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Posted on 10/08/2003 4:12:18 PM PDT by Chancellor Palpatine

This California recall has enabled us to take a close look at the inner workings of California politics, and of some of the shadowy interests which manipulate teh GOP to serve the interests of a numerically small but very noisily ideological group of malcontents from within the party. I have taken the time to come up with links to articles and excerpts of what is contained within so as to provide FReepers with some of the connections which exist between various individuals and groups within the California Republican Party, as well as the beliefs espoused by each.

When reviewing these excerpts (and they are all fairly lenghty, be forewarned), keep this working set of names and definitions in mind:

Howard Ahmanson, Jr. - Heir to vast savings and loan fortune, a 20 year contributor and former board member of the Chalcedon Institute. Prolific donor to campaigns of CRA members, and a particular patron of Tom McClintock.

Mark Rushdoony - Dead pseudotheologian and proponent of doctrine of Christian Dominionism.

Chalcedon Foundation/Institute - "Think tank" which advances the cause of Christian Dominionism in America.

Christian Dominionism - an ideology that the United States shall be governed under a Christian moral code with heavy emphasis on Old Testament rules as a matter of civil and criminal law.

California Republican Assembly - an organization which claims to consist of grassroots California Republicans

John Stoos - Former Vice President of the California Republican Asssembly, long time Chalcedon contributing writer and staffer and now a political aide to Tom McClintock.

Rod Martin - Eastern Region Vice President of the NFRA, Editor-Director of the Vanguard.

NFRA - National Federation of Republican Assemblies, the umbrella organization set up by the founders of the CRA, which is to give the movement a nationwide focus.

Stoos describes how the Dominionists took over the CRA.

Writing in the February 1997 issue [of Chalcedon Magazine], Stoos described how "a small group of Christians" first began to take over the California Republican Assembly in 1988 and came to dominate the state Republican Party itself. Stoos said what happened with the CRA "may well be a good model" to export "to facilitate the same type of successes across the country."

"In recent issues, Chalcedon writers have considered how those who believe in the Lordship of Christ and dominion mandate should involve themselves in American politics," Stoos wrote. "We agreed that Christians should not approach politics as 'wanting a seat at the table' as if the Creator of the Universe or his vice regents need to ask permission to be involved."

Political involvement in a constitutional republic, he continued, "is a natural obligation" for Christians who want the freedom to "preach the Gospel and further God's Kingdom."

How ordinary Republicans see that takeover, and what it means to them, together with their organizational efforts to combat it. (this consists of several excerpts, if I err in splitting them up, accept my apologies in advance):

The CRP debacle began in 1988 when Pat Robertson challenged President Bush in the Republican Primary. Although Robertson lost, he energized the Christian Coalition nationwide. In California they joined with the large and powerful California Republican Assembly and ran an effective though losing grassroots campaign.

After Robertsons loss to Bush, the leaders of the two groups had a meeting to discuss starting a third party. (Well documented in the Chalcedon Magazine by John Stoos.) They decided that as a third party, they could have a lot to say about philosophy but little or nothing to say about governance. They decided instead to take over the California Republican Party, control the party platform and the $20 million budget during each election cycle. The CRA-dominated coalition ran a stealth campaign in County Central Committee elections and was successful at winning a majority. They elected a Chairman and Board of Directors that was so dominated by the radical-right that they did not invite Governor Wilson to the 1992 convention, would not let him attend and demonstrated against our sitting Republican U.S. Senator when he was the keynote speaker. The CRA continued to consolidate its control of the CRP to such an extent that by 1994, every office and board member of the CRP was a member of the CRA and no one else was allowed to run. During the six years they had absolute control, the party suffered the worst three defeats in its history. During that time, CRA members and even officers of the party attacked Republican candidates in General Elections, costing us several seats. Although there were many such attacks, including the CRP Chairman initiating lawsuits against Republican Assembly candidates, the ones that could be the most costly were the attacks by a CRA Unit President and his associates on Congressman Steve Kuykendall and candidate Jim Cuneen. While Republicans in the rest of the country were trying to save our Speakership in the House, they were trying to hand it to the Democrats.


While the CCR was busy getting started and growing to over 25 Chapters around the state by 1997, the CRA had completed its takeover of the CRP to the extent that they outnumbered Mainstream Republicans by about 1200 to 400, and the counties by about 50 to 8.

Chalcedon's notion of religious life in its ideal society:

While belief could not be mandatory in a Biblical society, and unbelievers could live and work among the people of God, not all religious practices would be permitted. A Biblical society would have to restrain religions based on murder, aggressive revolution, or other civilization-destroying practices. Exodus 22:18, 20 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12 indicate that the practice of occultist religions or religions involving sacrifice to idols was a capital crime under the civil law given to Moses. I did not mention this fact in my reply because it would invite hysterics over witch trials rather than an understanding of my broader point — that the state, and therefore the idea of "crime," is necessarily religious. My correspondent evidently wants official state toleration for all religions, including outright paganism, Satanism, and witchcraft. I wanted her to see the impossibility of this pluralism.

Pagans and occultists should not be ignored by Christians as fringe groups of little significance. R. J. Rushdoony, in The Institutes of Biblical Law, pointed out the danger posed by such groups in the past:

At the end of the Middle Ages and in the early years of the modern era, a widespread outbreak and revival of pagan and anti-Christian occultism was responsible for a massive assault on Christianity, an attack on tithing, the mainstay of Christian society, a sexual revolution aimed at destroying the family, and a revival of cannibalism, human sacrifice, and related acts.

John Stoos, on Sacramento bargaining:

A conference committee drew up an agreed-on list of reforms, everyone shook on the deal and it appeared that conservatives had won an impressive victory. The conservative leadership still managed, however, to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

First, they sent liberal staff off to draft the details of the reforms, creating over four hundred pages of legal jargon to implement the few simple reforms. The final product actually moved California to the Left of the reforms signed by President Bill Clinton! When this was pointed out to the conservative leadership, they simply said it was the best they could get!

Next came their favorite legislative game: Announcing major reforms, while voting to do just the opposite. There were the obligatory debates, and when the dust had settled, only Senator Dick Mountjoy and Assemblyman Tom McClintock were willing to vote NO, after speaking against the phony reforms in the public debates.

More on Chalcedon's intentions:

Chalcedon and most other orthodox Christian reformers do not undertake to establish a national or state church (and thus do not deny the validity of the separation of church and state, properly understood); rather, we endorse and practice Christian establishmentarianism: the prevalence of historic, Biblical Christianity in all areas of modern life. We advocate a disestablished church but an established Faith.

All consistent Christians are thus intently disestablishmentarian and establishmentarian: To press the claims of Christ in all spheres is necessarily and simultaneously to disestablish Satan’s kingdom and establish Christ’s kingdom.

And it is the establishment of Christ’s kingdom which is destined to prevail.

Lest it be unclear what they believe:

Chalcedon supports only one form of "racism": God blesses, nourishes, and honors the Royal Race of the Redeemed, all of those of whatever physical race that have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and God curses the race of the First Adam, all of those who live in unbelief, rebellion, and work-righteousness (Rom. 5:12-21). This is the only "racial discrimination" the Bible knows anything about. God discriminates in favor of covenant-keepers, and discriminates against covenant-breakers (Dt. 28). Some may object that He favors the race of Israel in the Old Testament era, but it must be immediately noted that His choice was not fundamentally racial, but religious. For this reason, Gentiles could become a part of the Jewish race, and thus a part of the covenant people of God (Gen. 17:12-13). The non-racial aspect of Biblical Faith is clear from Ephesians 2:11-15:

Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace....

All converted Jews and Gentiles stand on the same plane of blessing in God's sight, just as all unconverted Jews and Gentiles stand on the same plane of judgment in God's sight. The race God favors is the race of the Second Adam; the race He disfavors is the race of the First Adam. And this has nothing to do with physical race.

John Stoos allows Mother Jones (!) to interview him:

Plan Ahead

From radical fringe to kingmakers in a decade — how did they do it? "Basically, there's two places you have influence: one is in the nominating process in the primaries, where you can elect people in ideological agreement with your views, and the other is in the party structure," says former CRA vice president John Stoos, a former gun lobbyist, member of the fundamentalist Christian Reconstructionist movement, and senior consultant to the State Assembly. "And who pays attention to this stuff? You literally have to plan months and years ahead to know where the openings are."

Larkin felt the wrath of the CRA when he ran for the California Assembly in 1996. In 1992 he had angered the CRA by launching a campaign to wrest control of the party's Ventura County Central Committee away from the conservatives. In reprisal, the CRA backed conservative Tom McClintock, who defeated Larkin in the 1996 primary and ultimately won the general election.

"They're organized and dedicated," says Larkin, "and mainstream Republicans are neither, so a very small group can take over."

Ahmanson's tentacles:

Ahmanson's patronage benefits several nonprofit think tanks, including the Claremont Institute, where McClintock worked for two years after losing his 1994 run for state controller, and the Chalcedon Foundation, which promotes a brand of Christianity known as Christian Reconstructionism. Chalcedon produces journals for which McClintock political aide John Stoos routinely writes.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Ahmanson served on Chalcedon's board of directors and was its largest benefactor, giving it at least $733,000. He remains a donor to the nonprofit organization, which was founded by Rousas John Rushdoony. Often called theologian to the religious right, Rushdoony, who died in 2001, advocated a nation ruled by Biblical law, a vision that assigned the death penalty for 18 sins, including murder, rape of a betrothed virgin, adultery and sodomy.

[hang on, this is my favorite part]

Ahmanson could not be reached for comment. But at a news conference this week, McClintock said he knew nothing about Ahmanson's theology, other than that he is a Christian. [compiler's note - take from that what you will]

An extract from a statement of the NFRA:

Our Founding Fathers firmly held to the conviction that religious freedom was fundamental to a free society. We also express the conviction that we are a God-fearing people, according one another the equal right of religious freedom and acknowledging with reverence the duty of obedience to the will of God.

Parents bear the final responsibility before God in the rearing of their children. Parents have been commanded by God to love their children and lead them in the paths of truth. Parents must be free to discipline their children in love and direct their education without government intrusion.

The CRA speaks:

We believe with the framers of that document when President Adams stated, "This Constitution will not work except with a religious people."

An official of the NFRA in a candid gleeful boast:

Even these numbers understate the case. In California, for instance, where the study rightly noted reverses, Christian conservatives in the powerful California Republican Assembly were nevertheless able to overturn the “foreordained” outcome of their party’s gubernatorial primary, badly upsetting left-wing Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan with conservative underdog Bill Simon. A Simon win in November would guarantee their dominance in the party, and dramatically increase their influence in both state and nation.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: cali; chalcedon; christiandominionism; mcclintock; palpatinecra; reconstructionism
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To: LPM1888
Well ...?!

I mean why NOT?

441 posted on 10/09/2003 2:18:07 PM PDT by Yeti
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To: Poohbah
Poohbah wrote: My complaint with Chalcedon et al out here is that they've pretty much handed the state over to the Democrats because they've consistently made inept moves with the GOP.
I realize that you don't care about such things, being a Libertarian;

I'd say that inept Rinos of every stripe have made the dumb moves, poo.
And I'm not a big 'L' libertarian.

I call myself a constitutional libertarian, and am real comfortable with the positions that JR posted below:

442 posted on 10/09/2003 2:18:33 PM PDT by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but Arnie won, & politics as usual lost. Yo!)
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To: Poohbah
Chalcedon's folks engage in Bob Mulholland-style puke politics to depress GOP turn-out because the GOP candidate doesn't support C and doesn't actively oppose Z. The Democrat wins.

That's a great analogy. What the "Dominionists" don't acknowledge is that there is no perfection this side of heaven. They also don't acknowledge that attempts to impose perfectionist standards this side of heaven amounts to rank legalism (theologically speaking). In other words, the perfectionist stance of the Chalcedonians is both a denial of reality in the here and now, and a denial of God's gracious purpose.

Perhaps instead of "principled conservatives," we should start calling them "Chalcedon conservatives."

This discussion thread is an eye-opener.

443 posted on 10/09/2003 2:20:24 PM PDT by My2Cents (Well...there you go again.)
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To: Poohbah
I couldn't agree with you more! Largent's loss here in OK finally makes sense! His one issue was not supporting Elian staying in the US -- because of that the "principled" conservatives ran an Indy and we have a RAT Governor.
444 posted on 10/09/2003 2:24:22 PM PDT by PhiKapMom (AOII Mom -- Don't forget to Visit/donate at
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To: My2Cents
This discussion thread is an eye-opener.

I actually took the time to archive this thread on my machine, I find it so very interesting.

445 posted on 10/09/2003 2:27:44 PM PDT by Yeti
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To: PhiKapMom
Of course, the FUN part about Elian is that the FATHER wanted to actually RAISE HIS OWN SON, as he saw fit...but some "family values conservatives" didn't like that idea.

Welcome to Konumdrum Korner!
446 posted on 10/09/2003 2:28:25 PM PDT by Poohbah ("[Expletive deleted] 'em if they can't take a joke!" -- Major Vic Deakins, USAF)
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To: Spiff; BibChr
Conservative Christians vote their conscience no matter the consequence. Christians take many views and do many things despite the consequence. They are not concerned with the world's judgement, but with God's.

That's fair. But at what point does personal "conscience" cross the line into "imposing one's will" on the conscience and actions of others? (And don't tell me I'm being alarmist here, because during the recall wars on FR, I was called "degenerate godless filth, condemned to hell," and worse, for my support of Arnold).

As a Christian (born again, evangelical, and reformed) I would like to believe that my spiritual convictions inform decisions in all areas of my life. But I stop short thinking that my spiritual convictions amount to a mandate from God to impose my views on others, or that it dictates an "all-or-nothing" perspective on politics.

Frankly, since 2000, I've found that persistent prayer has more power over the affairs of men and nations than does political activism. I'm not distaining political activism. What I am saying is that I've increasingly found that our political battles are essentially spiritual battles, and it seems pretty clear to me from Scripture that in such battles the person of faith is not called to fight using the weapons of the world or the flesh, but is encouraged to fight using the spiritual weapons at their disposal, under the guidance and resources of Christ through the Holy Spirit.

I wonder how many conservative Christians who think power is expressed in taking over political organizations actually believe that prayer is the most powerful weapon in doing God's will on earth, and put that belief into practice?

447 posted on 10/09/2003 2:36:53 PM PDT by My2Cents (Well...there you go again.)
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To: Yeti
"The people of California showed the Republican Party how to be Republicans. It's about governance. It's not about sermons." Chancellor Palapatine

That's why!

448 posted on 10/09/2003 2:38:23 PM PDT by LPM1888 (Freedom begins when you tell Mrs Grundy to go fly a kite)
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To: Poohbah; PhiKapMom
The Weekly Standard had an article in 2001 that pretty much proved that there was a lot not seen - and that Elian's dad probably was coerced by Castro's goons.

The title was: "The Elian Cover-up". The thread is here:
449 posted on 10/09/2003 2:44:13 PM PDT by hchutch ("I don't see what the big deal is, I really don't." - Major Vic Deakins, USAF (ret.))
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To: LPM1888
Sorry, my fault. My point was, from the referenced previous post, that I would defer to those who know more about this topic, and would be more aware of this as an ongoing issue.
450 posted on 10/09/2003 2:45:21 PM PDT by My2Cents (Well...there you go again.)
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To: hchutch
Yeah, you've got a point. I was extremely conflicted about the whole episode. It was one of those things where there was no one "obviously morally right" answer. (BTW, I hate those situations.)
451 posted on 10/09/2003 2:50:47 PM PDT by Poohbah ("[Expletive deleted] 'em if they can't take a joke!" -- Major Vic Deakins, USAF)
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To: Sir_Ed
I would love for the Chalcedon folks to come up to Oregon and staraighten things out!

Why? They haven't straightened anything out here in California.

452 posted on 10/09/2003 2:51:40 PM PDT by My2Cents (Well...there you go again.)
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To: Poohbah
This was/is a wild thread --- I am glad I was sick in bed yesterday and last night! ;-)
453 posted on 10/09/2003 2:55:20 PM PDT by onyx
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To: Poohbah
we oppose (gay marriage, abortion on demand at taxpayer expense, more taxes, less freedom, et cetera).

409 posted on 10/09/2003 10:17 AM PDT by Poohbah

the FATHER wanted to actually RAISE HIS OWN SON, as he saw fit...but some "family values conservatives" didn't like that idea.
Welcome to Konumdrum Korner!

-- Are "family values conservatives" part of your "we oppose" group? Those who oppose:
" -- (gay marriage, abortion on demand at taxpayer expense, more taxes, less freedom, et cetera). --"?

Kwite the Konumdrum, aye?
454 posted on 10/09/2003 2:57:54 PM PDT by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but Arnie won, & politics as usual lost. Yo!)
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To: PhiKapMom
No wondered Issa was called a RINO

Remember, PKMom, Issa was called a "terrorist sympathesizer" by this crowd.

455 posted on 10/09/2003 3:00:48 PM PDT by My2Cents (Well...there you go again.)
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To: onyx
What's interesting is how many people are trying to turn it into "they're scared of the Christians dragging them off to the death camps" instead of staying focused on the REAL issue--that the California GOP has been driven off a cliff by a very small group with a VERY different agenda from most of the GOP.
456 posted on 10/09/2003 3:00:55 PM PDT by Poohbah ("[Expletive deleted] 'em if they can't take a joke!" -- Major Vic Deakins, USAF)
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To: My2Cents
That's fair. But at what point does personal "conscience" cross the line into "imposing one's will" on the conscience and actions of others?

My post was referring to a Christian's individual vote. A Christian's individual vote does not impose their will upon others - it's their vote and no one is entitled to it.

As for the topic of imposing my will upon the world around me, I have an idea of the kind of world I want my children to grow up in, and my grandchildren, etc. So did the founding fathers: "...and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution..." I will do all in my power, through legal means, with my vote and my activism, within and without the party, both temporaly and spiritually, to secure the blessings of liberty for myself and my posterity. Anyone who gets in my way might feel that I am imposing my will upon them. Tough! I'm lucky in that I don't have to (yet) pick up arms and fight a bloody revolution to secure those blessings as did those who came before. Rightly or wrongly, I still believe that I can work within the current system. And if that means I have to work against so-called moderates who would compromise every worthy principle in order to gain more power, then so be it. Is my goal futile? Possibly - but that is beside the point. One of my guiding counsels is this:

"The fight for freedom is God's fight. Freedom is an eternal law of God. Men cannot break it with impunity, but can only break themselves upon it. When a man stands for freedom, he stands for God. As long as he stands for freedom, he stands with God. And were he to stand alone, he would still stand with God. Any man will be eternally vindicated and rewarded for his stand for freedom." - Ezra Taft Benson

457 posted on 10/09/2003 3:01:30 PM PDT by Spiff (Have you committed one random act of thoughtcrime today?)
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To: jmc813
Considering your general disain of FReepers, why do you stick around here? There are plenty of non-conservtive, non-partisan forums on sites such as Yahoo and the like. What gives?

For fun.

458 posted on 10/09/2003 3:02:02 PM PDT by Texas_Dawg (GrayDavis/McClintock for 2004 Democratic Presidential ticket.)
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To: tpaine
Just pointing out that the Elian mess was not an easy-to-solve problem, but that it was messy. (I seem to recall that there were a lot of strange bedfellows in the Elian debate).
459 posted on 10/09/2003 3:02:35 PM PDT by Poohbah ("[Expletive deleted] 'em if they can't take a joke!" -- Major Vic Deakins, USAF)
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To: Spiff
they try to follow Jesus Christ

Yeah, like that's a big sin. Go figure.

460 posted on 10/09/2003 3:02:37 PM PDT by Saundra Duffy (For victory & freedom!!!)
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