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Latin Masses to be allowed after 25 years
Arizona Republic ^
| 3/17/2004
| Michael Clancy
Posted on 03/17/2004 7:39:01 AM PST by lrslattery
Edited on 05/07/2004 5:22:20 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Latin, the ancient language of the Catholic Church, will be allowed in Diocese of Phoenix churches for the first time in at least 25 years.
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, reversing 20 years of diocesan policy, announced the change to priests at a meeting earlier this month. A committee will report today on details.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Catholic
KEYWORDS: latin; mass; olmsted
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To: gbcdoj
Mandatory celibacy is a post-apostolic innovation which was considered and rejected by the Council of NicaeaIncorrect. Paul's instruction to Timothy and Titus was not an absolute. What it was was an instruction not to pick men who were divorced or remarried widowers. Refer to Canons XXVII and XXXIII of the Council of Elvira, 295-302 AD. Also, from the Council of Carthage, 390 AD, regarding celibacy and the discipline of lex continentiae: "ut quod apostoli docuerunt, et ipsa servavit antiquitas nos quoque custodiamus". Which translated reads "What the apostles taught and what antiquity itself observed, let us also continue."
Suggest you read Cochini's "The Apostolic Origins of Preistly Celibacy" for some much needed edification.
To: Tuco Ramirez
The apostles that were married abandoned their families. There's no proof of this in the Scriptures.
posted on
03/17/2004 7:42:07 PM PST
(Adopt a dog or a cat from an animal shelter! It will save one life, and may save two.)
To: lrslattery
Lucky Phoenix!
posted on
03/17/2004 7:45:04 PM PST
(Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades!!)
To: sinkspur; american colleen; sockmonkey; B-Chan; NYer
Oh, I see. There are over 118 former Episcopal priests who are now Catholic priests. The Diocese of Galveston-Houston has four at the moment my nephew tells me, but that will be changing I think he said to seven or more over the next year.
My experience of them is that they are all the most remarkable men. Fr. Moore, Fr. Phillips, and Fr. Hawkins of the Anglican Use are three of the finest Catholic priests I have ever encountered.
posted on
03/17/2004 7:45:44 PM PST
(+Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet+)
To: Siobhan
You're right. They're outstanding men. The fact that ALL of them are married detracts not one whit from their spirituality, their effectiveness, or the respect they receive from their parishioners.
Our diocese is also accepting three more.
There's also the real possibility that we will have TWO additional Anglican use PARISHES (the entire parish comes over to the Church) within the next year or two.
Fort Worth is one of the two Episcopalian dioceses which refuses to accept women priests. Jack Iker would make a great bishop in the Catholic Church.
posted on
03/17/2004 7:52:15 PM PST
(Adopt a dog or a cat from an animal shelter! It will save one life, and may save two.)
To: Siobhan
Fr. Hawkins, as you know, has the Anglican use parish in Arlington, Texas.
posted on
03/17/2004 7:53:12 PM PST
(Adopt a dog or a cat from an animal shelter! It will save one life, and may save two.)
To: gbcdoj
You're post a non-sequiter. I stated that scripture tells us it is
BETTER for servants of the Lord than those who are married.
1 Corinthians
32 But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:
33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.
posted on
03/17/2004 8:33:42 PM PST
(<a href="">Traditional Catholicism is Back and Growing</a>)
To: sinkspur
I met their Bp. Iker in England once. I thought he was one of ours! He was gracious and explained that he and several others were on their way to meet with the Holy Father -- I do believe he said it was he, or perhaps another likeminded Anglican bishop. I had the impression something very important was happening.
posted on
03/17/2004 8:51:55 PM PST
(+Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet+)
To: dsc
the perverts that *are* in charge of seminaries have done a lot of damage. Enormous damage. I suspect some of that damage was deliberate, as well.
posted on
03/17/2004 8:53:19 PM PST
(Chief Engineer, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemens' Club)
To: TotusTuus
The Order of the Mass promulgated by Pope Paul VI...can always be said in Latin. Tell that to Fr. Weinberger.
To: NYer
Fr. Pfeiffer was ordained in the SSPX. He has stayed faithful to his vows.
posted on
03/17/2004 9:14:16 PM PST
(If you want OFF or ON my Catholic Ping list, please email me. +)
To: cebadams
There is a Byzantine Rite Mass and a number of independant Latin Masses in Detroit.
posted on
03/17/2004 9:15:34 PM PST
(If you want OFF or ON my Catholic Ping list, please email me. +)
To: Maximilian
"We are consecrating so-called priests who don't know a word of Latin."
Canon 249 requires priests to be "well versed in Latin."
It appears that these priests are illicitly ordained.
posted on
03/17/2004 9:21:32 PM PST
To: Canticle_of_Deborah
The burden on those who despise SSPX is to factually prove how they have deviated from Catholic doctrine. It has not been done. Bravo!
It has not been done, because it cannot be done. Rome hasn't done it, let alone all the mini-popes on this forum who excommunicate complete strangers at the drop of a hat.
To: Siobhan
I also have met Fr. Phillips, attended his Masses, and concur with your assessment.
posted on
03/17/2004 9:38:44 PM PST
To: Land of the Irish; Canticle_of_Deborah
I have been ex-communicated by Protestant mini-Popes. And I've caught flak and shrapnel and oh how I'm sick of it, but I'm still celebrating good St. Patrick, and asking for graces to drive spiritual snakes out of America and Australia.
If anyone, anyone wants a good clear rationale for the SSPX come to the Archdiocese of Brisbane and meet the nuns who practice Wicca and the Archbishop who wants describe himself as a "shaman of the Dreamtime." A little time in Brisbane and you realize that your allies are in places you never imagined and, yes, the world has gone mad.
But I can't accept the SSPX attacks on the Holy Father here on FR so I get it going and coming. But I have more than enough to keep me going -- I have the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Holy Ghost, and I've got Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Our Ireland, and I have St. Brigid and St. Padraig. And so much more.........
posted on
03/17/2004 9:42:12 PM PST
(+Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet+)
To: A.A. Cunningham; gbcdoj
What it was was an instruction not to pick men who were divorced or remarried widowers.It was also a guard against polygamy which had not been fully eradicated in some pagan and Jewish circles.
To: Siobhan
the Archbishop who wants describe himself as a "shaman of the Dreamtime." Now that's bad!
To: sinkspur
There is no documentation in the four gospels that any apostles were married when Jesus Christ chose them. The only apostle that all can agree was married at one time is Peter and his wife probably predeceased him. You know that,we have been through this before and you have been unable to come up with anything to back up your fantasy.
To: gbcdoj
Someone has probably responded to you by now,but in case they have not,the word you interpret as wife,in the phrase "believing wife",is the same word that is used by Jesus Christ when He talks to His Mother at the wedding at Cana. At the wedding it is interpreted to mean woman. It could be sister,aunt,neighbor,mother-in-law,etc.
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