Ping. Possibly the greatest saint in the calendar! :) A Happy and Blessed St. Paddy's Day to all!
I once knew a bloke who claimed the first Irishman was a Greek. He was a Greek and said it to get into the St. Pat's Day dinner. We didn't believe him, but he got in anyway.
All that I've read says that Patrick was aligned with the Celtic Church which was primarily aligned with the Orthodox bishops and not with Rome.
Is that how you read history?
Many years ago I added a verse to the hymn "By All Your Saints in Warfare" (76.76.D--works with the tune for "The Church's One Foundation") to pay tribute to St. Patrick. It is the middle stanza:
By all your saints in warfare
For all your saints at rest
Your holy name, O Jesus
For-ev-er more be blest
For you have won the battle
That they might wear the crown
And now they shine in glory
Re-flect-ed from your throne.
All praise for him whose mission
Was to the emrald isle
Who preached the peace of Jesus
To tribes hed once re-viled.
Like him who used the shamrock
To teach your mys-ter-y
Let us be ever faithful
To you, blessd Trin--it-y.
Then let us praise the Father
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit
E-ter-nal Three in One
Til all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne
As-crib-ing powr and glory
And praise to God alone.