers, education, and world politics (I speak of the Anglosphere, not specifically the US); contiguous borders that reflect a large, powerful culture; and simply the size of the land, reasonableness of borders, and relative unity of the people that make chaos unlikely to happen.

167 posted on 04/12/2006 6:56:13 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: The Lion Roars

>> Hindus (different from hindi which is a language in india) <<

Yes, I do know better, and you'll note the last time I refer to Hindus, I use "Hindus," not Hindi. Part of my mental block comes from the fact that I know many non-Hindus who consider themselves Hindi because of their culture, and I tend to have them in mind.

168 posted on 04/12/2006 6:58:03 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: sniper22

>> There is a big difference between a free , democratic India and Nazi Germany or Marxist USSR <<

Not that you've done a very good job at demonstrating that difference... Fortunately I know better than to base my opinions on your conduct and attitudes.

169 posted on 04/12/2006 7:00:06 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: The Lion Roars

Your great example of a guy comparable to the Wahabbi is a guy who simply expressed concern that Christians face economic prejudice in certain areas of India? Let me know when he starts calling for the slaughter of Hindus, or the violent destruction of the Indian state.

170 posted on 04/12/2006 7:01:54 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: sniper22

>> To be precide , couple of days before my 10th grade exam. Math paper. I prayed , prayed and prayed. And suddenly realised that I was wasting my time. Spent more time working out some equations instead. Did well. Since then , I never ever prayed and preferred to study harder instead <<

Mmm-hmm. You hate Christians because you thought Christianity taught you that prayer works as a substitute for studying?

171 posted on 04/12/2006 7:05:42 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: The Lion Roars

>> that is soo true of policies of christian organisations based here. isnt it the aim of christian missionaries to convert everyone to christianity?? how is that true from your above statement. by the way christians engage in a lot of violence in india and in africa too. <<

Bulls!t. Pure bullsh!t. You name me one Christian leader, let alone a political movement, which has EVER called for the banning of Hinduism in America. Believing that all people should be offered the oppurtunity to pick up what you believe to be the truth is a far cry from calling for their abolition.

172 posted on 04/12/2006 7:09:02 PM PDT by dangus (Church: "The road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Me: "US gets new HOV lane.")
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To: dangus; The Lion Roars
There was umbrage here when it was learnt that Archbishop Nikon wrote a letter to the Mayor of Moscow urging him not to allow the construction of a Hindu temple in Moscow because according to him, Lord Krishna who is worshipped by the Hindu community was an "evil demon". Admitted, not in America, this happened in Russia.

173 posted on 04/12/2006 7:14:58 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: dangus

And may I forewarn you, that was one ugly thread. Hate-flinging on both sides.

174 posted on 04/12/2006 7:17:18 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: All

I’ve been a long time lurker and just signed up because I just had to say this
I am an Indian Christian currently living in America. I believe persecution does go on in India against Christians. I personally know people to whom it has happened. I don’t believe that all Hindus condone it either. The members of the political parties who were very critical and outspoken against Hindu extremism after the Graham Stanes incident were after all Hindus themselves. But there definitely exists a very radical version of Hinduism and people who subscribe to it openly hate Christians and Muslims. And in many incidents of violence against Christians the government turns a blind eye.

I have not been in the business sector in India, so I don’t know about the discrimination. But I have not met any fellow Christians who claim to have been discriminated against for a job.

And these fake Christian pastors also exist. They are just interested in somehow getting funds from mostly American missionary outlets and they are the ones who go about trying to somehow convert people (to probably add to their record books and report back to America) neglecting the basics of real Christian faith. And that should in no way justify the murders of real missionaries who work with people neglected by their own families and friends and also talk about the love of Christ.

And by the way I am a Christian and then an Indian and yeah…Christian comes first.

175 posted on 04/12/2006 7:23:10 PM PDT by cslfan
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To: cslfan
And by the way I am a Christian and then an Indian and yeah…Christian comes first.

Good for you! Atleast you don't claim you're Indian, and then go about pleading allegience to the Portuguese flag.

To every religious person, religion trumps the State. That is natural. And expected.

176 posted on 04/12/2006 7:33:09 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: cslfan

Referring to post #27. What are your views on it?

177 posted on 04/12/2006 7:44:51 PM PDT by CarrotAndStick (The articles posted by me needn't necessarily reflect my opinion.)
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To: SOLDIEROFJESUSCHRIST; The Lion Roars; Raj13008; CarrotAndStick
Just because, there are two States in Southern India that are ruled by Christians -- that does not mean that "Extremist Hindu Groups" like the R.S.S., V.H.P., Bajrang Dal, HJM, and Hindu Munnani as in the case of Tamil Nadu do not exist

Ah, but Soldier -- your generalisation is the problem. No one denies that groups like the Bajrang Dal are vicious loons that are strongly condemned by all Indians -- most Hindus can't stomach the violence these groups do and have kept it out of their areas. However, these groups still operate. That's a fact of democracy that even loons are allowed to operate as long as they stay within the limits of the law. And the law in India kind of lags in rural areas.

The RSS does persecute Christians, but that's only made more people want to convert.

What you state are isolated instances. As Raj pointed out -- Wipro is run by a Mslim. In India there isn't discrimination against Christians -- isolated atrocities by fringe groups do not constitute discrimination.
178 posted on 04/12/2006 7:59:05 PM PDT by Cronos (Remember 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia! Sola Scriptura leads to solo scriptura.)
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To: CarrotAndStick

i dont know whether these colleges take donations only from non christians. the reason why i say this is because i know one of my former classmates who actually paid a donation to get onto one of the christian colleges. but if it is so,it is wrong and the RSS or BJP or whoever it is should try to start a debate on that instead of resorting to radical means.

i dont see anything wrong in the goverment funding any educational institution if it deserves it as long as it does not impose any religious views on anyone.what i mean is.. many of these colleges might have a chapel inside the campus but i am sure no one is compelled to go there.

and all the christian institutions (i studied in one) that i know of in my state (kerala) are not state funded nor do they take donations selectively.

179 posted on 04/12/2006 8:05:11 PM PDT by cslfan
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To: The Lion Roars; SOLDIEROFJESUSCHRIST; Raj13008; CarrotAndStick
yeah right!! if you go around abusing hindus and their gods, calling them satanic and indulge in hindu bashing in the name of caste, idol worship dont expect them to love you.

I must agree with that -- while I don't believe in any Hindu gods, goddesses or beliefs, I can respect the RIGHTS of the persons who are following it to their belief system.

I can TELL them about my beliefs (btw I'm Roman Catholic) and explain WHY I believe what I believe in -- they're free to ignore me (so I am opposed to a ban on outdoor preaching).

If they want to explain to me their belief system, well and good, but when we both make that choice, we must both be open to criticism by the other -- but criticism does not include insults. If the Christian missionary tells the Hindu that he worships demons, that Hindu will first refuse to hear any more and that missionary will have a. not succeeded in the main point: spreading the message of God and b. displayed a most uncouth behavior.

I've found many Hindus as open and receptive if one respects their beliefs, traditions and intelligence. All a Christian can do is give someone their understanding of what Christianity is and direct the way. Beyond that, it's a process of discovery for the other.

However, if, by insulting, one stops the other from even BEGINNING on their journey, one is doing a horrendous disfavor to the Church.
180 posted on 04/12/2006 8:10:44 PM PDT by Cronos (Remember 9/11. Restore Hagia Sophia! Sola Scriptura leads to solo scriptura.)
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