I'm a Christian and I don't have any problem with having an occasional beer.
There are lots of Christians who disagree with me on this subject.
I might disagree with their assesment, but it doesn't bother me that their beliefs differ from mine. I'd happily debate the topic with them if asked. I'm very secure in my beliefs and my convictions. Hence, their opposing convictions don't upset me in the least.
So I have to wonder: why are so of you HP defenders so angry and nasty? I can't quite figure it out.
should read "so many of you"
We're not angry and nasty. We're fed up with the same silliness coming out every time there's a new book. At least this time nobody's quoting "Onion" articles.
I'm angry and nasty about it because I've seen the havoc that gets wrought by these people first hand. People driven from the Faith by the condemners who know nothing of what they speak. I consider these people to everything they claim things like Harry Potter are: enemies of Faith weakening the Faith of the young and impressionable. They force impressionable youths to chose between that which they enjoy and that which their parent taught them under false pretenses with inaccurate "evidence" and put an ignorant face on Christianity for all see. That is truly the devil's work.
"So I have to wonder: why are so of you HP defenders so angry and nasty? I can't quite figure it out."
I think you probably meant to address that to someone else.