Correction ... "No one in the ROMAN Catholic Church ....", i.e. the "Catholic" Church, by definition, can also mean the universal Christian Church. The latter, more important meaning, includes both the RCC as well as Mel's pre-V2 Catholic church.
And perhaps today's PC horrors, that many churchs have glommed onto, been sucked in by, etc, are something Mel, like myself, refuses to support.
I left the Methodist Church after many years because of their membership in the pathetic and corrupt National Council of Churches. When you give to the Methodist Church, you give to this organization.
Perhaps Mel was fed up with homosexual, predatory priests using the Catholic Church as a hiding place. Perhaps he doesn't like the dropping of traditions once held so dearly in the Roman Catholic Church. Perhaps his faith is so deep, his yearning for strict adherance to moral codes and behavior, traditional worship services, etc., that he decided to break out and bring this yearning into a fruition that he can share with like minded Christains and his children.
God Bless Mel.